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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Would You Love Me If I Was A Worm


Drunk reader: aemond would u still love me if i were a worm đŸ„ș👉👈

Oh ffs

yes I had to guys, I had to. I had just settled in to write some smut and then this appeared in my inbox lmfao

Aemond x drunk!reader | drabble | I couldn’t not

“Y/N, slow down.” Aemond covered your goblet with his large hand as you eagerly hoisted the pitcher of wine to pour another glass for yourself.

You pouted at your husband; half tempted to spill some wine on him anyway. “I am not drunk, Aemond.”

“You sound quite defensive.” He slid the goblet along the table, out of your reach. “Also, that,” He gestured to the wine jug you held, “is a vase of flowers.”



You carefully placed the bouquet back, misjudging your aim, and sending the vase tumbling over the edge of the table to the ground with a clatter. Aemond tsked at you as servants hurriedly gathered to clear the mess of petals and water.

You sent him what you hoped to be a withering glare, though it probably looked more like you were about to vomit. You grabbed the actual pitcher of wine, looked longingly at your glass so far out of reach, before taking several gulps directly from the large silver flagon.

Aemond cursed, reaching for you, but not before you had made your point of hardheaded independence. Several seats down, deep in his cups, Aegon cheered you on. Aemond shot his brother a murderous look before he successfully wrested the wine jug from your drunken grasp.

You placed your head upon you hand sulkily, eyeing your husband with deep sadness.

Aemond returned your morose look with a quirked eyebrow, the corners of his curved mouth twitching.

Several moments passed, the sound of Aegon refilling his own cup mocking you.

“Aemond, if I was a worm, would you still love me?”

A heavy sigh from your husband was your only answer.

“Your wife asked you an important question, brother.” Aegon tittered from where he lounged with one foot upon the tabletop. “Worms are deserving of love just as we are.” He raised a toast to his own wisdom and drank.

You watched him, envious, before turning back to Aemond, your lower lip jutting out.

Aemond, for his part, looked wearily from Aegon to you. Your eyes welled with emotion. “You wouldn’t, would you?” A hot tear made it’s sad way down your cheek. “You’d leave me, you wouldn’t love me anymore.”

“Now look what you’ve done.”

“Oh do shut up, Aegon.” Aemond hissed at his brother, rising from his seat to come to your side. You were crying in earnest now, raising both arms as Aemond lifted you into his.

Walking was out of the question, so Aemond carried you bridal style to your shared chambers. Aegon’s call of “Worms are people too!” Echoing along the stone corridor as he moved away.

Entering your bedroom, Aemond tossed you onto the mattress of your bed, where you bounced several times before lying still, staring with wonder at the arched ceiling.

He undressed you, unlacing your corset, removing your shoes and stockings. Once finished, Aemond laid beside you, caressing your cheek, wiping away the tear stains with his long fingers.

“If you were a worm, I would love you all the same.” He intoned, his voice bemused but soft.

“Truly?” You sat up, swaying slightly as you looked at him, joy written across your features.


He grunted as you threw your arms wildly about his neck, kissing every part of his face you could reach. “Oh Aemond, you are the most wonderful husband!”

“I have one condition, however, if I am to love you after you transform.”

You pulled back slightly, apprehension hitching your breath. “What is it?”

“You must warn me beforehand.”

“I promise.” You said, with utmost sincerity.

Aemond smiled, shaking his head fondly at you, before giving you a swift kiss to your forehead.

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