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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

A Strong Mistake

Anonymous asked:

Y/n: i'm glad that the strong boys are dining with us tonight Literally every single soul at the dinner table: 😳💀😠🙊👀 Aemond, panics: i have an announcement- we're pregnant Y/n: we are?

"Y/N, slow down on the wine." Aemond placed a hand atop yours as you reached for you goblet.

"Aemond..." You whined, drawing the looks of Otto and Helaena who sat nearest you. Otto raised a bushy eyebrow.

"She needs more wine, if anything." Aegon tipped the pitcher, refilling your cup to the brim. You beamed at him.

Shooing away Aemond's hand you brought the full goblet to your lips, observing the rest of the gathering over the brim. Rhaenyra and her family sat at the far end of the table with Alicent and her family at the other.

You couldn't make out who was who amongst Aemond's nephews, their dark hair and pale faces were sort of blurred, even when you squinted at them.

You took another sip of wine.

"She really is a woman after my own heart." Aegon watched you fondly. "Too bad she's wed to the dullest of us."

Aemond shifted beside you as though he meant to rise but you beat him to it. You pressed your palms against the table, rising unsteadily from your seat, pointing an accusing finger at where you thought Aegon's face was. "Aemond is the best of you. Especially you." Your words were biting, though a bit slurred. "Especially you, Aegnut." You hiccupped squeakily.

Alicent motioned to Aemond to help you resume your seat and you felt a gentle pressure on your shoulders as Aemond coaxed you back down. Your finger remained pointing at Aegon as you sank into your chair, Helaena helpfully took your hand and interlaced her fingers with your own atop the dining table.

"She really can't hold her liquor, can she?" Otto intoned. Alicent shushed him quietly.

Aemond's long fingers tapped the wood on which they lay, his attention evidently elsewhere. You snuck a glance, the room spinning unpleasantly as you turned your head to him. His lilac eye was fixated toward the other end of the long table. His lush lips were pursed with displeasure. His lovely, curved lips. The very ones you craved at all times be upon your person.

You had leaned forward, pressing a sloppy kiss to Aemond's mouth. Your husband supported you by the waist before you fell fully into his chest. He kissed you back but pulled away a moment later, grimacing. "You really are a lightweight." There was a look of amusement on his angular face. "I thought Helaena was bad."

"Alcohol doesn't like me very much, nor I it." Helaena agreed from her seat beside you. You made the mistake of looking at her, turning too quickly and almost toppling off your seat. Again, Aemond's grip on your waist saved you.

"Fetch some water." Alicent clapped, the sound oddly loud in your ears, and a servant delivered you a fresh glass of cool water. "Aemond, look after your wife, not your nephews." She whispered sharply to her son. Aemond's hand on you tightened momentarily.

"I am very glad everyone was able to make it today!" You said cheerily, restraining Aemond's wrist as he tried to lift the cup of water to your lips. "Maybe the Strong boys will compete in the tournament on the morrow too?" You giggled, unaware of the sudden shift in atmosphere. "Since you are too proud to compete Aemond, and Aegon far too unskilled, someone has to."

Silence fell. No one laughed or engaged in the conversation you'd just broached which was rather rude, you deemed. You pouted, trying unsuccessfully to see the faces staring at you from the far end of the room.

Even King Viserys seemed suddenly upset. He moved as though to stand.

"I would like to make a toast!" Aemond stood fluidly, his arm outstretched with goblet in-hand. "An announcement, as it were. Y/N is with child!"

"I am?"

His foot connected with your shin under the table.


"Here, here!" Aegon jumped in, raising his own cup. "To furthering the Targaryen line!" He banged his hand on the table causing both you and Helaena to wince.

Otto and Alicent were quick to pick up on Aemond's cue, rising from their own chairs and toasting. Rhaenyra was next and suddenly the tension in the dining hall evaporated as quickly as it had come. Viserys, though still distant, nodded and drank to you and your child's health.

Throughout all of this merriment you sat stupefied in your seat, trying to remember exactly when you had discovered your pregnancy. Your brow was furrowed in contemplation, you didn't notice when Aemond resumed his place and pulled your chair closer with a mild noise of wood scraping stone. His large hand found the curve of your waist again and you felt his warm body pressing against your side.

He kissed the side of your head, whispering into your ear. "Do not speak of the Velaryon boys as Strongs in the presence of Viserys. I don't care how drunk you are, you put yourself in unnecessary danger."

"But that's what you call them." You had the good sense to whisper back. "That's what they are, Aemond." Your brain cogs turned for a long moment. "Also, I'm pretty sure I am not with child."

"From tonight you are." Aemond nuzzled his nose against your hair, his lips tickling your ear. "We will just have to double down on making that a reality." He guided the water glass to your parted lips. "For now, focus on drinking more water. A lot more water."

"But I'm not-"

Your next words were completely forgotten as Aemond nipped at your ear, kissing the sensitive skin behind it. Still confused, but content and warm, you obediently drank the water he proffered.

Only later when you had sobered, around the aching headache, did you realize the peril you had been in and how Aemond's quick intervention had saved you from the King's wrath.

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