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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Tipsy Aemond


i know you’ve written a lot of drunk reader stuff butttt i love it sm especially the way u capture readers interactions w aemond. Could you write a fic about aemond being the drunk one?? maybe he’s let aegon have to much influence lately? thanks ! 🥰

We shall do a little switcheroo from tradition haha Aemond has gotten a little tipsy (as I headcanon he would not desire to become fully hammered) while reveling with his brother and wife in the dining hall.

So I haven't written Aemond as being tipsy/drunk before...and he kinda took the reins on this one. Enjoy! It gets a little sad but...he wouldn't be a silly drunk that's for sure.

Aemond x wife!reader | tipsy Aemond | fluff

"Another toast!" Aegon raised his goblet high, almost letting it slip through his fumbling fingers. "To our Strong nephews!"

"Aegon." You groaned, massaging your temples. "That's the seventh one."

"To Jace, Luke and Joffrey!" Aemond rose from his seat once more, supporting himself with a palm against the table's surface as he toasted the empty dining room. "The wisest and strongest of our family!"


Your husband didn't heed your chiding tone as he drained his seventh goblet of wine while Aegon cheered him on. You shot the eldest brother a reproving glare, his face falling comically when he met your narrowed eyes. "Don't blame me!" Aegon shrugged. "My brother needs little encouragement when it comes to making godsawful puns."

Aemond sank gracelessly back into his armchair, tapping his long fingers against his iron goblet. You stood, moving to his side and coaxing the cup from his grip. "Come, my drunken dragon." You teased lightly. "It is time for sleep."

"If 'sleep' is what you call it." Aegon chuckled into his goblet, almost choking on his own drink.

"Gods, Aegon. First you get my husband drunk, then you make terrible jokes."

"He's not drunk." Aegon tittered, looking across at Aemond's flushed face. "I'm sure he'd still your satisfaction."

"Isn't there a kitchen maid you want to go harass?" You sneered at the prince, your hands coming to rest defiantly on your hips.

"Y/N..." Aemond warned softly, unheeded by both you and Aegon.

"I don't harass them." Aegon rolled his eyes, leaning back so hard in his chair it almost tipped over. "I am an excellent lover."

You actually laughed, throwing your head back with the force of it. "You?" Tears of mirth began to form in your eyes. You even heard a low chuckle from Aemond. "I would bet good money that you haven't made a woman orgasm once."

Aegon stood abruptly as well, his face reddening with anger. You hadn't notice Aemond until he smoothly stepped in between you and his brother, his back to you. Even though your husband was clearly tipsy, his stance was still protective.

Aegon looked at you over Aemond's shoulder, then back into the face of his younger brother. Aemond didn't utter a word, just stood in front of you until Aegon sunk sulkily back into his seat, refilling his goblet of wine.

You walked beside Aemond, wrapping your arm around his waist, his own hand coming to grip at your arm for support. You let him out of the room and into the labyrinthine corridors of the Red Keep, making slow progress back to your chambers.

"You shouldn't antagonize him." Aemond said slowly, his words slightly slurred.

"He should leave the women in this castle alone." You snapped, a little sharply.

"I worry for your safety above all else." Aemond continued as though he hadn't heard you. "My brother can be vindictive."

"I don't fear Aegon."

Your husband was silent a moment. "I know."

You reached your rooms, sighing in relief at the warmth coming from a brand-new fire within your stone hearth. You helped Aemond sit upon the sofa, kneeling before him to unlace his boots. He swayed a little where he sat, bracing himself with his hands as his violet eye roved your features. "You are fierce." He murmured after a minute's silence.

You grinned at him, tugging his boots free and setting them upon the ground. "Am I?"

"Mm." Aemond leaned forward, his silver hair falling over his shoulders to tickle your chest. "And beautiful."

He brought his lips down to meet yours briefly. "And clever."

He kissed you again, tasting of buttered rum. "You are everything I want."

You smiled, kissing the tip of his nose as you reached around to unbuckle the leather eyepatch, setting it to rest on the cushions beside him. Aemond's sapphire eye caught the flickering firelight and glittered brilliantly. You undid his hair, carding your fingers through the silken strands as it fell loose about his angular face.

Aemond leaned into your touch, his lilac eye fluttering closed as you continued to massage his scalp. "You are divine, Y/N." His own fingers began muddling with the laces at your corset. "Marry me."

"We've been married for two years, Aemond." You giggled, his hands making slow work freeing you from the confines of your dress.

"Marry me again."

You laughed brightly, your voice mingling with his own low chuckle as Aemond caught your lips again with his, molding his mouth to yours with heated intent.

"Tomorrow." You batted his hands gently away from your back and expertly unlaced yourself out of your dress. "I promise I will marry you again after you sleep off all the toasts you made this evening."

"They were good, weren't they?" Aemond mused, leaning back upon the sofa looking satisfied as his gaze roamed the curves of your body appreciatively.

"I'd call it a strong start." You eyed him for a reaction, your smile broadening as he laughed at your bad joke.

"Very good! They make it too easy."

You laughed together, lapsing into an easy silence, letting out quiet giggles every now and then as you thought about more strong puns.



"You love me, do you not?"

Aemond's voice was small. You looked at him in surprise, thrown by the change in his demeanor. He was looking at you with an earnest, almost vulnerable expression, his hands tightening where they rested atop his thighs.

"Of course I love you!" You tried to lighten the mood back up, touching knee lightly. "I wouldn't have married you otherwise."

"You will always love me?"

"Aemond." You moved from your place on the floor, rising to sit flush beside him, almost in resting in his lap. You gazed intently into his upturned face, brushing your nose to his. "I will never stop loving you. Even when we are gone and only dust remains, I will still love you."

He was silent, his bleary eye fixed on a point over your shoulder.

You took his face in your hands, kissing the corner of his mouth. Aemond responded, grasping your waist with his large hands. "You are the best thing that's happened to me, Aemond."

"Does that mean you won't cancel our wedding tomorrow?" Aemond smiled weakly, rubbing circles into your flesh through your thin undergarment.

"I wouldn't dream of it." You pressed your forehead to his before pulling him to rest against your chest, your head atop his own. "I would wed you a thousand times, in a thousand lifetimes."

"Y/N..." His voice was a whisper. "You are my soul's desire."

Your arms tightened around him in response as you fought back a welling of emotion behind your eyes. You kissed his crown, rocking your entwined bodies soothingly, already feeling his breathing against you deepening.

It did not take Aemond long to fall into slumber, inebriated as he was from all the wine he'd had. After many minutes of you holding his sleeping form, your hands smoothing through his hair as you breathed in the scent of him.

Slowly, carefully, you extricated yourself from your husband, laying him gently down upon the cushions of the sofa. You retrieved a blanket from the bed, laying it over him and tucking him in. You took your time, your heart about to burst with the overwhelming love you felt for the man before you. You lingered at his side, admiring his sleeping profile in the firelight.

You brushed away a stray strand of shimmering hair from his face, loathe to turn your gaze away. Eventually your own exhaustion caused your eyes to grow heavy and you sunk to the floor beside the sofa, propping your head on your forearms, still drinking in Aemond's sharp features. As the fire slowly died leaving behind burning orange embers, you slipped away into dreams, your head resting atop your arms, kneeling beside your sleeping husband.

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