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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Tipsy Aemond Drabble 2

Updated: Jan 2, 2023

Anonymous asked:

okay so, i was going through my old writings (like at least 10 years old) and i saw a scene i wrote down for my novel - anyways i thought it would be perfect for aemond and his wife where they're just laying down and he's like fully on top of her, telling her shit and she's under him, trying to breathe because he's so fucking heavy and is crushing her

"Aemond, please put the cutlery down before you hurt anyone."

Aegon sniggered into his cup as you chided your husband, hands atop your hips.

"And you." You wheeled on the eldest prince, snatching the pitcher of wine away from his reaching hand. "Don't tell me you got my husband drunk again."

"Quite a lapse in judgement." Aegon leaned back in his chair, watching his brother with a grin. "Don't know what came over me."

"He wouldn't see it coming." Aemond demonstrated yet again the upward swipe with his butterknife.

"Isn't that rather the point, brother?" Aegon quipped over the rim of his goblet. You shot him a glare.

"I don't think you'll be doing any lasting damage with a breadknife, my love." You approached him, holding out your palm for it.

Aemond regarded you blurrily for a second, glancing down at the small weapon in his hand. "Wise as ever." He muttered. "Perhaps a spoon, then."

He dropped the knife into your waiting hand, you returned it to the table, taking hold of your husband's wrist instead and tugging lightly. You underestimated how inebriated Aemond was, he stumbled forward into you, knocking you to the ground, the air leaving your lungs in a huff. You struggled to catch your breath, the heavy weight of Aemond on top of you crushing your lungs.

Aegon was laughing uproariously, so much so you could barely hear Aemond speak. "Not how I intended this evening to go, though I'm not complaining at our current predicament."

You spat out a mouthful of his hair, wriggling a little beneath him. "I am! Aemond you're smushing me."

"You're very comfortable."

"I can't breathe."

"I might take a nap right here." He laid his silver head upon your bosom.

"Aegon, help!" You squeaked, peering up at where he sat looking down at you two.

"And rob my brother of a cozy place to sleep?" Aegon looked aghast. "Never."

"I hate you."

"Cheers." He toasted you before drinking another gulp of wine.

"Aemond." You said softly, running your fingers through his argent hair until he raised his head to look at you. "My legs are going numb."

"Why can't we remain in bed for a while longer?" He sounded agitated now, his lilac eye narrowing as he tried to focus on your face.

"We're not in bed, Aemond." You tried to reason with him, but he was hardly listening. "We're on the floor of the dining hall."

"My love, we can try again perhaps later." Your brow furrowed as he continued his slurred speech. "These things take time."


"Creating a child." He shifted to pat a hand low on your abdomen, looking at your cleavage fondly. "It can't be rushed."

"I-do shut up Aegon." You hissed, closing your eyes, praying to the Mother for patience. "Perhaps you would like to shift off of me if we aren't...making a baby right now."

Aegon opened his mouth to say something, thought better of it and took another gulp of his drink.

"You're so warm." Aemond practically cooed, nuzzling his nose against you. "You smell of wine and roses." He sighed deeply, his breathing steadying as he started to drift off again.

"Aegon if you don't get him off me, I'm telling your mother about what you did last night." Now you couldn't feel your arms or your legs.

"Oh, you're playing dirty now." Aegon grunted, looking displeased as he finally rose from his seat. Able to hold his liqueur better than Aemond, he was barely tipsy, hoisting his brother off of you with only a little struggle.

Aemond was awake at once, and as alert as he could be given the circumstance. "Unhand me at once!" He struggled, proving to be superior in strength to Aegon.

In a flurry of movement and curses, Aegon and Aemond were now tangled on the ground together. Though instead of talk of making a family together, they were shouting in High Valyrian what you could only guess to be various obscenities.

You slowly rose to your feet, leaning on the back of a chair as the blood returned to your limbs. The door opened and you saw Daeron appear, his face shocked as he took in the scene of his brothers wrestling drunkenly on the ground.

"Uh." He cleared his throat loud enough to get their attention. "Mother wishes to see all of us in the throne room."

Aemond seemed to have sobered up at that, his hair was a mess, he disentangled himself from Aegon doing his best to straighten his rumpled clothing. Aegon remained sitting on the ground, his chest heaving from the exertion as he looked incredulously at Daeron. "Right now?" He asked.

Daeron nodded. "Unfortunately for you, yes."

Aegon groaned.

You crossed to Aemond, combing through his tangled hair with your fingers, adjusting his eyepatch that had slipped down his angular face.

"We will be there momentarily." You told Daeron, returning his smile.

He gave you a little bow, his smile dropping as he shot Aegon a withering look before departing.

"Can you walk?" You asked Aemond who nodded. "Do you know who I am?"

"Yes of course I know who you are." He sounded more than a little annoyed as he held a hand down to Aegon, helping him up. "I already have a headache. The next time you try to get me to sample the vintage red wine, remind me to say no."

"You have my word." Aegon rolled his eyes, smacking Aemond on the shoulder a little harder than necessary.

Aemond pushed him in return, sending Aegon stumbling back.

"Boys!" You clapped your hands, pleased when both princes froze to look at you. "Enough. Your mother wishes to see us."

Aemond gave you a little nod, offering you his arm. "Allow me to escort you, my lady."

"Oh please. In your current state it'll be me escorting you." You couldn't help but giggle a little, he was already trying to steer you in the wrong direction as you exited the dining hall.

Aemond leaned his head down to whisper in your ear. "Do you think mother will be able to tell?"

"That you're drunk?" You have him an appraising look, trying to give him a convincing smile. "Of course not! You're the picture of sobriety!"

"I'm going to murder Aegon myself." He muttered, clearly not drunk enough to buy into your white lie.

"I heard that." Came Aegon's voice right behind the two of you. He sounded amused, and the three of you laughed together as you wound your way down the hallways towards the throne room.

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