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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Only One Bed

What are we gonna doooo? haha love this trope.

Word count: 950

Aemond x reader | fun and getting tangled up with the prince | no content warnings | pre-relationship which leads to awkward hilarity |no more beds! No other options! What a shame

“You said there are no other accommodations?” You said, looking at the small room and singular bed.

“No, my lady. It is the festival season; this is the last available room in a thirty-mile radius at least.” The landlord bowed to you and your companion apologetically.

Aemond looked over at you, his eyebrow raised, a slight quirk upon his lips. “We can always keep searching.”

“We’ve been at it for hours, Aemond.” You shook your head, turning to give the innkeeper several large coins. “Who suggested we come here again?”


“Little shit.”

Aemond chuckled, allowing you to enter the bedroom before he followed. “Careful, Y/N, that’s your king you speak of.”

“He’s a royal pain, sending us both here in the middle of the busiest season of the year.”

“You’ll get no argument from me.” The prince’s eye twinkled as he tried to disguise his mirth.

The both of you settled as best you could within the cold room, there was no fireplace, no space for a wardrobe. You set your bag at the foot of the rickety looking bed, your gaze falling upon Aemond who lingered by the doorway.

“I will sleep upon the floor.” He said dutifully, avoiding your gaze.

“Don’t be absurd, Aemond. It’s freezing.” You held up a hand as he opened his mouth to protest. “I won’t be hearing an argument. You are not sleeping on the dirty cold floor.”

“If you insist so vehemently, who am I to decline.” A small smile pulled its way up Aemond’s face as he removed his overcoat and moved to the bedside.

You slipped under the covers, fully clothed still, pulling the blanket up to your chin for warmth. Aemond joined you, the size of the bed forcing the two of you to press against one another.

“You’re very warm.” Despite yourself, you wiggled closer to him.

“Mmm. I have the blood of-.”

“A dragon, yes so I’ve heard.”

“I ride a dragon, have you heard that?” Aemond teased, his voice low.


“The largest dragon in Westeros.”

“She is the size of an island, yes.”

“Vhagar would be more comfortable than this bed.” Aemond huffed, moving to try and find a comfortable position.

“Less squeaky, too.” You chuckled, turning onto your side to face him. Aemond had his eye already closed, his mouth twitched slightly, you noticed he had left his eyepatch on. “You don’t have to wear that to bed for my sake, you know.”

His violet eye flickered open to meet your gaze. “I would prefer it remain on all the same.”

You lapsed into silence; the candlelight played across Aemond’s relaxed features as he closed his eye once more. You fought the urge to reach across the small distance that separated your faces to brush a strand of silver hair falling against his long nose. Your attention was drawn to his lips, curved and slightly parted as he breathed deep. The dim light flickered along his angular jaw, his high cheekbones and prominent brow.

His lips pursed. “You’re staring.”

“I was not.” You guiltily turned your head to face the ceiling as Aemond spoke.

“I could feel the intensity of it, even with my eye shut.”

Your shoulder brushed against his chest as you repositioned onto your back, your cheeks burning.

“Good night, Y/N.”

“Good night, my prince.”

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

You could hear the steady beating of someone’s heart in your ear, your head rising and falling with their breathing. Warm arms encircled your waist, your fingers were twisted in long silken hair. You hummed in contentment, feeling long legs move against your own as he stirred, pulling you tighter against his body instinctively. As your mind fully regained consciousness you recalled the events of the previous night, sleepy bliss turning to alarm at the dawning realization of how tangled up you were with Aemond.

“Oh, oh no. I am so sorry.” You gasped, trying to wriggle free of his grasp.

“Y/N, that’s my arm.”

You tried hurriedly to extricate yourself from him, your legs were so entwined however, that as the two of you struggled like clumsy wrestlers, you pulled Aemond off the bed with you in a shower of twisted sheets and pillows. Your back made contact with the hard stone floor, the prince’s weight on top of you making it difficult to catch your breath for a couple reasons.

“Good morning to you too.” Aemond’s hair tickled your cheek as he propped himself up on his forearms, hovering over your blushing face. He smirked at your mortified expression. “…It seems we got a little cold last night.”

You let out a strangled laugh, your morning voice groggy. “Help me up, please.” You moved under him helplessly. “Unless you planned to have me pinned here all day.”

“I could think of worse things.” Aemond drank in the way your eyes widened and lips parted for a long moment before he relented, rising and helping you to your feet. “Alas, we have errands to run.”

You had to take a moment to recover, reigning in your swirling emotions, as Aemond prepared to depart.

He glanced over at you from where he was tugging on a boot. “Are you alright, Y/N?”

“Yeah…I’m fine, thank you.” You ran a hand through your tangled hair, picking at the knots. “Only, next time let’s try to not fall off the bed.” Your face blanched as you realized what you’d said. “N-not that there will be a next time.”

Aemond rose, coming to your side and helping untangle a particularly large snarl. “That’s disappointing indeed.” His hot breath tickled the side of your neck, you could feel his gaze intent upon your profile.

“In that case, maybe next time we can have a nicer room.” You chanced a glance at him. His expression was unreadable, but it sent a pleasant tingle from your chest all the way down to your toes.

“Hmm.” Aemond tilted his head at you slightly, his eye crinkling a smile. “I can arrange that.”

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