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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Pregnant and Needing

Anonymous asked:

I'd like to request a list prompt of Soft Aemond during Reader's pregnancy.

Soooo this one took a life of its own...stop reading like...halfway thru if you don't want smut/only fluff

Word count: 1583

Aemond x fem!preg!reader | breastfeeding kink | dad Aemond | they have a daughter already | fluff and sweetness |18+ only | High Valyrian

You sat with a sigh of relief upon the cushions of your bedroom sofa, holding the swell of your pregnant belly with both hands for support.

“Muña, look what kepa and I made together!” The eager voice of your five year old daughter met your ears as she ran over to where you sat, placing a dragon miniature upon your knee.

“What a beautiful dragon!” Despite your aching muscles you met the girl’s enthusiasm with a bright encouraging smile. “Have you given it a name?”

“We were considering Urrax, though Melysa wants to name her after you.” Aemond, who had entered the room shortly after his daughter, smiled down upon you both. “I think that’s a great idea!”

A small hand touched your abdomen as Melysa felt for the familiar kicks of your baby. “What are we naming her?”

Aemond crouched beside Melysa, placing his own hand atop hers, his violet eye flicking to your face while his sapphire eye refracted the light from the fireplace.

You smiled at your little family, caressing the back of Aemond’s hand with your fingers. “You think it’s going to be a girl, Melysa?”

“I know…” Your daughter’s silver hair, so much like her father’s, shone in the dim firelight. “I’ve seen it.”

Aemond raised a brow at you briefly before kissing Melysa’s curly head. “You must help us come up with a name, then. Only later!” With a swift movement, he scooped her into his arms.

She shrieked as he tickled her sides, squirming to escape his strong arms. Aemond relented, pressing another kiss to Melysa’s forehead. Her lilac eyes gazed up at him in adoration as she gripped a lock of his long hair in a tiny fist.

“I think it’s time for bed.” You said, shifting your bare feet closer to the crackling fire for warmth. “Passed time, in fact.” Aemond agreed, shushing Melysa’s immediate protestations.

You rose, grabbing the dragon from off your knee and carrying it as you followed your husband and daughter into the adjacent room. Aemond placed Melysa carefully under the covers of her bed, tucking her in and caressing her hair.

You sat at the foot of the mattress, leaning forward to place her small dragon in the crook of her arm. You ran a finger down her smiling cheek. “Goodnight, my love.”

“Sing me a song, muña.”

“Darling, not tonight.”

Melysa whined. “Please.”

You looked pleadingly at your husband. “Aemond…”

“Close your eyes, perzītsos. My little flame.” Aemond began humming a low, soothing tune.

You watched, entranced, privy to a scene only you and your daughter would ever see. His voice was lovely, you closed your own eyes as the melody he hummed rose and fell. You felt your shoulders relaxing, your clasped hands falling loose in your lap.

Soft lips brushed against yours and you opened your eyes, looking into the handsome angular face you loved so much.

“Come, my love. Let me take care of you.” Aemond took your hand, guiding you back into your shared chambers and sitting you down upon the sofa once more.

He knelt before you, his back to the fire, and moved your feet to rest upon his lap. Aemond began rubbing small circles into the sole of one foot, a small gasp of relief escaped your lips despite yourself.

“Thank you, my dragon.”

“You are the one carrying our child, Y/N.” Aemond tilted his head at you, a curtain of his silver hair falling across his shoulder. “It is the least I can do.” He pressed a loving kiss to your instep before moving to the other foot.

You sighed, leaning back against the cushions, closing your weary eyes as you allowed yourself to relax for the first time that day. You began to drift off once more, only to be awoken by the press of Aemond’s chest against your own as he trailed featherlight kisses up your shoulder to your neck.

“Mm, Aemond.” You turned your head lazily until your mouth found his.

He kissed you tenderly, worshipfully, savoring the nectar of your lips and the swell of your full breasts underneath his exploring hands.

“Come to bed, Y/N.”

“I could fall asleep right here.”

“That would be terrible for your back.” Aemond chuckled, helping you rise from the couch.

He slid under the thick covers next to you, helping you shift pillows to support your round belly. You snuggled in close to your husband, savoring his warmth on this chill winter night. Your head rested in the crook of his neck, and you placed a soft kiss to the hollow of his throat.

“Hmm.” Aemond hummed a pleased sound as you continued pressing lazy kisses to his exposed neck.

“I love you.”

He turned to face you, stroking a large hand along your abdomen as he looked into your face. “As I love you, nuhys qēlos.”

“Mmm, what does that mean again?”

“My star.”

Ah.” You breathed, taking his hand in yours and guiding it up to caress your breast once more. “It feels good when you massage here.”

Aemond shifted onto his elbow, so he had better access to use both his hands. He smiled mischievously down at you. “You won’t hear me complaining.”

You laughed with him, ending with a gasp as he squeezed your flesh a little too hard. “Softer, please. Don’t get too eager, valzȳrys.”

“Very good.” Aemond pressed his lips to the fabric of your thin nightgown, just above where his hands kneaded more gently now. “You have no idea what it does to me hearing you speak High Valyrian, ābrazȳrys.”

He unlaced the neck of your shift, dragging the fabric down to free your breasts fully, dragging his fingers across your pert nipples. Your milk had already wetted your nightgown at his administrations, and now beaded against his fingers.

You saw Aemond’s tongue dart out to wet his lips as he gazed down at your full bosom.

His dilated eye found yours. “May I?” He pressed an open-mouthed kiss to the flesh just above your areola.

“Yes.” Your breathing had become short, the exhaustion you’d been feeling momentarily forgotten. “I’d like that very much.”

Your breasts had become heavy from the milk they carried, though it certainly wouldn’t have crossed your mind to have Aemond help in such a way.

He was eager, however, taking your nipple into his mouth. You encouraged him to take you properly, reaching to cup your breast in your hand, the back of his head with the other. The feeling of his hot mouth around you, the tingling trickle of your milk letting down, sent a pleasurable warmth pooling in your core.

Aemond groaned against your breast, you could hear the intimate noises as he suckled and swallowed your milk. Your fingers wound themselves tightly in his long silky hair as you moaned quietly, your head falling back onto the soft pillow. Your free hand wandered down your body, trying to reach your wanting center but unable to get past your pregnant belly.

Your body shuddered as Aemond’s warm hand found your mound, dipping his longer fingers into the heat of your essence. He released your nipple with a pop, looking reverently up at you as a dribble of milk dripped off his chin onto your heaving chest.

Aemond.” You whimpered, the lewd sight of him so disheveled and vulnerable causing your swollen clitoris to pulse with pleasure.

Aemond removed his hands from your slick folds, tasting your wetness upon his fingers, his eye closing in appreciation. “You are delicious, Y/N. Every inch of you.” He kneaded your other breast, pooling milk into his hand, lubricating his fingers with the filmy white liquid before returning them to the heat of your quim.

Your hips moved against his hand as Aemond attached once more to your nipple, drawing your milk onto his hot tongue.

You covered your mouth with one hand, stifling a loud moan as Aemond inserted two long fingers into you, scissoring them within the clenching walls of your vagina. He pressed further against the soft flesh of your breast, sucking more of it into his mouth.

“Aemond.” You whispered his name fervently. “Don’t stop, please.”

He made a sinfully low sound against you, thrusting quicker into you, crooking his fingers up against the spot that made your toes curl. With a shuddering gasp, you came undone, your cunt squeezing him as he continued working you. Only when you begged him to stop, the overstimulation too much, did Aemond withdraw.

He placed his fingers, soaked with your release, against your mouth. You obediently laved them with your tongue as Aemond watched. He licked his own lips clean of the remnants of your breastmilk.

With damp fingers he clasped your chin, moving to meet your lips in a searing kiss. You tasted the sweetness of your milk on his tongue mix with the heady musk of your climax as Aemond deepened the kiss. Your eyes grew heavy, looking lazily up at your husband’s flushed face as he pulled away. You reached for him, but Aemond stopped your hand when your fingers grazed his groin.

“Rest, nuhys qēlos. I will wash you.” He moved away, gathering a pot to heat water over the fire.

“What about you?” Your words were slurred as you watched his movements sleepily.

“I will attend to my desires later.” Aemond grabbed a washcloth, dipping it in the warming water. “You are what matters right now.”

A languid smile itched up your face as you closed your eyes, feeling relaxed, your muscles warm and loose. “I couldn’t live without you, my love.”

Aemond looked across the room to your dozing form, the firelight shining golden upon his lustrous hair. “It is I who wouldn’t survive without you.”

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