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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime


Based on this Anon ask: I'm not the biggest fan of modern aus but i cant stop thinking about showering with aemond, watching the water cascade from his hair to his neck, his torso and then lower. I think he'd love a good piping hot shower while i just stand there, thoughts of getting clean thrown out of the window (theres also a thought of getting railed from behind while under the shower but its too early for this 😂)

With some encouragement I decided to turn this into a fic under a waterfall, enemies to lovers vibe like my other fic, Captured.

And since all my fics are getting flagged for community guidelines whether they need it or not I've decided to earn it this time with some smut so 18+ only pls

Aemond x fem!reader | making love under a waterfall

"Aemond, please, let's stop!" You called ahead; your hands bound with heavy rope in front of you were beginning to ache in earnest. "It's hot." You muttered as an aside to yourself, wishing you could shed a couple layers.

Up ahead, Aemond paused, turning slightly towards you but not meeting your gaze.

He hadn't looked at you directly since taking you prisoner.

You heard him curse you under his breath.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" You snarked as he stomped back to where you waited.

That got a reaction, Aemond's fiery lilac eye caught you and you found yourself wishing he'd look away. Aemond yanked at your bonds, causing you to stumble forward. Your foot caught a tree root and you fell forward, hard, against the Targaryen's chest.

"Get up." Aemond hissed in your ear, supporting you by your elbows and helping you regain your footing.

"You really have turned into quite an ass since last we met." You grouched, watching as he pulled unsheathed his dagger. "Is that a dagger, or are you just happy to see me?"

"If you don't stop your inane quips, I will show you how much of a dagger this is."


With a fluid movement Aemond had cut through the rope that bound your hands and you were free. For a clear second of insanity, you thought of trying to run. You settled for rubbing your sore wrists and glowering at the prince. "Tell me again why you couldn't just whisk me back to King's Landing on a dragon."

"Too high profile." Aemond answered, stowing his knife and beginning to scan the area for a place to set up camp. Of course, you had been designated pack carrier. "Mother wants you back alive and...unspoiled."

"Ah, so you're still a mommy's boy." You slipped the heavy pack off your shoulders, letting it fall heavily to the earthen floor.

Aemond considered you for a moment, before tilting his head, smiling slightly. "Yes."

"I guess that should be a relief." You muttered, rolling your shoulders. "Well!" You clapped your numb hands together. "I'm off!"

With that, you turned on your heel and began descending the forested hill toward the enticing river you could hear rushing nearby.

A firm hand grasped your elbow, halting your progress. "Just where are you thinking of escaping to?"

You turned back to Aemond, trying your best to maintain the debonair mask of indifferent confidence. "Hear that river?" You cupped a hand around your ear for emphasis. "I'm going to take a bath."

"You've no soap." Aemond looked you over dubiously, making you feel self-conscious despite yourself.

"You royals and your luxuries." You sniffed disdainfully. "I'm sure I'll manage."

"How will I know you aren't running away?" Aemond shook his silver head. "No, you're not going anywhere I can't see you."

"You're welcome to join me." You looked at him seductively through your lashes, the effect quite ruined by your state of current filth. "Aemond please. I smell like a barn set afire." You lifted your arms, shuffling toward him. "Give me a hug."

Aemond back away hastily, holding up his hands to fend you off, a begrudging smile curving his lips. "No no! Alright, go clean yourself. Take no longer than strictly necessary or I will come find you."

"Promises, promises!" You were already skipping down toward the river, giggling at the prospect of submerging your hot sticky body in cool water. You even tricked yourself into thinking you heard Aemond laughing behind you.

It was even better than you had anticipated.

A small pool surrounded by rocks and trees lay glistening sapphire beneath the afternoon sun, fed by a small waterfall. You quickly shed your clothes before wading into the cool waters. It was as though this little pool had been crafted by the gods specifically for you. You swam over to the other side of it, flipping onto your back, letting the silken water soak through your dirty hair.

The perfect plants for creating a sudsy lather from their crushed leaves were growing all around the river. You were quick to take full advantage of them, cleaning your grimy skin and sighing in relief.

Time passed, you had cleaned your body as well as your clothes and laid them out on the rocks to dry. You could see smoke curling above the trees from where Aemond must've set up camp. Smiling to yourself you swam laps around the edge of the pool, cupping your hands beneath the waterfall and running them through your hair.


"Shit, Aemond!" You didn't bother to hide your naked torso in the water, looking at him over your shoulder. "Oh dear, are you alright? You're turning an alarming shade of red."

"Enough games, Y/N." He crossed his arms, eye focused on your face. "I told you I would come retrieve you if you took too long."

"It's almost as if you don't trust me."

"I don't."

"Oh come on, Aemond." You grumbled, turning your body fully to face him, the water lapping around your waist.

Aemond couldn't help but glance down, passing a hand over his face and swearing lightly.

"You must be hot and dirty as well. Come on in, this river is big enough for the two of us." You waded fully back into the water, Aemond watched you move with an odd expression on his face. "You can trust me. We were childhood friends after all."

"You've changed." His tone made your cheeks flush. "Fine." Aemond began shedding his own clothing, seemingly not caring if you watched him undress.

"Splendid!" You gathered more fronds of the soap substitute you'd created. "There are plants here that I've crushed up to create a soap-like substance. We can wash your clo-"

In your distraction you hadn't noticed Aemond, devoid of any articles of clothing, wading over to the waterfall. He had already created a lather from the same plants you had used and was vigorously washing his long sleek hair beneath the cascading water.

"Well that's completely unfair." You spoke to yourself, your eyes roaming along the planes of his body.

He was lean, not broad and muscular like the men at the farm you worked at. The planes of his torso were defined, and you enjoyed watching the rivulets of water run down his pale skin.

"Suddenly shy?"

Your eyes flicked guiltily back up to his angular face. He had shed his eyepatch; a glittering blue gemstone lay within where his right eye used to be. You had left King's Landing before that had happened to him.

You moved through the water towards him, his hands stilled in his hair as he watched you approach. You noticed his plush lips part slightly, his lilac eye dilating slightly as he took in the sight of you walking slowly out of the water.

You were close enough to touch him now. Your fingers sought his face first. Aemond's eye fluttered closed as you traced his jaw, he caught your wrist before you could caress the vertical scar that ran over his eye. "Don't."

"Aemond." You said softly, your brow furrowing as you gazed at each other. You watched a droplet of sparkling water run down the sapphire gem, catching on his face like a tear. "Please." You breathed, not quite sure what it was you were asking for. Forgiveness? Acceptance?

"Why did you leave?" His voice was low, yet it cut through you like a knife. "I need to know."

"My family didn't want me to be Helaena's handmaiden. They pulled me away, and I didn't have a choice but to obey."

"You could've fought them."

"I was a child, Aemond. You know that's not true."


Silence fell between the two of you, the rushing water splashing against your skin the only sound. Aemond's grip on your wrist loosened enough for you to cup his face once more. He hesitated, on the brink of something, before turning his head and placing a kiss to your palm. Your breath caught. "Kiss me."

He regarded you, his eye gleaming. You stepped closer, closing the remaining distance and pressing your chest to his, letting him feel your skin against his. You tilted your head up invitingly, your lips inches apart.

Droplets of water caught the sunlight, glimmering as they fell off Aemond's face. He bent into you, time seemed to slow, a rushing sound not at all to do with water filled your ears. You felt his soft lips press against your parted mouth. Your groans of relief vibrated into each other as Aemond wrapped his arm around your lower back, pulling your further against his body. You giggled, feeling the smooth skin of his back, trailing your hands up to tangle in his hair, pulling slightly on the soaked locks, eliciting a moan of pleasure from the prince.

"What have you done to me?" Aemond murmured, nibbling your bottom lip and along your jaw.

"Not one day has gone by I haven't thought of you." You arched your neck as he began sucking bruises to your throat.

He spun you around, pressing up behind you, his arousal evident against the curve of your ass. Water dripped onto your back, running in tickling rivulets down your sensitive skin. Your palms lay flat against the stone wall as Aemond bowed you beneath him, kissing a trail down your neck to your shoulders.

You felt his long fingers running up your legs, you widened your stance, parting your thighs for him.

"So eager." He purred, biting your shoulder gently. "You've been anticipating this for a while now, haven't you?"

Words escaped you as Aemond's fingers found your slippery quim, dipping into the nectar that was leaking from you, dragging a mewl from your mouth. You rocked your hips back into his touch, needing more of him.

"Patience, my flower." Aemond's mouth had found your ear, you turned your face into him, your hooded eyes focused on his lips. "I intend on savoring every inch of you, having you come undone around me until your legs can no longer hold your weight."

Aemond made more than good on that promise, the sound of the waterfall swallowing up your cries of pleasure as Aemond claimed you beneath its waters.

Your fingers were sore from where they had gripped the stone, in fact every muscle was aching in the most pleasant way possible. You felt lightheaded even now as you lay bundled in blankets next to the sparking fire, your head resting on Aemond's chest, his arms circled low around you, his dry hair falling over your throat in a silvery sheen.

You felt his fingers combing through your own hair, leaning into his relaxing touch, allowing your eyes to close as the firelight played warmly across your face. Your clothes were drying near the flames, Aemond's touch beneath the blanket moved to cup the swell of your breast tenderly. Beneath your head you could feel his breathing deepen, his fingers in your hair faltering and stilling.

You didn't know what the morning would bring, not wanting to think beyond this magic moment. When you and Aemond were two lovers alone in the forest, just the two of you. No politics, no jaded history, no dragons or kings.

Just a man and a woman who had always loved each other.

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