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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Feeling the Sapphire

Updated: Jan 2, 2023

Anonymous asked:

Worshipping aemond’s body is the dream

So….what if Aemond and Y/N are involved, and have been for a long time, and Aemond’s plan was to marry Y/N. However, Viserys dies, and Alicent needs Aemond to marry a Baratheon to secure an alliance. Aemond is unable to tell Y/N before she finds out via court gossip and…well…these anon requests really inspired me.

Word count: 3600

I also incorporated an idea I saw a while ago of Aemond stimulating his lover using his sapphire…so…uh…enjoy?

Aemond x reader | Smut | cockwarming | 18+ | jealous reader | angst | fluff | a bit of everything

You pressed the palms of your hands against your swollen face, pushing your skin back as if to try and hide the evidence of your sleepless night. The redness of your eyes betrayed you, as did the fresh tears threatening to spill down your blotchy cheeks.

In the haze of your clouded mind you heard on repeat the gossip you had overheard the day before; while you had meandered innocently through the many courtiers whispering about the recent death of King Viserys Targaryen and all that had entailed, your keen ears had caught a woman speaking with her friend about the imminent betrothal of Prince Aemond with one of Boros Baratheon’s daughters.

You had stopped mid-stride, your skirts rustling in the chill breeze, frozen as you gaped at the lady. She caught your obvious stare and gave you a polite, though quizzical smile. “Can I help you, Lady Y/N?”

It took you a moment to regain your composure. “I couldn’t help but overhear, did you say Ae-Prince Aemond was betrothed?”

“With Aegon being put forth as heir, a civil war is going to be hard to avoid.” The woman gave you a somber look as she walked closer to where you stood rigidly rooted to the ground. “Word has already spread far that in order to secure the Baratheons to their side, the prince must promise to wed a Baratheon daughter.”

“I see.” You didn’t really. Especially not with the sudden blurriness of your vision as you blinked the tears rapidly away. “Excuse me.”

She watched curiously as you stumbled away, tripping on the hem of your skirts and catching yourself on the stone banister.

With a little gasp you brought yourself back from your reverie to the present, sitting at your vanity, staring unseeing at your reflection.

Someone knocked at your bedroom door.

“Not now, I do not wish to be disturbed.” Typically, your maidservant waited upon you later in the day. You squinted out the window. The sun had barely begun to break the horizon.

“It’s me.”

Sudden anger flared in your chest at the sound of Aemond’s voice, you were tempted to send him away without even opening the door.

With a groan you crossed the spacious chamber, pulling the door open to give the prince a generous view of your figure clad in only your thin nightgown. Aemond’s eye roved your curves briefly before flicking back to your face. A muscle was working in his sharp jaw. “May I come in?”

Wordlessly you stepped aside, and he brushed passed you, his hands were tightly clamped behind his back. You folded your arms across your chest and waited for him to speak.

“I see you’ve had a long night.” He picked up an empty wine bottle from the ground and placed it gingerly atop your dresser. “Dare I ask?”

“You dare a great deal of late it would seem.” Your words came out more cutting than you intended, but you weren’t going to back down now. “Accepting an arranged marriage without so much as telling me.”

“I didn’t have much of a choice, Y/N.” Aemond turned towards you, though he seemed loathe to look you in the eyes.

“You could have spoken to me…let me hear it from your lips. Not from some random lady at court.” You crossed to him, grasping his chin and forcing him to meet your gaze. “Do I mean so little to you?”

Aemond made a strangled noise in the back of his throat, jerking his face away from your grasp. His brow was furrowed as he shook his silver head. “You know how I feel about you.”

“I certainly do now!”

“As I have already stated,” Aemond was growing impatient, you could tell by the purse of his lips. “I had no choice in the matter. Boros Baratheon will side with Rhaenyra if we do not compromise with him.”

“What of Daeron? Could he not marry one of the daughters instead?” You gestured wildly, letting your arms fall heavily against your sides. “You didn’t even think to mention me? The woman you’ve supposedly ‘loved’ for years?”


“You didn’t even put up a fight, did you?” Fresh tears were already sliding down your face. You were surprised you had any left.

“We are to be at war very soon, Y/N.” In a swift moment, Aemond grabbed your arms, holding you as though you were anchoring him to the floor, keeping him from falling. “If I do not do my duty as second-born son of the king, my family will be displaced and worse. You will be no safer.”

“I love you.” Your voice was so small, you wondered if he could hear you. “Is that not enough?”

“No, Y/N.” His hands fell away from your arms as he let you go. “Love is crystalline notion that shatters at the lightest breeze of adversity.”

“Duty is the death of love.” You breathed; your eyes still trained on the carpeted floor.

He didn’t reply.

It was you who now couldn’t look at him. “I want you to leave.” Aemond hesitated but you were adamant. “Get out of my room.”

You heard him sigh softly, his fingers grazed your shoulder as he passed you, you flinched away. The sound of the door closing behind him cut through your heart, you sank to your knees upon the cold ground, gasping sobs racking your chest as utter despair closed in about you.

Two days passed.

You did not leave your chambers, nor did you accept the food the servants brought to you. You were certain gossip had spread of a terrible illness you had contracted making you unable to leave your rooms. Most of the time you spend whiling away the hours spread-eagled on your mattress, staring blankly at the ceiling, remembering the way Aemond had made you feel during those intimate nights spent in each other’s arms, and how it could possibly be all over now.

“The queen mother insists you eat your supper tonight.” The serving girl pleaded with you from where she stood, bearing a tray of steaming food.

“I’m not hungry.”

“My lady, you haven’t eaten for almost two days now.” She insisted.

“Please go away.” You rose to your feet from where you’d been slouching upon the sofa, shooing the girl out of your room and slamming the door shut behind her.

You collapsed back onto the couch, massaging your temples and staring into the flickering fire in your hearth. Another knock on the door sent you stomping angrily back across the room. “I thought I told you-” You had yanked it open to reveal not a serving girl, but Aemond. “Oh.”

You turned away and sat stiffly back down on the couch, allowing Aemond to enter your room, closing and bolting the door behind him. “Y/N, I’ve come to talk to you.”

You didn’t answer, busying yourself with studying the pattern of embroidery on your skirt.

“You need to eat.”

Your hands clenched the fabric of your dress, if another person told you to eat you would lose your mind. Yet, you still didn’t dignify Aemond with a response.



“Y/N, talk to me. Please.”

You pursed your lips together, still feigning deafness.

“You cannot continue on like this.” Aemond’s voice was growing heavy with anger, you could almost feel it sparking off your skin. “Behaving like a petulant child.”

A firm hand closed around your arm, yanking you to your feet roughly. “Look at me.” He breathed, taking your chin between two fingers and tilting your head up. “Speak to me. At this point you could curse at me, and I would thank you for it.”

You gave him a withering glare, hating how handsome he looked, the firelight reflecting gold on his silver hair. His lilac eye alight and wide with roiling emotions as he locked gazes with you.

Your lips parted despite yourself, the air between your bodies charged with electricity.

The familiar smell of smoke and leather rose from his tunic and hair, filling your nostrils. You tilted your head. “You’ve been riding Vhagar.”

“More often than I am used to of late.” He nodded, his thumb caressing the skin of your cheek. His small smile faded. “Tell me how I can help you.”

You bit your bottom lip. His eye followed the movement.

You did not answer him.

Aemond’s grip on your chin tightened fractionally, he raised his eye to the ceiling, heaving a sigh. “You are as stubborn as a dragon.” He looked at you once more, his gaze softening into something you’d never before seen. “And twice as deadly.”

Your scoff of derision was swallowed as Aemond pressed his lips firmly against your own, his hair was tangled in your fingers before you mind could catch up with your eager movements, pulling him closer to your arching body.

In a sudden burst of anger, you bit his lip ungently. Instead of breaking away as you had intended, Aemond gave a groan of pleasure at your rough treatment and forced his tongue into your mouth, tasting you even as you tried to push him off.

You successfully broke the kiss, pleased to see a tiny mark on Aemond’s bottom lip where you’d bit. “I am angry with you.” You reminded him, still breathless and rather unconvincing.

Your breath caught in your throat, betraying you, as Aemond ran an exploratory hand up your side, teasingly brushing the swell of your breast. “You will forgive me.”

“Hardly likely.” You laughed in his face. “You’ll have to make me.”

“That was my intention.” Aemond didn’t give you time to react, scooping you into his arms and reclaiming your mouth with his.

You squeaked, your fists on his shoulders smoothing as you ran your hands up the column of his neck as he backed you up, your knees buckling as they hit the edge of your bed. All the pain and sorrow of the last couple days swallowed up by the feel of him back where he belonged within your embrace.

Aemond crawled over you, his mouth trailing fire along your jaw, down your neck, as his dexterous fingers untied the lacings of your bodice. You gave a gasp of surprise as Aemond pulled your gown roughly down, taking your bare breasts in both of his hands, squeezing and rubbing your nipples while he kissed a path along your collarbone. You arched into him, moaning loudly, grasping weakly at his wrists as he continued kneading your flesh.

“Still mad at me, my love?” Aemond peered up at you teasingly flicking the tip of his tongue against your pebbled nipple.

You gave a gasp at the titillating sensation but still managed to glower. “Yes.” With more effort than you anticipated you flipped Aemond over, using the momentum to straddle his torso.

He looked up at you, his cheeks flushed, and mouth parted in surprise. You must look quite the sight with your dress halfway off, with shimmying movements that purposefully ground against the hard length of Aemond’s arousal, you shed the rest of it and tossed it to the ground.

“You’re wearing far too much clothing.” You slapped his hands away as Aemond made to undo his tunic clasps. “No. You are not to touch anything but those blankets beneath you until I let you.”

“Y/N…” Aemond began in a warning voice, but you began climbing off of him. “Wait.” The plea in that one word stilled your movements. “Continue…please.”

With a sly smile you resettled yourself atop him, your slick cunt already leaving wet marks upon the fabric of his tunic as you began to undo the clasps of his clothing. Soon Aemond was as bare as you, the head of his erect cock prodding the flesh of your ass as you leaned down, pressing your chest flush against his, letting him feel your softness against the hard planes of his body.

His hands fisted the blankets, his jaw twitching as he watched your every movement. You carefully lifted the eyepatch off his face, revealing the sapphire beneath. You kissed the cool gemstone with gentle care, eliciting a small sound from Aemond. His hand raised as though to touch your face, but you stopped him with a look. “Touch me before I tell you to, and I will leave.”

He watched you with a mixture of wariness and wonder, returning his hand to the bedspread obediently.

“Good.” You crooned, kissing him deeply, rocking your hips slightly.

You nuzzled into the crook of his neck, your hands combing through the silken hair now fanned out over the pillows. His skin was soft, you loved the feel of it beneath your lips as you kissed down his neck and out across his shoulder.

Aemond had several freckles on his chest, you placed a kiss to each one. His breathing quickened noticeably as you licked a stripe up the center of his muscled chest.

“Y/N…” Aemond’s eye was hooded as he looked down at you, your tongue circling his nipple now. “What are you doing?”

You paused a moment, replacing your tongue with your fingers, tracing a ticklish circle around his nipple. “Making you realize some important truths.”

“Such as-ah-” Aemond tilted his head back as you began sucking at his nipple, mouthing as much skin of his pectoral as you could, massaging the muscle there with both hands as you did so.

He was having a difficult time keeping his hands to himself, and you chuckled sinfully against his flushed skin, moving to the other side, licking and swirling your tongue with eager strokes. You were getting quite the reaction out of your prince, making sure to mark him with your teeth as well as your tongue as you nibbled your way down to his abdomen, loving the way his breathing had become erratic at your attentions.

“I can feel your arousal on my skin, Y/N.” Aemond panted. “I need to touch you.”

You gave one last little bite to his torso before sitting up, gracing him with a full view of just how turned on you had become. You ground down upon him, rubbing your slick along the shaft of his member, watching his lustful expression as Aemond bucked up against you in return, desperate to be inside you.

“Who has been by your side since we were children, Aemond?”

He took a steadying breath, trying to regain some composure. “You.”

“Who has warmed your bed for the past three years?”

“You, Y/N.”

“Who are you going to marry?”

“You.” In a fluid movement that sent the breath from your lungs, Aemond twisted, pinning you to the mattress beneath his weight. “If you let me touch you now, that is.”

“Touch me, Aemond.”

He grinned, kissing you fiercely. His hands running the length of your body, tracing every detail of you, as though he wanted to memorize the feel of you beneath his fingertips. “Moan for me.” He was in control now, your body putty in his hands. Your voice raised in pleasure mingled with the crackling fire and Aemond’s panting breaths as he parted your legs, fingers brushing the wet folds of your quim.

He kissed you again, swallowing your mewls as his body moved against your heated skin, inserting a digit into you and pumping slowly. You tried to move against him, but he stopped you, pressing his weight firmly down upon your writhing form. “Patience, darling.” He purred in your ear, nibbling at the sensitive skin there. “All good things to those who wait.”

You whimpered against the heated skin of his plush lips, twisting his silver hair around your fingers, reveling in the feeling of him pressing down on you, stretching your cunt as he pushed another finger into you, twisting and curling against the spot that had you crying out in ecstasy.

Your orgasm was almost upon you, your vision was going white as you squeezed Aemond’s waist with your thighs. Suddenly he removed his hand from your heat, dragging a curse of protest from your mouth as you fought to regain some form of friction, your hips twisting helplessly.

“Surely you didn’t think to tease and dominate me with no consequences, my ember?” Aemond tilted his head at your indignant expression, the ends of his long hair tickling your chest. “It is only fair I return the favor. Do not move.”

He rose from the bed, turning from you momentarily, seemingly not wishing for you to see what he was doing. His head dipped, hands busy at his face. When Aemond faced you again, the sapphire stone was in his hand, his left eye empty. It was not the first time you’d seen him like this, the way the prince was observing you sent a fresh shiver through your core.

“Open your legs for me.”

You obeyed, welcoming him as he crawled back over you.


“Aemond, what are you planning?”

He gave you a devious smirk. Your hips jerked as he placed the cold faceted stone against your clit, beginning to rub light circles against the swollen nub.


“Hmm.” He kissed your inner thigh, running the tip of his tongue to the junction of your legs. “The reaction I was hoping for.”

Your knees locked around his head as he dipped his tongue into you, still working his sapphire against your sensitive clit. The lewd sounds of him lapping up the nectar of your sex combined with the feel of the stone rubbing on your most sensitive parts sent you over the edge. The force of your orgasm slammed into you, your hips rose off the mattress, Aemond’s head still held tightly by your thighs as he drank your release down, still mercilessly stroking your pussy with his sapphire until you were begging for him to stop.

“Aemond please, please.” You gasped and writhed, his tongue still licking up your release. “I can’t, it’s too much!”

Tears pricked the corners of your eyes, the sensation overwhelming. Your hands fisted in his hair, trying to pry him away from your spasming cunt. With a satisfying pop, Aemond released you from his mouth, looking at you with a dilated violet eye. He moved over you, pinning your hips with his own, his ready cock probing at your entrance as he pressed the drenched sapphire to your lips. “Taste yourself.” He commanded.

Eyes wide, you obeyed. Aemond watched as your tongue darted out, licking your orgasm off the deep blue stone. With a wanton groan, Aemond tossed it aside, swooping down to press his lips against yours. In one movement, he entered you, his growl of pleasure drowned out by your loud cry. Your nails dug into the skin of his back as you adjusted to his size, the walls of your quim stretching to accommodate the sudden intrusion.

Aemond’s eye was closed, his mouth slack as he relished the feeling of being inside you. You wiggled beneath him, already seeking to chase the fresh wave of arousal coursing through you. Aemond’s eye snapped open, he smiled before placing a kiss to the tip of your nose. “Be still.” He nuzzled against the hollow of your throat, the scent of his hair filling your nostrils. “I want to savor you.”

You grunted, a flare of defiance sparking in your chest as you moved your hips as best you could against him.

Aemond’s teeth grazed your neck sharply. “I said be still, Y/N. I don’t wish to cum just yet.”

The vulnerability in his voice gave you pause, and you allowed him to rest atop your body, his weight pleasantly pressing you into the mattress. You smoothed his tousled hair with your hands. “Are you alright, Aemond?”

You knew the answer, but the passion he had shown you tonight spoke to an inner turmoil only you could recognize. Aemond hummed low in his throat, the sound vibrating against your chest. He mouthed at the flesh of your breast, seeking comfort in the soft feel of your body. “I will be, my ember. We will be.”

His tongue found your nipple, your cunt clenched around his member in response. Aemond hissed at the sensation, rutting into you despite himself. You coaxed him to continue, your legs opening wider for him, your wandering hands finding the curve of his ass where you dug your nails.

“Vixen.” Aemond murmured, sucking a bruise onto your throat as he began moving inside you at last.

He held your knees against the mattress as he pumped into you, his cock already beginning to twitch inside your core. You could feel him closing in on his release, your quim tightening in response.

“Please…” Your words trailed off into sounds of pleasure mingled with soft utterances of his name.

With a forceful movement, Aemond sheathed himself fully inside you, his fingers marking the skin of your thighs as his hot cum flooded your cunt. Aemond pulled out halfway before sinking back into you, sending you over the edge, your ecstasy pulling his seed deeper as you clenched and quivered around him.

“Y/N.” Aemond breathed your name in reverence, his hair shining like a moonlit river over his shoulders. “I love you.”

You brought him back down to meet you in a heated kiss, pouring your adoration into every move of your mouth against his, your heels pressing against his backside, pressing him further into you as you rode out the last waves of your orgasm.

“Aemond.” Your thoughts were proving difficult to gather, the bliss of your lovemaking making your eyelids heavy. “Tell me you’re mine.”

Aemond pulled slowly out of you, leaving you feeling oddly empty, even as he collapsed on the bed next to you, pulling you securely into his warm embrace. His fingers traced low at your abdomen as he trailed featherlight kisses up the arch of your neck. “I give myself willingly to you.” He kissed your lips as you turned your head to look at his face. “A dragon is only claimed by one who is worthy.” Aemond kissed you again, lingering to brush his nose against yours. “You are mine as I am yours, Y/N.”

“You will marry me then?” You whispered, hardly daring to ask the question even with the look of utter adoration Aemond was bestowing upon you.

“If there is a future to be had,” Aemond pressed his forehead tenderly against your own. “I would walk into it gladly at your side.”

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