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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Never Do That Again

Hello, did you see the viral tweet where they say that Helena did not see the evil/sarcasm in Aemond because she never saw it like that? it could be a request in the same scenario where the reader ( wife, you decide if she is a sister, cousin, niece or from another house ) is a sunshine and maybe it could be combined where in a fight or frustrated aemond he puts all his frustration on her and shows that hidden side? I love the angst but with a happy ending. Thank you

You lovely people are making me giddy with all your wonderful compliments, thank you! @lauraneedstochill made an excellent point that Aemond wouldn't be an asshole to who he loves...that's why I am struggling so much with this plotline haha I have to come up with something believable and he's not making it easy!

Aemond x fem!reader | angst to smut | 18+ only | reader getting bent over and her guts rearranged

“Aemond, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself!”

“That’s not my point, Y/N!”

The two of you stood facing each other, hands balled into fists at your sides, glaring daggers. You had taken a trip, unbeknownst to your husband, to Flea Bottom, visiting the orphanage there to bring food and toys to the children.

“Did you at least have guards with you?” Aemond asked, tilting his head while his violet eye widened.

You hesitated, knowing full well you had not thought to bring a retinue of guardsmen.

Aemond looked to the ceiling as if praying for strength as he ran a hand through his silver hair. “Gods help me, Y/N, you will be the death of me.”

“I am here, aren’t I?” You cried, tossing aside the shawl you’d worn to the inner city. “Alive and well.”

“So the rumors I heard are untrue?” Your husband pierced you with his keen gaze, folding his arms tight across his chest.

He had already donned his long coat and sword by the time you got back, panting from the exertion of running. A group of men had indeed interrupted your time with the children, their sole aim to capture and hold you for ransom. Exactly how Aemond had heard that before you had even returned to the Keep only attested to the many eyes and ears in the city that belonged to the royal family.

“Y/N?” His voice was low, daring you to deny it.

“I…” You locked eyes with him, jutting your chin out in defiance. “As I have already said, I am safe. I-”

You are a fool!” Aemond barked, striding toward you, scaring you backwards with the suddenness of his movement. He reached out as if to take your shoulders in his hands but dropped his arms at the last moment, instead leaning down into your space, his eye narrowed in anger. “A naive child. To risk everything on a whim. You could have been killed, or worse!” Aemond smoothed a hand over his head again, turning his back on your shocked and hurt expression.

“I am not a child.” You whispered, your face burning as you stared at Aemond’s tense shoulders. “I wanted to help.”

Aemond raised a gloved hand, signaling you to stop speaking. He shook his head, not speaking as he strode to the open door. He didn’t so much as spare you a glance before he disappeared into the corridor beyond.

“Shit.” You muttered to the empty room. “He’s pissed.”

Your heart twisted; the image of his anger fresh in your mind’s eye. The underlying fear you had seen on his face sent a fresh weight of guilt crashing in your chest. You had been in the wrong, he was right, you had risked everything…not even thinking to bring guards to the orphanage or telling your husband where you were going.

You couldn’t remain still, instead choosing to walk aimlessly down the stone hallways. Your feet found themselves outside Alicent’s reading room, the one she so often occupied. You raised a fist and knocked softly, wondering if you would get a response.

“Come in.” Came the soft reply.

Alicent was perched upon a sofa beside the flickering fire, a small book in her delicate hands. She looked up at you, a small knowing smile upon her face, her brown eyes alight with sympathy. “Sit with me, Y/N.” She marked her place before setting her book aside, patting the cushions next to where she sat invitingly.

You took a seat, looking from her face to the burning flames, the threat of tears still present behind your eyes. “Where…?

“He took Vhagar out flying.”

“Oh.” Your voice was small.

Alicent reached over and began rubbing small circles into your back. “He worries for your safety, Y/N.” She ducked her head to find your eyes. “He loves you very much, you know.”

You nodded, throat constricting, fighting valiantly against the urge to cry. Alicent’s face softened as she opened her arms to you. She rocked you slightly as your own mother would, murmuring soothing words into your hair as you embraced her. She took your arms, steadying you as you straightened back up. “Aemond will still be cross with you when he returns. Make sure he knows you won’t make that kind of mistake again, alright?”

“Yes.” You spent a few more silent moments with your mother-in-law, sitting amiably with each other.

As Alicent picked up her book to resume reading, you stood, brushing your skirts and making your way back into the hallway. You were grateful for her counsel, Alicent knew Aemond better than anyone in the world.

The hour grew late, you had spent most of it pacing before your bedroom fireplace, chewing on your nails. Aemond did not return, not even as the moon rose high in the dark sky. As the flames in your hearth began to dwindle into burning embers, you finally changed into your gossamer nightgown, slipping beneath the covers. You lay awake a long time before sleep took you, still waiting for the telltale opening of your chamber door heralding the return of your husband.

Warm hands caressing the skin of your thighs, digging into your supple flesh with firm fingers, roused you from a deep sleep. You groaned, rolling onto your back, your eyes flickering blearily open to see Aemond sitting above you. His anger appeared to be mostly gone, save for the pursed lips and steely glint lingering within his eye as he watched you wake. His hands continued to knead and probe at you, trailing up to your breasts, squeezing hard enough to elicit a mewl from your mouth.

Aemond.” You hissed, beginning to rise into a sitting position only for him to swoop down upon you, pinning your wrists to the pillow above your head.

His long hair, illuminated in the moonlight, tickled your shoulders as he leaned down, his breath ghosting across your open mouth. “You vex me to no end, Y/N.”

“I’m sorry.” You wriggled beneath his heavy weight, your chest heaving as you panted. “I wasn’t thinking!”

“No.” Aemond kissed you with such fervor it stole the breath from your lungs. “You weren’t.” His one hand continued to hold your wrists together while he sucked bruising kisses to the column of your neck. “I can also tell you’re not sorry, nor do you think you were in the wrong.” He cupped your jaw firmly, forcing you to look at him as you attempted to turn your head. “Those eyes of yours say it all, Y/N.” Aemond kissed your lips roughly, dragging at your bottom lip with his teeth. “You can never hide your thoughts from me.”

“Is that so?” In a fluid movement you wrapped your legs around Aemond’s torso, pulling and pushing in equal measure, catching him off-guard enough to flip him underneath you. You blew strands of hair off your face, your hands now splayed across his bare chest, straddling him triumphantly. “Bet you didn’t see that coming.”

Aemond made a low dangerous noise in his throat, a thin smirk curving his plush lips as he studied you, his hair a mess on the pillow and across his angular face. With seemingly little effort Aemond rose from the bed, his hands grasping your thighs to keep you flush against him as he found his feet. You let out an undignified squeak, throwing your arms around his neck to keep from falling backward.

Aemond walked to the wall, pressing your back against it non to gently, releasing your legs to instead grip your throat, applying gentle pressure, coaxing your chin up so he could capture your parted lips in another searing kiss. You felt Aemond’s knee between your thighs, moving in tandem with you as you ground your heat down upon him, desperately seeking friction.

His long fingers stroked a fiery path along the skin of your stomach, dipping down to the junction of your legs. You jerked against his touch as he dipped into your slickness, rubbing languid circles against your swollen clit. Aemond pulled away from your searching lips enough so he could watch your wanton expression with his hooded eye, your mouths barely touching as you breathed each other in.

He pressed into your quivering cunt, two of his fingers diving deep and curling against the spot that brought stars to your eyes. “Aemond.” You murmured, your eyes rolling shut as you felt your climax approaching, his other hand still holding your throat.

Aemond removed his fingers from you, leaving you empty and unsatisfied. With a whimper of frustration, you opened your eyes to glare at him.

“You think yourself deserving of a swift release?” Aemond quirked a brow at you, that damned smirk back on his beautifully wicked face.

“I’m close…” You reached down with your hand to try and pleasure yourself, but he caught your wrist, stopping you. “To giving you a swift kick to the groin.” You snarled, fighting once more to free yourself from Aemond’s firm grasp.

He chuckled at that. “You have enough fire to counter that of a dragon, Y/N.” Aemond spun you around roughly, your chest now pressing against the wall as he freed himself from his trousers. “Bend over.”

Heat pooled in your belly, yet stubbornness prevailed, and you remained rigidly upright, your head turned to watch him from your periphery.

“If you want to cum at all tonight, you will do as I say.” Aemond’s voice was dangerously low as he spoke in your ear, his body pressed flush to yours as he pulled at your hips with his hands.

You obeyed, your hands pressing against the stone wall as you allowed Aemond to pull you back while pushing you down, bowing your body beneath his. You shivered, feeling his teeth and lips brushing along the exposed skin of your neck and back. The head of his leaking member brushed your folds as Aemond lined himself to your wanting entrance. He slowly pushed into you, agonizingly slow, until he was seated fully within your cunt. Aemond held your hips firm as you tried to move against him, reveling in the warmth of your walls around his twitching member. “Gods.” He breathed. “I could fill you with little more than just this.”

“Aemond, please.” You didn’t beg often; he didn’t give you many reasons to. But tonight was proving to be a unique situation.

His hands gripped the dip of your waist tighter as he pulled out of you just to sink right back in, a hiss of pleasure escaping his mouth. “You’re so ready for me, Y/N.” He pumped into you again, taking his time, enjoying the sweet moans he dragged from your lips with each thrust.

You pressed your forehead against the wall, one of your hands reaching back to grasp at Aemond’s wrist.

“Do you need me to fuck you harder?”

The filth of his words sent a quivering spasm to your core, Aemond grunting as you squeezed against his cock.

“Please.” It seemed to be the only word you could say; the only phrase you could think. “Please Aemond.”

He rutted into you, making you gasp with the sudden force of his strokes as he increased the pace. Your breasts bounced as he fucked you against the wall, his hands coming to hold them in place as he pressed his chest flush against your back. Aemond mouthed at the flesh of your neck, pulling you to stand straight as he continued the demanding pace.

“Look at me.” His hand was at your throat once more as you turned your head to look at him. His lips brushed yours as he looked down upon you. “Promise me you won’t stray into danger again.”

“I-ah!” Your hands clutched at his torso, your walls tightening around him. “I-”

“If you want me to give you release, promise me.” Aemond’s breathing was heavy against your open mouth, he was just as close to his climax as you.

“I promise…Aemond.” You gasped, his tongue flicking out to taste the nectar of your lips as your orgasm began crashing over you. “I promise.” You said over and over as, legs shaking, you began to cum around him, your clenching walls milking the seed from him as he came with you. He held you steady, his firm arms around your chest as you bent forward once more, the force of your orgasm taking hold of your trembling body. Aemond continued to stroke deeply into you; once, twice, three times more, each motion sending a new shockwave to your center. Finally satisfied, he stilled, his softening manhood buried to the hilt as you both slowly came down from your high.

When Aemond pulled out, allowing you to stand straight, you felt his hot seed escaping your used quim, trickling down your legs. You turned your body, pressing against him as your lips found his. “I am sorry, Aemond.” You murmured, his soft expression prompting you to speak. “I never meant to cause you such worry.”

“I know, my love.” He whispered, his eye flicking between your own. “All is forgiven.”

He kissed you again, you felt his fingers scoop up the cum escaping from you and pushing it back into your cunt. You shivered against him, newly aroused at this unexpected action. He swept you up into his arms, depositing you back onto the bed and crawling atop you once more. “I’m not finished with you, however.” He grinned slyly, his hands spreading your legs for him to push long fingers back into your wet heat. You arched up into his touch, already feeling a fresh wave of arousal.

Aemond kissed you deeply, drinking down your gasps of pleasure as he scooped more of his seed from your thigh and pressed it back where he wanted it most. “There are still a few lessons I’m sure I can teach you before the dawn breaks.” He chuckled sinfully against your mouth. “Roll onto your stomach for me, my love.”

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