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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Lost in Flea Bottom


“Just let me finish this and I swear ill go down on you until you cum at least three times.” (144) lets get down to bussiness

Part 2 of “Spray of Blood”

Word count: 2724

reader gets lost trying to run back to King’s Landing and Aemond, still splattered in blood, has to find her and bring her back to safety.

haha this is a joint effort it seems! Also I have wanted to write reader sitting on Aemond’s face so thank you for #86

28. i’m just getting comfy

74. “Do you want me to stay?”

86. “don’t be shy now, sit on my face.”

98. “if we weren’t in public right now i’d have my head between your legs”

Aemond x wife!reader | smutty ending | 18+ only | fluff and a sprinkle of angst | Aemond isn’t super happy lmao

You were lost.

Cursing, you stopped in the middle of the empty street, turning on the spot, surveying your unfamiliar surroundings.

Fuck me sideways.” You muttered, taking a moment to rub your aching temples.

You had indulged in too much spiced wine at the festival, muddling your already questionable orienteering skills.

If the lady insists.” A hissing voice accompanied a slender man emerging from the shadows of a stone building.

He held no weapon, seeming to think you easy prey as he strode forward, already unbuckling his trousers.

You still held the stone you had picked up when Aemond had confronted the men in the market, and so you collected your frayed nerves, taking careful aim as Aemond had taught you.

You threw the shard of brick, it struck true with a dull thud to the man’s head. He went down like a sack of flour, hitting the damp cobblestones with a dull thud.

Shaking, you hurried on your way, in the direction you hoped the Red Keep was in. At least you were still walking uphill, that seemed to be a good sign.

After a few minutes of meandering, warm yellow light fell upon your face, a tavern in front of you that appeared cozy and welcoming. As you entered, you noticed a few other patrons, but the dining area and counter was mostly empty. A squat looking man was stacking dishware behind the bar counter as you took a seat.

He gave you a cursory glance with a raised eyebrow, you shifted to hide the fine fabric of your dress beneath the cloak you still wore. You pulled back your hood, wanting to be recognizable if Aemond passed the window searching for you.

“What can I get you?” The bartender asked in a gruff baritone, seeming not to care what brought you to his establishment so long as you had gold.

“Do you have hot tea? Or something non-alcoholic?” You asked. “I just came from the fire festival and had a bit too much to drink there.”

“Ah I see!” The man smiled, his ruddy cheeks reflecting the candlelight. “Yes, I can get you some green tea brewed up. Does wonders for a hangover.”

“Thank you.”

Minutes passed, turning to hours as you sat at the uncomfortable wooden table. You drank several mugs of steaming earthy tea, enjoying the way it warmed your body from the inside out.

“Are ye waiting for someone?” The bartender looked at you quizzically, clearly wondering why you were remaining for so long. All the other patrons had left for their homes by now.

“Yes, my husband.”

“You’re lost?”

You shifted uneasily in your seat, casting him a wary glance.

He raised his hands, a towel draped over his shoulder. “I mean you no harm miss, but if you’d like directions, I can give them.” He glanced outside at the dark streets. “Though perhaps it best if you wait here, it’s not safe for anyone to be wandering about right now.”

“Where am I?”

He chuckled looked at you with a fatherly smile. “Outskirts of Flea Bottom.”

You groaned.

“Not where you intended to be I expect. Not wearing a dress like that.”

You shifted your cloak to cover yourself better.

“You have nothing to fear from me.” The keeper reiterated. “I’ll not cast you out till your husband comes to fetch you.”

“Thank you.” You lay your head upon your hands, staring glassy eyed out the window, praying to all the gods Aemond would find you.

You had fallen into a doze, jolted awake by the sound of the inn door slamming open and the exclamation of the barkeep still behind his counter.

Aemond, glorious with his shining hair and piercing violet eye, strode into the tavern, his gaze locked onto you.

“My-my prince! What an unexpected…” The tavern keeper trailed off as he watched Aemond walking purposefully toward you.

You rose from your seat, throwing your arms around Aemond’s neck as he pulled you against him, his hands at your back, stroking soothingly as he kissed your ear.

You tried your best not to sob. “Aemond, I got lost.”

“You’re the wife of Aemond Targaryen?”

The two of you broke apart to turn to the front of the room, where the keeper was bowing low.

“He helped keep me safe.” You interlocked your fingers with Aemond’s.

Your husband stepped up to the rough wood counter, depositing a bag of clinking coins onto its surface. “You have my gratitude.”

The man continued to bow, averting his gaze. Aemond made a soft “hmm” in the back of his throat, guiding you out of the warm room into the cool night air.

You didn’t get far before he pulled you to a stop, his taut face illuminated silver in the moonlight. “I’ve been searching for you for hours, Y/N.”


He held up a hand to stop you from speaking. “You were not in our rooms. So, I returned to the square as quickly as I could, asking anyone still outside if they had seen you.”

You looked down at your feet guiltily as Aemond continued.

“Imagine my surprise when I find a man collapsed upon the ground, a stone beside him and a lump on his forehead.”

“He…had ill intentions.” You whispered, still studying your shoes.

“Hmm. A shame I left him alive then.” Aemond’s fingers hooked under your chin, pulling your face to look up at him. “However, that is how I found you sitting in that tavern.”

You slowly moved forward, tentatively wrapping your arms around Aemond’s waist. You could tell how worn and anxious he was, specks of blood still upon his tunic from the men he’d dispatched earlier that evening.

“Aemond, I’m sorry for getting lost. I…was panicking and a little drunk.” You smiled weakly as his face softened, his lilac eye roving your features as you rubbed small circles to the small of his back.

“I had intended this to be a relaxing evening of fun.” Aemond said, giving a short laugh of derision. He cupped your face in his hands. You noticed they shook slightly. “I was beside myself with worry, Y/N.” He brushed his soft lips to yours gently. “This is not a place for a woman to wander alone.”

“You have me safe now, Aemond.”

“And safe is where I will keep you.”

He kissed you firmly, slanting his mouth over yours, his fingers tangling in your hair as you made a soft noise against him. In the tension of his body against your own you felt how worked up he was from the events of the night, the intensity with which he kissed you promised bruised lips in the morning.

“If we weren’t in public right now I’d have my head between your legs.“

Aemond.“ You whispered, shocked, as you checked over your shoulder for anyone listening. The streets were luckily empty, though several windows were wide open.

"Come.” The prince grasped your hand firmly in his and began leading you in the correct direction of the Red Keep.

You breathed a sigh of relief at the welcome sight of your chambers, lit with the orange glow of a blazing fire in the hearth that you immediately crossed to stand before, warming your hands.

Your large, clawed bathtub sat full of steaming water in the middle of the room.

Aemond came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your middle, his chin resting on your shoulder.

“I had the servants draw a bath for your return, we are fortunate it seems to still be hot.”

You felt him beginning to loosen the ties of your dress. “Do you want me to stay?” He asked, nuzzling into your neck. “I’d understand if you need to be alone. It has been a…difficult evening.”

“Please stay, Aemond. I need you with me, especially right now.”

He kissed your neck and resumed undoing your dress. You smiled to yourself at his evident eagerness to see you laid bare before him.

The fabric of your dress and undergarments pooled around your feet, you leaned into Aemond’s warm touch as he fondled the curves of your ass and hips with one hand, his other reaching around to stroke at your breasts.

You turned to him, allowing his gaze to roam your firelit body. “You are still covered in blood, my lord husband.” Your wandering fingers began undoing the clasps of his own clothing, shedding each garment with tender care until he was as naked as you, his thick member already standing at attention.

You smiled coyly at him, allowing him to support your balance as you stepped into the hot water of the bath. You sank down into the silken water, scooting forward enough for Aemond to take his place behind you.

You pressed your back against him, your hands running along his legs as they caged your body, his arms wrapping around your torso.

“I’m just getting comfy.” You murmured, leaning back so that your head rested against Aemond’s chest, looking up at his adoring gaze.

He had removed his eyepatch, the sapphire gemstone glittering dazzlingly by the reflection of firelight against the water that now lapped against the edges of the wooden tub.

The two of you rested like this together, rubbing each other down with soap and wash cloths. You took your time cleansing Aemond’s skin, feeling the knots in his tense muscles and kneading them loose, his eye fluttered shut at your loving attentions.

Only when the water had cooled and the two of you began to shiver, did you exit the bath, helping each other towel down until you were relatively dry. Aemond grabbed your waist, pulling you in for another scorching kiss, one of many he’d bestowed upon you that night.

“Lay on the bed for me.”

You obeyed, perhaps misinterpreting his meaning as you wrapped yourself in your nightrobe before getting comfortable in bed. You watched Aemond from your cocoon of blankets as he busied himself trying to get the stains out of his tunic and undershirt.

“Aemond…” You called quietly, trying to entice him over with the lilt of your voice.

“The blood has set into the fabric long enough, Y/N. Give me a moment to try and lift it.”

“Aemond.” You wiggled beneath the covers, seeking to draw his gaze.

“Just let me finish this and I swear I’ll go down on you until you cum at least three times.”

“If you don’t come over here now, I’m going to start touching myself.”

You knew just what to threaten.

With a growl, Aemond threw down his ruined shirt upon the sofa, striding to the bed and throwing the blankets off your body. “Take that off.” His dilated eye took in your tantalizing curves wrapped up in your fluffy nightrobe.

“I’m cold.”

“Do not tease me anymore this eve.” Aemond crawled over your prone form, dragging his teeth along your bottom lip. “You heard me. Take. It. Off.”

You undid the tie around your waist, shifting the fabric off, exposing yourself once more to your husband’s eager touch. His fingers rolled your pebbling nipples, tugging at your flesh, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from your lips as you arched into him.

“Already so wet for me.” Aemond murmured against your lips, his hand cupping your sex, feeling between your slick folds.

You gasped at the feeling of him exploring you. In a fluid motion, you rolled your entwined bodies over, shifting to sit on his torso, looking down at Aemond’s face, his curved lips parted in surprise.

“I want to be on top.” You could barely speak, so entranced you were at the sight of him laid beneath you, his silver hair spread out atop the pillows. “Let me do this, please.”

You rocked your hips, feeling his hard arousal beneath you as you stroked your vulva along Aemond’s shaft. His eyelid fluttered at the sensation, his hands rising to grip your hips as you lost yourself in the feeling of him.

“Don’t be shy now, sit on my face.”

Your mouth parted, Aemond tugged you a little forward by his grip on your hips. "Are-are you sure I won’t suffocate you?”

Aemond laughed. “If you do, I couldn’t think of a better way to go.”

Heat pooled in your belly as you scooted forward, bracing your hands against the bedframe as you hovered on your knees over Aemond’s face. “You’re sure?”


Aemond rose just enough to tease your entrance with his nose, nuzzling against your swollen clit. You gasped, lowered yourself rather gracelessly onto his angular face.

You quivered, feeling Aemond’s tongue working against you as you rocked gently against him. His chin, his nose all pressed against your most sensitive parts. The wet sound of him lapping up your essence filled the darkened room.

“Oh Aemond.” You gripped the bedframe tighter, making sure to not actually suffocate your husband with your cunt no matter how he tried to pull you more against his searching mouth, his fingers pressing deep against the flesh of your thighs.

He grunted, the vibration of his voice causing you to clench around the tip of his tongue as he fucked it into you. His nose continued pressing and rubbing against your clit, Aemond moving his whole face with your movements as you began to grind down on him, losing your self control.

His name spilled from your panting mouth, your climax rushing over you like waves upon the sea cliffs. Aemond drank you down eagerly, his tongue lapping you up as though you tasted of the finest wine. You rode out your orgasm on his face, your legs shaking as you lifted yourself off him, collapsing to the mattress as your husband rolled over you once more. His hair was a mess, his lips and chin soaked from your juices. You bit your bottom lip at the lewd sight, his eye tracking the movement.

Aemond kissed you, more gently than you had anticipated, his tongue searching your mouth, allowing you to taste your own release as he lined his cock to your entrance. You gripped the back of his head, gasping against him as he sunk slowly into you. Aemond’s breath filled your lungs as his cock stretched you out deliciously, filling you until he was fully seated within your still quivering walls.

Aemond broke your kiss, pulling away enough to watch your face as he began rutting into you. His gentleness gave way to a rougher, more desperate pace, his cock brushing your cervix with every punishing stroke. You clung to him, your legs rising instinctively to allow him deeper access.

“Y/N.” Aemond breathed your name like a prayer, his chest still flush against your own as he nibbled the shell of your ear. “I can feel you tightening around me.” You cried out as he increased his pace still more, fucking you deep into the mattress. “I need you to come. Show me you’re mine.” His cock twitched inside you. “Mine alone to claim.”

I am yours, Aemond.” You felt your second orgasm of the night begin to rush through your body, your spasming quim already beginning to milk his member. “Forever yours.”

Your name, so sweet on Aemond’s tongue, filled the night air, mingling with your wordless moans of ecstasy as your husband spilled his hot seed within your clenching cunt. He pushed himself as deep into you as he could, remaining rooted there until you had both come down from the high of your climax.

Your legs were shaking in earnest now, Aemond reluctantly pulled away, his cum spilling out of you onto the now ruined bedsheets. Exhausted, satiated, and heedless of the mess you’d made, Aemond pulled you against him, encasing you in his arms. He placed a kiss to the top of your head as you made a pillow of his chest, his legs still tangled with your own.

Sleep took you quickly, a lock of Aemond’s silken hair wrapped around your forefinger as you had a habit of doing when seeking comfort.

Aemond lay awake for a long while after you had drifted off, his mind still alive with the fear and rage that had consumed him mere hours before. Bedding you had taken the edge off, however the many gruesome possibilities of what could have happened remained unbidden and unwelcome.

He held you tighter against his lithe body, feeling the reassuring rise and fall of your chest on his, the light snores emitting from your slack mouth. Eventually exhaustion overtook Aemond, his eye falling closed, his lips still pressed to your head even in sleep.

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