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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

I Desire You

Hi I like your blog ^_^ I was wondering if I can request a soft NSFW oneshot of Aemond feeling insecure about his eye and scar, but (fem!) reader lovingly rides him and gives him all the attention? I just want him to feel good 🤧

Hi guys! I love the idea of Aemond and his wife overhearing some ladies gossiping about Aemond's eye and what horror may lie beneath...upsetting him and it's up to the reader to pull his thoughts back to does get smutty towards the end so 18+ only (also this somehow became a continuation of my Lannister!reader fics...must be the wine.)

word count: 2500

Aemond x fem!Lannister!reader | upset Aemond | comforting Aemond | smut | first time sapphire reveal

“That’s Lady Beesbury.” You took a sip of wine from your golden goblet, leaning closer to Aemond as you spoke. “She’s a horrible creature. Called me a ‘crooked-nosed fopdoodle’ just yesterday.”

Your betrothed, who had also taken a mouthful of his red wine, choked. You patted him heavily upon his back several times as he coughed and laughed. A tear streaming from his lilac eye, Aemond looked at you incredulously. “She…she did not.”

“On my honor as a Lannister, she did.” You tilted your glass, pressing your lips together in a thin line as you nodded.

“I don’t disagree entirely on the ‘fopdoodle’ aspect.” Aemond chuckled into his drink. “However, your nose isn’t crooked.” He reached out, tweaking your nose between two fingers.

You made an undignified squeaking noise, rearing away from him, pushing his shoulder playfully. “If I am a fopdoodle, you are a mandrake mymmerkin!”

“Hmm. Harsh.” Aemond cut you a sidelong look. “Yet you seem more than satisfied with how I attend to your desires.”

You ignored his mischievous glance, instead gesturing toward a group of foreigners, their furs still draped about their shoulders despite the heat of the Keep. “Who are they?”

“Northerners by the looks of them. Botons perhaps, due to the unsavory pallor of their cheeks.” Aemond sniffed, his brow furrowing in distaste.

“Yes. I’m none too fond of the North, myself.”

“Snow doesn’t befit a lion?” Aemond teased, pressing his shoulder affectionately against your own.

“Nor a dragon.” You smiled at his familiar touch, savoring the smokey scent of him.

You lapsed into silence, both watching as the Bolton group, tousled of hair and wan of face, shuffled from the great hall.

Aemond placed his hand at the small of your back, his fingers probing the scarlet silk of your dress. He caught your eye, opening his mouth to speak but the chatter of young women cut him off as a group of them swept into the hall. “…what’s beneath.” The tallest of them was saying, her auburn hair shining straight, lit by the setting sun. “He wears that eyepatch at all times.” You glanced at your prince, noting the sudden tension in his jaw as the girl continued. “Some say there’s ghastly ball of flame where his eye used to be.”

“Others say it is rotten, and not to get too near for the smell of it.” Another girl piped up, her friends nodding at her shrill words.

“It’s obviously the reason he keeps to himself so much.” The red-haired lady spoke again. “He’s a cripple for life. He would be handsome otherwise I dare say. No one desires him.”

You felt Aemond leave your side, the absence of his presence sending a cold chill down your side. Turning, you saw him departing, his long silver hair swishing against his rigid back as he strode from the hall, unnoticed by the gaggle of gossiping girls.

“I desire him.” You said firmly, making a split-second decision, walking purposefully toward the group of women.

A dark-haired lady scoffed at your words, her expression mocking as she looked you up and down. Her brown eyes registered the scarlet gown you wore, your golden hair and fierce green eyes, the lion pendant upon your chest. She decided better than to speak, biting her words down as she closed her mouth.

You appraised her down your nose. “Wise choice, girl.”

“Who are you?” The leader of the pack, the redhead, half-snarled at your unwelcome presence.

“Y/N Lannister.” You answered, your fiery gaze flicking to her face. “Betrothed to Aemond Targaryen. I won’t ask for your names as they are sadly irrelevant.” You leaned forward, imposing as you stood taller than any of them. “Mark me well, ladies, for this will be your only warning. Speak ill of our prince again and I will make sure you and your families are cut off entirely from the Lannister coffers.”

“Is that a threat?” The most vocal of the women spoke, trying to mask her fear.

“It’s a promise.” You tilted your head at her, a smirk tugging your lips. “You’d be lucky to get away with simple poverty.”

With a swirl of your silken gown you departed, leaving the girls gaping at your retreating form.

You found Aemond in his chambers. Entering unnoticed, you closed the door quickly, bolting it behind you. He was seated before the fire, the window behind him framing a darkening sky of deep blue streaked with the last orange rays of the sun.

You knew he heard your entrance but did not raise his head to meet your gaze as you approached where he sat. “Aemond.” You lowered yourself to the cushions beside him, reaching out to tuck a gentle finger beneath his chin. “My dragon.” You tilted his head up, meeting no resistance as at last his eye met your own. “They’re nothing, Aemond.” You tactfully ignored the redness around his purple iris, the dampness of his cheek. He moved away from your touch, you lowered your hand to your lap, still keenly studying his face. “They’re ignorant young women with wicked tongues. Give them no credence.”

Aemond was silent several long moments. He stood, approaching the fire, staring into the dancing flames. “It was the night I claimed Vhagar as my own.” He spoke low, almost a whisper. “My nephews…attacked me. I fought them off, but one brought a knife and, well…” He turned to face you, gesturing toward the side of his face covered by the eyepatch.

“Why did they attack you?”

Aemond shrugged. “They felt entitled to claim Vhagar. They feel entitled to a great many things. Even my eye.” His face darkened. “I should have fed them to my dragon.”

“No, Aemond.” You rose fluidly to your feet, taking his forearms in your hands. “Kinslaying would have had dire consequences this world would never recover from.”

“Yes, I know.” Aemond sighed, pressing his forehead against your own. “I can promise you, however, that there isn’t some ghostly flame where my eye used to be.”

“May I see?”

The prince was silent again, his fingers gripping your own forearms tightly as he looked down at your upturned face. “Yes.” His expression was solemn, guarded, as if he expected you to recoil the moment you saw him unmasked.

He made no movement, so you took it upon yourself to slowly reach up, hooking your fingers beneath the band of his leather eyepatch. You carefully removed the fabric from his head, revealing the vertical scar in its entirety. Where his eye had once been now sat a sparkling sapphire cut with many facets that reflected the firelight.

Your fingers traced along the scar as Aemond watched your expression carefully, he made to turn his face away, but you caught his jaw in your hand. “Aemond…you’re beautiful.” You giggled at the slack expression on his face. “This is beautiful.” You rose up on your tip toes, placing the softest of kisses against the cool stone eye. You felt Aemond’s breath catch as your palms pressed against his chest. “You’re the loveliest gem in Westeros.”

His violet eye narrowed at you. “You’re drunk.”

“I am not.” You gasped in mock outrage. “Lannisters don’t get drunk on so little wine.”

“You’re raving then.” Aemond turned away from you, back to the fire. “My disfigured face inspires fear and disgust, nothing more.”

“Aemond…” You reached for him, gently touching his elbow.

“Loveliest gem indeed.” He made a movement, ducking his head and reaching for his face with both hands. You couldn’t see what he had done until he turned back to face you. The sapphire now lay in his upturned palm, the socket of his eye now an empty blackness. His one eye burned with the intensity of his gaze. You schooled your expression, reaching up once more with light fingers to caress under the empty eye.

“You infuriating, hard-headed man.” You kissed him again, this time just below his gaping eye. “What will it take for you to understand I am not going anywhere.” Your kisses trailed down his cheek to the column of his neck where you nuzzled into him.

You were gratified as you felt his arms wrap around you, drawing you closer as you continued to press your lips against his warm skin. “I choose you because I want you, Aemond.”

You reached back, undoing the lacings of your dress, shuffling off the rich fabric so that it pooled around your feet. Aemond’s eye dilated as he watched you, he caught your hand as it made to unlace the ties of your undergarment. “Y/N…we shouldn’t.”

“We should.” With little effort, you moved his hand to cup the swell of your breast.

He palmed you beneath the thin fabric of your shift. You arched into his touch, unbuckling the dark green tunic he wore until it fell to the ground alongside your discarded dress. Your fingers explored the planes of his defined chest and torso, dipping down to the waistband of his trousers, untying the lacings there as well as you backed him toward the waiting bed.

“Y/N.” Aemond groaned, ducking to capture your parted lips with his in a searing kiss.

You pushed him back upon the mattress, pulling his remaining clothing off before crawling atop him, your hair falling to frame your faces. Aemond’s long silken hair was spread atop the mattress, you couldn’t resist running your fingers through it, tugging slightly to elicit a small moan from his lips.

“Is this alright?” You sat up straight, your thighs gripping Aemond’s trim waist as you looked down at his flushed face. “Me being on top?”

You felt his cock twitch against the inside of your leg as he rose against you, seeking friction. “Yes.” Was all he seemed able to say in the moment, his fingers grasping the flesh of your hips with bruising intensity.

In one movement you raised your shift over your head, tossing it aside, baring yourself completely to Aemond’s lustful gaze. You massaged your own breasts, tweaking your nipples gently as you ground your wet heat along his hard arousal, coating his length with your slick.

Aemond steadied you with firm hands as you rose up, taking him in hand and aligning him to your ready entrance. The both of you moaned in unison as you sunk slowly down upon him, his long cock burying itself deep within your quivering walls.

Aemond.” You gasped, the overwhelming feeling of his girth stretching you causing you to lean forward, pressing your hands against his chest for support.

“Move.” He pleaded, catching your lower lip with his teeth as you brushed your mouth against his.

You began rocking up and down, back and forth, savoring the feel of being in control, angling yourself so that Aemond’s manhood stroked against your most sensitive spots. His breath filled your lungs, his tongue sliding along yours to the rhythm of your love making.

You broke the kiss, straightening once more, fucking him faster, allowing his cock to hit against the deepest part of you. Aemond reached up, securing your bouncing breasts in his hands, kneading the sensitive flesh as you arched your neck back, a sound of pleasure caught in your throat.

Your name spilled from his parted lips, you looked back down to his face, reveling in the beauty of it. “I want you.” Your words were uttered like a prayer between gasps for breath. “I want to be yours. I need you to be mine.” You shuddered, your core clenching tightly around Aemond’s cock. “Aemond.

“Lean against me, my love.” Aemond’s hands gripped your waist as you pressed your chest flush to his, your lips connecting in a sloppy kiss of tongue and teeth. Aemond rose his hips to meet you, pumping his length into you with wild abandon. His moans mingling with your own, the lewd slapping of flesh and musky scent of sex permeating the night air.

“Aemond I-” You panted, pressing your forehead against his, your eyes closed in rapture. “I’m going to…I want you to come inside me.”

You were still atop him now, letting Aemond take control as he set a punishing pace, the head of his cock hitting your cervix with a jolt of electric pleasure. He groaned at your words, biting down upon your shoulder as he neared his own climax.

You felt him begin to twitch inside you, the feeling of his teeth marking your flesh sending you crashing over the edge. Aemond drove himself deep into you several more times before seating himself to the hilt inside your cunt as it milked the seed from him.

He rolled you over onto your back, his silver hair tickling your chest as he leaned over you. “You are a wonder, Y/N.” Aemond kissed you softly upon your slack lips. “A creature apart from this world.”

Aemond rutted himself into you several more times, loathe to leave your silken heat. When he did pull out, you felt oddly empty, the evidence of his orgasm leaking from you onto the rumpled sheets. He kissed you deeper, slanting his mouth over yours, drinking down your weak mewls of lingering pleasure, his hands still groping the ample flesh of your thigh.

You remained locked together like this for many blissful moments, savoring the warm embrace of the other. The taste of his lush lips moving with your own, the feel of his heartbeat against your chest, his arms cradling you against him as your leg was lifted over his waist.

“I want to give you something.” Aemond murmured against your searching lips, brushing his nose against yours.

“Something else?” You teased, your eyes opening to take in his adoring expression. “You’re so generous, my prince.”

He rewarded your wit with a dry chuckle, disentangling himself as he moved off the bed, walking over to rummage through the nearby dresser. You stretched languidly, admiring the view of his bare body before you.

Aemond returned to your side, a small box in his open palm. A small smile traced his curved lips as he watched you undo the small ribbon, pulling off the lid to reveal what lay inside. A gasp escaped your lips, your eyes flicking from his face to the ring that sparkled in the lowlight. It was delicately crafted, wrought silver bands entwining to hold an exquisitely cut sapphire gemstone.

“I know it is not of the traditional make.” Aemond explained, still watching your expressions. “It was cut from the same stone that made my false eye.” He hesitated only a moment before continuing. “I would be honored if you would wear this to signify our union.”

“It’s…” Your voice caught in your constricting throat, unbidden tears welling in your eyes. “Aemond it’s…lovely. Yes, I will wear it.” You allowed him to slip the ring onto your finger, admiring the beauty of it as Aemond held your hand in his.

“Now you will always have a part of me with you.” Aemond kissed the top of your head as you drew him down into an embrace.

“Hopefully more than one now.” You guided your interlocked fingers to rest atop your womb, where you could still feel his release warm inside yourself.

“Hmm.” Aemond agreed, tucking your head beneath his chin, his legs entwining with your own.

Your breathing steadied; heavy eyes unable to tear themselves away from the shining gemstone that adorned your finger, signifying your belonging to Aemond Targaryen.

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