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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Don't Lay a Hand on Her

Updated: Jan 11, 2023


Could you write something for Aemond being protective of his pregnant wife during the dinner scene in ep8? Like she gets caught up in the middle of the fight and Aemonds just having none of the Strong boys shit as they endanger his beloved

Hi my lovely Anons! These are all brilliant requests by the way, and thank you for reading my works!

Aemond x pregnant!reader | the dreaded family dinner | hurt reader | protective dad Aemond

You looked down to where Aemond knelt before you, his hands reverently holding the swell of your pregnant belly as your hands carded through his long hair. He pressed his lips to where your child grew, looking up at you reverently with his lilac eye. “You will be a wonderful mother, Y/N.” He rose to kiss you, pouring adoration into the way his lips moved with yours, his tongue sweeping across your bottom lip. You gasped softly as he deepened the embrace, his hands cupping your waist, pulling your round abdomen flush against him.

“Are you ready to go down to dinner?” You murmured, your breath still mingling with his.

“Mm.” Aemond breathed, his eye still half closed as he rested his forehead against yours. “I’d much rather spend the evening alone with you.”

“As would I.” You kissed him once more before extricating yourself from his grasp. “However, your mother would not be pleased with either of us.”

“Indeed, she would not!” Aemond chuckled, opening the door for you as you both exited your bedchambers.

Arm in arm, you walked together down the winding stone corridors, reaching the dining hall just as Aegon joined you. “Ready to break bread with the wolves, brother?” Aegon rolled his eyes, pushing open the oaken doors.

Aemond didn’t answer, though his arm around you tightened slightly. Alicent and Rhaenyra were already sitting at the long table, carefully avoiding each other’s gazes. Jacaerys and Lucerys glanced over from their corner of the room, looking over you, Aemond and Aegon as you entered. You noticed Jacaerys’ eyes drop to take in the curve of your belly, a sneer flitting across his features as he looked at Aemond beside you. You held Aemond’s arm a little tighter as he guided you to your seats. You sat, taking the weight off your tired feet, Helaena to your immediate right and Aemond sitting at the end of the table to your left.

You could tell how tense your husband was, your attention thoroughly distracted from the light conversation around the table. Aemond’s gaze was hard, flitting between Jacaerys and Lucerys who were studiously avoiding his intent eye. You started slightly in your seat as King Viserys began speaking loudly, his breathing ragged as he urged his family to set aside their differences and try to start anew. Your gaze flitted to where Aemond studied his plate, his long fingers tapping next to where his goblet sat.

A round of toasts began, starting with Rhaenyra and slowly moving around the table. You didn’t hear what Aegon murmured to Jace, but it was enough to cause the boy to slam his fists upon the table, rising to his feet in anger. Beside you, Aemond slowly got to his own feet, eyeing his nephew as though daring him to continue. Jace hesitated a moment, his gaze flicking briefly to your own face before he raised his own goblet in a toast to his uncles. Aemond shared a glance with you as he returned to his seat, you quirked an eyebrow, but he shook his head slightly.

Lilting music began to fill the room, servants bearing food and drink hurried to service the nobles as you all began eating and chatting. You turned to engage Helaena in conversation just as Jacaerys asked her to dance with him. Aegon watched them depart for the middle of the room, hand in hand, before turning to share a bemused look with Aemond. Your husband shifted in his seat, the better to keep an eye on Jace, his face set in a stony expression. You rubbed your stomach absent-mindedly, stirring the soup before you while deep in thought.

“Excuse me a moment.” You stood, gathering your skirts as you made your way passed Aemond, touching his shoulder lightly as you went, walking down the steps toward the privy.

After washing your hands in the water basin, you slowly ascended the stairs back into the dining room only to see your husband standing at the end of the table, his goblet held aloft. “Come, let us drain our cups to these three strong boys.”

“I dare you to say that again.” Jace said from where he stood next to a confused Helaena.

“Why? It was only a compliment.” He moved around the corner of the table to meet Jace as he advanced. “Do you not think yourself strong?”

You moved quicker than you thought possible in your heavily pregnant state, seeing the unfolding of events before they happened. Jace swung a heavy punch toward the scarred side of Aemond’s face. “No!” You shouted, interjecting yourself between the two men just in time to block Jace’s blow with your forearm, the force of it knocking you back against Aemond’s chest.

You used your other hand to try and push Jace away, but the boy grabbed your wrist roughly, yanking you forward with such force you audibly gasped in pain.

“Jace!” Rhaenyra yelled.

“Aegon!” Alicent scolded as her eldest slammed Lucerys into the table.

The momentum of Jace’s pull as he tried to get you out of his way caught you off-guard, your arms unable to catch your body as you tripped, landing heavily upon the stone floor. Deathly silence fell in the room, everyone seemed to be collectively holding their breath, watching as you kept still, assessing the damage.

“Aemond, no!” It was Alicent’s voice again, sounding more scared than angry.

You looked around from where you’d propped yourself up on your hands, seeing your husband with his hand at Jace’s throat, pinning him to the wall, a thin dagger at the boy’s throat.

“Aemond!” Alicent cried again, rushing to your side instead of trying to get her son off Jacaerys. She looked you over, worry etched into her face.

“You think to injure my wife.” Aemond seethed, his voice a deadly hiss. “To manhandle her when she is so vulnerable.”

“Aemond…” You spoke soothingly as Alicent helped you back to your feet. You glanced with worry to where Daemon was making careful progress toward your husband. “I’m alright. Aemond, let him go. I need your help.”

He released Jacaerys at once, the boy almost losing his footing as Aemond turned to you. Your husband was quickly at your side, supporting your back with one hand while his hand worriedly stroked at your abdomen. His violet eye roved your face. “Are you injured? Is-is our child…?”

“I’m alright. Please, let’s just go.” You said again, shooting Alicent a grateful look as Aemond helped guide you from the dining hall. She watched the two of you go, her face a mask of worry and sadness.

“I could kill him.” Aemond spoke, his voice a growl from where he walked beside you, his hands still supporting half your weight.

“Somehow, I don’t think that’d go over well.” You tried to make light of the situation, but Aemond wasn’t having it.

“If he so much as looks at you again, I will feed him to Vhagar after I finish with him.”

The anger in his voice was palpable, your own skin prickled with it. You turned to him, halting your progress down the corridor, taking his tense face in your hands.

“I am uninjured, my love.” You kissed the corner of his mouth, smiling as he moved his head into your touch. “Our child is still whole. There is no danger.”

He caressed your hair, his gaze gentle upon your face. His hands traced the curves of your body, holding the swell of where your child grew within you. “If anything happened to you… I would be lost.”

You kissed him, the two of your clinging to each other, the adrenaline wearing off, leaving you exhausted but relieved your little family was safe from harm.

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