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Then it Will Burn

Anonymous asked:

Hi I’ve spent the whole day in a&e (and likely being admitted to the ward woohoo) and the only thing that’s got me through it is stronggg painkillers and your aemond stories so thank you for that. Do you have any more soft aemond with pregnant wife left in you to get me through the rest of my time here???

I thought I would do a part 2 of sorts for the pregnant!reader when she got in the way of Jace's punch during The DinnerTM. It's called "Don't lay a hand on her" on my masterlist under Dad Aemond.

Aemond x pregnant!reader | Aemond gets scared the baby has been hurt | no real danger just reader experiencing some pain and trying to keep Aemond from losing his mind | protective dad/husband Aemond

A sudden sharp pain in your abdomen had you clutching the armchair for support, your gasp of pain not going unnoticed by your husband.

Aemond crossed the room to you in three strides, clasping your elbows with sturdy hands and helping you straighten. "What is wrong? Where is the pain?" Aemond's hand rested atop yours against your pregnant belly. "Is it our baby?" You could already see the stormclouds of anger beginning to darken his face.

"I-ack!" You winced again, trying to downplay the pain as a feeling of panic started to build in your chest. "I'm experiencing mild cramping, that's all."

"It's that Strong bastard's doing."


"I'll rip his limbs off for this."

"Aemond." You had to seize his elbow to keep him from departing there and then. "Please don't, you'll only make it worse." You let out another strangled cry, Aemond's attention momentarily diverted as your knees buckled under you.

He swore loudly, catching you before you could hit the ground.

You grimaced up at him, his face had lost all the color that remained. "Mind your language, my husband. We don't want the baby learning bad habits before they're born."

"Now is not the time for jest, my love." Aemond guided you to sit upon the sofa, his hand never leaving your stomach. "I will fetch the maester, then I will decide what to do with Jacaerys."

Aemond must have run all the way to the maester's quarters by the speed with which he returned, the harried old man close on his heels, hair mussed and shoes barely on his feet.

The maester fussed over you for many minutes, muttering to himself whilst Aemond paced in front of the doorway.

"Well?" He finally asked, impatiently hovering over the maester's shoulder. "Is she alright? Is the baby?"

You made eye contact with the old man briefly before turning your gaze to your husband's worried face. The maester rose and brushed off his hands on his robe. "There appears to be some trauma, bruising has already begun to form on parts of her body. However, I do not calculate there will be any lasting damage to the baby."

"Bruising?" Aemond seemed a little less tense around his shoulders, but his lilac eye was still aflame with anger.

"Yes, my prince." The maester confirmed. "It will most likely heal in a couple weeks. She should rest for a suggested period prince, where are you going?"

"Aemond!" You called after him, but your husband had already stormed from the room. You sighed, sharing a look with the maester. "This isn't good. Maybe you should have omitted the 'bruising' part."

The maester had long since excused himself and retreated from your chambers before you heard a scuffling and muffled shouting coming from the hallway. You grimaced, conjuring images of what was coming in your imagination.

The door opened and Aemond entered holding a ruffled-looking Jacaerys by the back of his neck like some wayward puppy. The younger boy was struggling against his uncle's iron grip, Aemond shoved him into the room causing Jace to nearly fall on his face in front of where you sat.

"Aemond, is this truly necessary?" You straightened, holding your swollen belly protectively with both hands.

"Necessary." Aemond growled, walking menacingly around to face his nephew. "And long overdue."

Jace looked on the verge of fleeing the room, his brown eyes swiveled between you and Aemond with several conflicting emotions: fear, anger and perhaps guilt.

"Apologize." Aemond commanded, his voice holding the promise of violence. "It will do you some good to at last take responsibility for your actions."

"You aren't my father, I don't answer to you." Jace snapped, quickly taking several steps back as Aemond advanced on him, unsheathing his knife.

"Aemond..." You warned but he wasn't listening.

"It is a pity I have to take upon myself the role of teaching you common courtesy, then. Welp." Aemond hissed through clenched teeth. "Inflicting pain on a pregnant woman and you cannot so much as say you're sorry."

"My parents will hear about this. Daemon will hear about this." Jacaerys stood his ground this time, even as Aemond pressed into his space, looking down his nose at his nephew.

"I welcome it." Aemond twirled his dagger meaningfully before Jace's face. "Now. Will you apologize to my wife for the injuries you inflicted, or will I need to encourage you?"

Jace shared one last glare with his uncle before turning his eyes to your face. He breathed out harshly through his nose. "I am sorry." He gave you a miniscule bow before looking to Aemond with loathing. "There. Is that good enough for you or would you have me flog myself as well?"

Aemond tilted his head as if considering something, his gaze narrowing on Jace's face. "That won't be necessary." He turned his silver head away, sheathing his dagger.

You were about to breathe a sigh of relief, but then Aemond struck.

With a movement as sharp and precise as a striking snake Aemond swung a fist, landing a heavy blow across Jacaerys' cheek, sending the boy falling back onto the floor.

"Aemond, no!" With difficulty you rose to your feet, Aemond held out his arm, motioning for you to stay back as he positioned himself between you and Jace.

Jacaerys was groaning and cursing in pain, his hand covering his face, blood from his nose dripping soiling his tunic. "I think you broke my nose!" He staggered to his feet, retreating to the doorway. "You'll pay for that tenfold mark my words!"

"That's right, run away bastard." Aemond jeered after him as Jacaery's fled the room, still clutching his face. "You consider yourself worthy of a dragon? Injuring a pregnant woman and fleeing a fight?" Aemond strode to the doorway, still flinging insults at his nephew. "You are craven and an embarrassment to the Targaryen name!"

"Aemond that is quite enough." You sank back upon the sofa, exhausted from the day's drama. "Why couldn't you have let his parents handle it?"

Aemond lingered at the doorway, staring hard into the now-empty hall. You heard him sigh before he re-entered the room, shutting the door and bolting it behind him. "Those bastards have gotten away with everything since they were children." He came to you.

You opened your knees so he could kneel between them, his hands coming to rest atop your belly.

"They suffer no consequences, nor do their parents. They are able to do whatever they please while we are expected to grin and bear it." You could hear the bitterness in Aemond's voice, his eye holding a faraway expression.

You cupped your hand against his cheek, bringing his focus back to you. "Thank you." You said earnestly, leaning forward until your noses touched. "It is comforting having you at my side."

"At your side." Aemond turned his head, kissing your palm gently. "At you back. Before you. I would burn the world to protect you and our little one."

Your gaze became sad, your eyes flitting to the drops of blood still upon the stone floor. "You might have to."

Aemond pressed a lingering kiss to your lips, his mouth brushing yours as he spoke. "Then it will burn."

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