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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Enemies to Lovers

Anonymous asked:

Hi! The enemies-to-lovers anon again. This one is going to be a long one, because Tumblr sucks. I was thinking of a scenario in which Aemond is sort of an asshole. Since you look like you're a fellow romance reader, I hope you're familiar with Lord of Scoundrels. Let's say a misunderstanding happens and Aemond is caught with a lady. Her family demands he marries her. He refuses, because he's done nothing. OTOH, she feels like she's got the short end of the stick 1/3

Am I doing a part 2 of this fic, yes. Yes I am. Hope you don’t mind if I tweaked this ask just a little

Yes Aemond is a bit of an ass, yes his walls begin to crack, and yes feelings are felt by both of them

Aemond x reader | enemies to lovers | reluctant to admit feelings but BOY WHEN THEY DO | a duel

“If you think I am marrying that arrogant, puffed up-”

“I would advise you not to finish that sentence, Y/N.”

You clamped your mouth tight shut, nostrils flaring, your fingernails digging into the flesh of your palms in your anger.

“You and prince Aemond were…caught together in a compromising position.” Otto Hightower continued, Queen Alicent watching you out of the corner of her eye from over his shoulder.

“There was nothing compromising about it!” You protested for the umpteenth time that evening.

“You were seen together.” Otto interrupted you, slamming his hand on the table. “In quite a suggestive position.”

It was true, to an outsider’s perspective. Aemond had had you pinned, momentarily, atop the bed. His hands had been on your personage in what could be interpreted as an intimate manner. Your legs had been wrapped around his torso, because you were getting ready to throw him off you…after you finished enjoying the feeling of his warm body pressed against your-

“Your family sent this.” Your thoughts were interrupted as Otto threw an unsealed missive upon the desk. “They have demanded you now wed Aemond since your honor is in question ‘because of him’.”

Alicent snorted derisively, shooting you a chilling glare. “Aemond has refused, as is his right. We would never conscience a marriage to someone so staunchly in support of our enemies.”

You fought the urge to roll your eyes, maintaining an impassive expression. “I’m crushed.”

“For all your facades of sarcastic indifference, you will be crushed.” Otto looked down his nose at you. “At least your reputation will be. Count yourself fortunate we are allowing you to return home, unscathed.”

You shot him a withering glare before turning wordlessly on your heel and stomping from the room. Your blood was boiling. This was all his fault.

Aemond had caught you, yet again, leaving King’s Landing after attending a very informative court festival. He had detained you, this had nothing to do with you wanting to be caught by him. Nothing to do with the thrill sparring with words and swords brought you.

You entered the elevated outdoor hallway surrounding the training courtyard and there he was. Silver hair flowing around his lean shoulders, his tunic hugging that trim waist of his almost too tightly.

He was alone, spinning and striking at a training dummy, the gravel beneath his boots crunching with each calculated step.


You wanted a word with him.

Descending the stone steps fluidly you grabbed a blunted training sword from the rack, hefting it in your hands before rushing the prince. You had the element of surprise and that still wasn’t enough. Aemond whirled at the last moment and blocked your attack, the dull ring of metal-on-metal echoing off the stone walls surrounding you.

“I expected better of you than attacking from behind.” Aemond chided, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

He moved his sword against yours in a circular motion, almost disarming you.

You snarled at him.


“Give me my real weapons back and I would exact a such a vengeance upon you.” You snapped, stepping to the side as Aemond began circling you slowly.

“Vengeance for what, exactly? You’re the one who came into my home to spy on my family.” He twirled his sword, measuring your response.

“You ruined my reputation!” You spat. “I am being sent back home in shame for something I didn’t do.”

“What didn’t you do?”

“You! Everyone, including my family, thinks…thinks…”

Aemond arched a brow at you, his smirk growing. “Yes?”

“Thinks we were intimate before wedlock.” You hated how much your face was burning, wanting to smack the austere expression of his perfect face. “And you said nothing to defend my honor.”

“How very typical.” Aemond stopped moving around you, leaning on the hilt of his sword as he observed you. “Missing the obvious and taking no responsibility.” He shook his silver head patronizingly. “Why do you think you’re leaving this city alive, hmm?”

You were silent, looking at him with murderous intent through your lashes.

“Keep looking at me like that and I might get the wrong idea.” Aemond looked you over dubiously, his smirk faltering despite himself.

“I propose a compromise.” You tried to bite back the bitterness in your voice.

“You’re hardly in the position to bargain, Y/N.” Aemond cocked his head, his silver hair spilling over his shoulder distractingly. “Yet, I’m listening.”

“My prospects for a suitable marriage are now ruined, thanks to you and your…sparring tactics earlier.” Your icy glare made Aemond purse his lips as he listened. “I propose a duel to measure the will of the gods. If I lose, I will return home and feed my family and the Blacks lies about your family’s movements and plans. If I win, you marry me and put to bed-” You winced “put to rest the rumors about me and save my future.”

Aemond considered you, his expression unreadable.

“You don’t have to bear the consequences of any of this.” You continued. “As the woman, I do.”

“I thought you despised me.”

“Aemond.” You pinched the bridge of your nose. “I’ve kissed you on more than one occasion now, I would’ve thought it rather obvious how I feel.”

He looked at you dubiously. “That was simply a means to escape.”

“Doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it.” You eyed him up. “And I dare say you did as well.”

His jaw tightened but he didn’t object, instead he gave you a terse nod, sending a surprised flutter to your chest.

“If you win…we will be wed, and your family would be allied with mine.” He repeated slowly, tasting the words. “But if I win…you spread misinformation to the Blacks.” Aemond’s expression became borderline smug. “What a fascinating proposal, Y/N.”

“Are you in or are you out?” You heaved a sigh, waiting for an answer as Aemond mulled it over.

“I’m in.”


“You’re not even trying, Aemond.” You hissed at the prince, your swords locked together in a statemate.

Your faces were so close, your breath stirred the strands of hair caught on his angular face as he used your interlocked hilts to pull you closer. “With this proposal, I win either way. Forgive me for taking my time.” He shoved you away, almost sending you sprawling.

Luckily you caught yourself, regaining your footing in time to block his next attack. You ducked under his outstretched arm and lunged at his exposed back. Aemond spun around, crouching and bringing his sword across his body just in time to parry the blow.

“You’ve gotten better!” He observed, his violet eye alight with enjoyment. “Or is it just your desperation to wed me?”

“You’ll be lucky to survive the first night in my bed.” You snarled, swinging at him again and again, foiled each time by how agile he was.

“I expected you to be fierce.” Aemond panted, a sheen of sweat showing on his brow now. “But not duplicitous, Y/N. It is your honor you duel for after all.”

You feinted for his right side before striking at his left flank, landing a successful blow to his body despite his efforts to twist away.

The authority called a point in your favor, the small crowd of witnesses applauded reluctantly. You rolled your shoulders as the two of you prepared for another round. The final round.

It was obvious Aemond was pulling his strikes. What was his game?

“Do you enjoy the prospect of humiliating me?” You ground out through your teeth, careful to speak low enough so as not to be overheard. “Getting me overconfident enough to send me sprawling in the dirt.”

Aemond was silent several moments, his focus intent on blocking your flurry of blows. “No.” He spoke tersely, his eye finding yours with sudden heat. “That’s not at all what I enjoy.” His sword arced down at your head, forcing you to jump out of the way, rolling on the ground before regaining your feet. Aemond smirked. “Besides, you sprawling in the dirt seems to need no assistance from me.”

“Is it too late to change the terms of our agreement?” You struck at his left shoulder then his right leg, almost making impact. “I’d like to just kill you instead of marrying you.”

Aemond had the audacity to laugh at you. “You’ll have to get in line, my dear.”

You gave an enraged cry and lashed out at his abdomen. Aemond blocked too slowly, the tip of your blunted sword grazing his belly enough for all to see the clear winner.

Aemond dropped his own sword to the dusty earth, taking a kneeling position before you.

The presiding authority announced you the winner of the duel, to the satisfaction of the witnesses and the gods.

Aemond rose back to his feet, extending his hand to you. You hesitated only a moment, the heat of the duel beginning to cool, before taking it. Your heart fluttered, anger momentarily forgotten as Aemond placed a kiss to your knuckles. “Well fought, my flame.”

“You let me win.”

Aemond appraised you out of the corner of his eye a moment. “I actually didn’t. Though I am not…displeased at the course of events.”

“You’re not?” Your hand flexed within his grasp.

Aemond sighed, watched the people privy to your duel file out of the courtyard. You saw his mother lingering in the shadows of the hallway, watching the two of you.

“I would have accepted your proposal of marriage without a duel, Y/N.”

“But you refused when my family asked you to marry me.”

“'Asked’ is a generous way of saying it. They rather demanded it of me.” Aemond shook his head, turning fully to you now. “I don’t take kindly to demands.” His thumb traced circles on the back of your hand. “And I wanted any sentiment of our union to come from you.”

He regarded you a moment, the steely glint in his eye softening as it roved your features. “Is this truly what you desire, Y/N?”

“I wouldn’t have suggested this duel if it wasn’t.” Your mouth had gone dry, your eyes flitting down to Aemond’s parted lips. “I’m drawn to you like a moth to a flame. Time and again, and I am tired of being burned.” You stepped into him, closing what remaining distance separated your bodies. “I wanted to be consumed by you.”

“If this is another trick…” Aemond warned, his hand gripping hard at your waist as you traced his sharp jaw with your fingers.

“Well.” You breathed, your lips brushing against his with each word. “We now have plenty of time and excuses to show how we really feel for each other.”

Aemond kissed you, lingering moments as he savored your taste. He kept the embrace short and chaste, however, still aware of his mother’s keen gaze. “You are a bold one, Y/N. As brazen and brash as you are beautiful.”

“You can thank me later.” You smiled up at him, watching the mask begin to falter just as your own walls were starting to break.

Aemond’s hand caressed up and down your side. “I look forward to it.”

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