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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Dark Waltz

Inspired by the song: Dark Waltz by Hayley Westenra

In celebration of 2,000 followers I wrote a oneshot/drabble of the reader needing to seek comfort in the only person she feels comfortable baring her heart to. I got a little carried away so there is an 18+ only warning for this one.

I do want to continue this in a Part 2 just with pure filth haha but fluff for now

Word count: 1,014

Aemond x f!reader | fluff | comfort | light smut toward the end, not explicit

Your soft footsteps padded down the dimly lit stone hallway. Your cold feet sunk deep into the plush rugs, the hanging tapestries seeming to come to life in the dancing shadows cast by the flickering torchlight.

You hugged yourself for warmth, wearing only your thin nightshift, the tear tracks still fresh upon your cheeks. Your eyes were swollen from how long you’d been crying, along in your chambers of the Red Keep. It was one of those nights, when the demons that haunted your memories came back to torment your mind. When all of your failings and insecurities, the hurt suffered alone and in silence for so long, caused the old aches in your heart to reopen.

Your one source of comfort lay just at the end of this hallway, through the heavy oaken door you found yourself stopping in front of, raising a hesitant hand to knock. Perhaps this was a bad idea after all, you should gather what remained of your good sense and return to your own bedroom. The desperation to ease the aching in your chest, to find out if your feelings could be more than a fleeting fantasy, spurred you into action.

You rapped your knuckles upon the wooden door, a quick sharp sound. Losing your nerve, you quickly turned and hastened back the way you’d come, stopping frozen as a soft voice called to you from behind.


“Aemond.” Guilt constricted your throat as you faced the prince, his long silver hair disheveled, looking at you with sleepy confusion.

He beckoned you closer, touching your upper arm lightly when you approached. “Is all well?” He peered closer at your puffy face. “Come.” Aemond glanced behind you to the still empty hallway before pulling you into his chambers.

It was dark, your eyes taking a moment to adjust, soft moonlight spilled from arched windows across the carpeted floor.

“I couldn’t sleep.” You felt Aemond’s hand lightly rest upon the small of your back as he guided you further into his room.

“I gathered as much.” He walked around you, tilting your chin up with a long finger to better look into your face. “Is there a specific reason I hear a knock at my door in the middle of the night only to find you fleeing the scene?”

Your face flushed, grateful for the darkness of the room as you gazed into his handsome face. You and he had become fast friends during your stay at King’s Landing, Aemond had been the one peer you felt comfortable being yourself with. He had become your closest confidant and ally, especially after you had coaxed him into revealing what lay underneath the leather eyepatch he wore at court, revealing the beautifully faceted sapphire.

His violet eye flicked between your own, measuring your every change in expression as you stared at each other, the heavy silence conveying more than what words could ever achieve.

A look of sympathy creased Aemond’s brow, and your own face crumpled, tears falling freely from your eyes as you fell into his arms, a large hand cupping your head against his chest.

“Who has done you this hurt? I will have them repay your pain tenfold.” Aemond placed a gentle kiss to your crown.

You hugged your arms tighter about his waist, breathing in his scent of smoke and leather. “I just need you to hold me, promise you’ll never leave me, even if it’s not true.”

In a fluid movement Aemond scooped you into his arms, moving to the large bed before depositing you onto the mattress. You scooched over to give him room as he reclined next to you, pulling you tight against him. The moon lit his hair in silver radiance, the rest of his face lay in shadow as he wiped the tears from your cheeks.

He brushed his thumb along your trembling lower lip. “I will never leave you, Y/N.”

A different emotion swelled within you, another tear leaking down your face. Aemond swooped down to kiss the droplet away, his lips trailing to the corner of your mouth before he pulled back.

“I have trusted you with the secrets I keep most jealously, and you have not turned away.” Your heart stuttered as Aemond’s hand came up to rest atop the curve of your waist, gripping lightly. “I would never cause you harm of any kind, Y/N.”

Almost as if you were lost in a trance, you reached forward, cupping Aemond’s jaw in your hand, leaning up into him slowly. He made no move to stop you as you tilted your head, your gaze dropping to his parted lips. His hand trailed up from your waist, across your shoulder, to grip the nape of your neck, guiding you closer until your lips brushed, your quickening breaths intermingling.

You pressed further against him, your tongue sweeping into his mouth as you deepened the kiss with a low groan. Aemond’s fingers tangled in your hair, hot lips moving against yours with increasing intensity, his low sounds of pleasure reverberating against your own chest.

You bit his lower lip gently, before breaking away, molten heat pooling in your core at the expression he wore, the strands of moonlit hair messily falling across his angular face.

“Tell me what you need.” Aemond’s eye was almost pleading as he searched your features.

“I need you.” Your breath trembled, knowing the both of you danced along the edge of a great precipice. “Make me forget everything, everyone before you.”

“As my lady wishes.” Aemond’s lips found yours once more, his touch tender but with the evidence of barely restrained passion he kept in check for your sake. “Roll over.” He breathed against your panting mouth, moving over you as your stomach pressed into the soft mattress.

“Do you trust me?” You felt his weight shift atop you as Aemond’s hands ghosted down your sides to the hem of your nightdress.

“With my life.” Your voice was thick with desire, raising your hips to help him guide your shift up your body. “With my love.” A moan escaped your lips as you felt Aemond’s mouth upon your neck, sucking bruising kisses to your tender skin. “With my heart.”

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