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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime



Hi, I love your blog! On the subject of "one bed", what do you think of this: reader is kidnapped. Aemond happens to find her. They're too far from the city, so they must set up camp in the woods/cave. His sword is placed between them (like Jon & Ygritte), but it's really cold, windy and rainy, their fire dies. 😼 They must share their body heat, and Aemond's extra warm bc of his dragon blood. đŸ„” Even better if they're childhood enemies. I'm a sucker for the enemies-to-lovers trope. lol

Oooh, yes, I love the enemies to lovers trope more than anything. Let me see what I can cook up here! This is also the longest fic I’ve written in a WHILE lol

word count: 2,664

Aemond x fem!reader | enemies to lovers | 18+ only | there be a lot of SMUT | hot spring smut

The wind whipped about you, causing your cloak to flutter and swirl, the snow landing in thick white flakes on your shivering head and shoulders.

“Aemond, it’s close to nightfall!” You shouted to the distant figure ahead of you. “We should make camp!”

“We don’t stop until we reach White Harbor!” Came the muffled reply, his voice almost carried away on another strong gust of chill air.

“When will admit you got us lost?” You jutted out your chin in defiance as the prince rounded on you, striding through the deepening snow to approach you.

He was taller than you, stronger too by the looks of him, but you refused to be intimidated even when he loomed into your personal space, forcing you to look up at him. “You are a traitor and now a prisoner to the Crown. I have been tasked with bringing you back to King’s Landing.”

“And we aren’t going to get there if we freeze out here!” You interrupted, glaring into his one eye. “I thought you were the smart Targaryen. At least you were last I saw you
” You continued to taunt as Aemond took your elbow roughly, shoving you to walk ahead of him. “But I guess a lot can change in ten years.”

“Keep moving.” Was your terse reply, you could almost hear his teeth grinding and you smiled to yourself in satisfaction.

“Oh, come on, Aemond!” You looked over your shoulder, momentarily taken aback by how close he still was. “We were friends once, remember? What’s changed since then?”

“What’s changed?” Aemond echoed your question, incredulity and anger lacing his every word. “You fed information to the Black Queen and her allies.” He touched the pommel of his sword with a gloved hand, staring daggers at you. “You are a spy charged with treason, and my brother entrusted your retrieval to me alone. Now walk.”

“How clever of him.” You resumed trudging through the snow, it was up to your knees now. Aegon had known your one weakness would be his brother, the boy you remembered so fondly as your childhood friend.

It has been easy for Aemond, tracking you down, asking after you under the pretense of reuniting. You had fallen for it, of course you had. Now your hands were bound in front of you with thick rope, and you were being led back to the Capital like a lamb to the slaughter.

“We will take shelter in those caves.”

Darkness had descended quickly as the snow continued to fall, you squinted, making out the shape of several large rock formations ahead of you.

Aemond scouted out the shallowest of these caves, laying out the bedrolls and handing you some dried meat to eat. You tugged dismally at the jerky. It tasted terrible.

The winds seemed to be driving the storm away, soon enough the clouds dispersed, leaving a clear sky and a full moon above. Your predicament momentarily forgotten you looked up in awe at the stars and the way the silver light of the moon reflected brightly off the white blankets of freshly fallen snow.

You felt Aemond’s gaze, turning your head to catch his eye. His long hair was bright under the clear night sky, the light reflecting off the paleness of his skin. You looked at each other, in heavy silence, for a long while. Aemond gave nothing away, his expression smooth as marble. Only his eye moved as it roved across your moonlit features.

“You don’t have to wear that.” You broke the silence, motioning to Aemond’s leather eyepatch. “I’m sure it’s soaked by now.”

His mouth thinned as he continued looking at you, not deigning to reply.

“I was there when it happened, Aemond.”

Another beat of silence.

“I recall.” His voice was low, clearly audible now that the winds had abated.

In a fluid movement, Aemond lifted the patch off his head, still watching your face unblinking. Despite yourself, your breath caught in your throat at the sight of what lay beneath. A multi-faceted gemstone of rich blue caught the light and refracted into a thousand sparkling moons.

“It’s beautiful.” You breathed, entranced by the sight. You laughed suddenly. “Of course, you would choose the most beautiful gem.”

“I’d much rather have my eye.”

“Of course.” You repeated, feeling foolish. You looked down at your hands, resting in your lap, still bound by rope. “Is there any chance you can untie me?”


“Great!” Your eyes narrowed at him. “Can we make a fire?”


“Well, you’re just a ray of sunshine.”

“A fire would act as a beacon, drawing unwanted attention.” Aemond rolled his eye, shifting to lay down upon his side. “At least I am not a traitor.”

“I had no choice, you insufferable upstart!” Anger bubbled in your chest, your words cutting through the still night air. “I did it to save my family.”

Aemond was silent, he turned onto his back, looking up at the dark ceiling of the cave.

You took the opportunity to at last retrieve the small knife hidden in your boot, sawing slowly at the rope that bound your hands. “I wouldn’t expect you to understand, privileged as you are.” The bindings began to loosen. “But I refuse to play the pawn in someone else’s game.”

With a snap your hands were free. You came to your feet suddenly, turning to run in the direction you knew to be shelter and freedom. The moon shone bright overhead as you ran through the snow, making your surroundings almost as bright as in daytime.

You prided yourself on being fast and agile, however Aemond was still faster. You felt a heavy impact at your back as he tackled you face-first into a snowbank. You lashed out, making impact against some part of him that gave you an advantage, allowing you to wriggle out from under his weight, rising back to your feet.

“I thought you were clever.” Aemond panted, facing off against you, his sword still in its sheath. “I suppose much can change in ten years.” He mocked, tilting his silver head at you, a grim smile upon his lips. “Didn’t occur to you to wait until I slept before trying your escape?”

He approached you, deflecting your attacks as you tried to fend him off. Aemond grabbed your elbow, practically dragging you back to the cave. “You are more trouble than you’re worth.”

“Then why don’t you just kill me and be done with it?” You collapsed against the stone ground as Aemond released you with a push. “Death is what I face at King’s Landing.”

“Indeed, it is.” Aemond’s stance was still defensive as you struggled back to your feet. “My brother wants you to be an example to the people.”

“What do you want, Aemond?” You asked, spitting your damp hair out of your mouth.

The prince didn’t answer you, busying himself instead with patting you down for more weapons, you little knife was lost in the snow.

His dexterous hands moved across your body, probing your clothing for more hidden daggers. You inhaled sharply as he pressed his fingers to the inside of your thighs. “Buy me a drink first.”

He looked up at you, his prominent brow furrowing. “Do you feel that?”

“Yes, that’s why I-”

“Hush.” Aemond interrupted you, straightening and looking intensely over your shoulder, deeper into the cave.

He stepped passed you, and you followed his movements with a quizzical quirk to your eyebrow. Then you felt it. Warm air. Seeping from somewhere deeper inside the dark cavern.

Aemond muttered something unintelligible, returning to his pack where he rummaged a while. Flame sparked as he struck stone upon stone, igniting a makeshift torch, holding it aloft and returning to where you stood watching.

“Ladies first.” He motioned for you to walk ahead of him, deeper into the cave.

“Very well, but if I get eaten by a bear, I’m coming back to haunt you.”

“Promises, promises.” Aemond half-laughed, his breath tickling the back of your neck as you explored further.

The warm air blew stronger against your face as you picked careful footsteps forward, the way ahead illuminated by flickering firelight. You descended through rough walls of black stone, ducking every so often to avoid a jagged overhang. Soon the sound of water met your ears, the air around you very warm and humid, the stone beneath your feet glistened and little puddles of water lay around the small cavern you found yourself in.

“An underground spring!” You exclaimed, excitedly turning back to Aemond. “I’ve heard of there being hot springs in this area, but have never found any. Thank the gods!”

You shifted off your heavy cloak, beginning to undo the fastenings of your clothing, eagerly looking at the clear water and the coils of steam rising off its shimmering surface.

“What are you doing?” Aemond sounded rather perplexed behind you, still holding the torch aloft.

“Drying my clothes and taking a bath, what does it look like?”


Your hands, which had been undoing the lacings of your tunic faltered, hearing your name upon his lips for the first time in over a decade.

You turned to face him; jaw set determinedly. “You can turn around or even leave me here in darkness, I will get into that water.”

Aemond looked away as you shuffled off the rest of your clothes, spreading the soaked fabric out on the stone to hopefully dry a little. You splashed into the hot water, sighing loudly as your chilled body was enveloped by warmth. “Aemond you’ve got to come join me. It’s unreal.”

You looked over to where the prince still stood rigid, facing diligently away from where you bathed. “You can’t see me, silly. The steam covers our bodies as good as clothing.” A playful smile tugged at your lips as he finally looked back over to where you sat.

He lay the torch upon the ground, the firelight illuminating the small cavern in a cozy glow. You watched as Aemond removed his cloak as well, only looking away politely when he started unbuttoning his shirt and trousers. You heard the water splash and felt little eddying waves as he entered the spring, choosing to sit as far from you as possible.

You glanced over at him before laying your head back against the stone, watching how the torchlight cast dancing shadows on the jagged dome.

“Who threatened your family?” The question was soft, you almost didn’t hear it over the sound of dripping water.

“I’m not sure who, exactly. Just the Blacks. They knew of the position I held in the Capital, and how valuable the information I received could be for them.” Unbidden tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you continued looking up at the ceiling. “They made gave me a taste
an example of what I could expect should I disobey.”

“What do you mean?” Aemond’s voice was a little closer, concern lacing his words.


“No.” Aemond was next to you now, you could see him in your periphery. “Y/N, look at me.”

You raised your head, fresh tears falling down your cheeks to mix with the steaming water. Aemond looked crestfallen, his eye sorrowful upon your face. “I loved your sister like she was my own.”

You nodded, your face crumpling, hugging yourself under the water. “I know, Aemond
but a lot can change in ten years

Light fingers grazed your cheek. “Where is the rest of your family now?”

“Still at home.” Your lips parted slightly as you looked at the intense expression on Aemond’s face.

“We will retrieve them.” He spoke firmly, his mouth shaping the words carefully. “Bring them to safety. And you
” His wandering fingers traced your jaw, his thumb brushing your lower lip. “Y/N.”

You leaned into his touch, your gaze falling to his plush mouth. “What of me?”

“You will not answer to my brother.” Aemond took your chin in his hand, tugging you still closer until you overbalanced, catching yourself against him with a hand to his bare chest.

” You breathed out his name, whatever you intended to say forgotten as he pressed a kiss to your lips.

You moaned into his mouth as his hands skimmed down your sides to grope the flesh at your hips. He pulled you flush against him, your breasts pressing against the planes of his chest. The water enveloping you in silky caresses as you moved to straddle Aemond’s lap.

He nipped at your lower lip, coaxing your mouth open to allow his tongue to roam and taste you. You ground yourself against his hard arousal, frowning down at the prince as he stilled your movements with a firm grip.

Aemond pulled away to look up at you through his hooded eye. “I will not take your maidenhead tonight, for we are not yet wed.”

The “yet” lingered in the air as he moved to place wet kisses to the hollow of your throat, sucking bruises to the soft flesh of your neck.

“Then what-ah!” You gasped, your hips jerking Aemond’s fingers brushed against your slick center.

“I want you to ride my fingers, Y/N.” He mouthed at your breast as your rose up to position yourself over him.

He helped guide you down, his longer fingers entering your core, moving and curling inside of you as you began rocking against him. Your body jerked as Aemond’s thumb brushed your clit, rubbing circles against the swollen bundle of nerves.

“You’re so beautiful.” He breathed, licking and sucking your pert nipples into his hot mouth while palming the swell of your breasts with greedy hands.

You moaned, arching into him, your eyes shut and mouth open from the pleasure of feeling him stroking deep inside your cunt. The water splashed over the stone rim of the pool as you quickened your pace, your hands coming to grasp at Aemond’s strong shoulders for support.

“Aemond I’m going to-” The walls of your quim clenched around his fingers as, with another stroke to your clitoris, he sent you over the edge. You rode out your orgasm on the prince’s hand as he continued kissing every inch of skin his mouth could find.

With a sudden movement, and the splashing of hot water, Aemond stood, holding you to him by your thighs. He turned, placing you gently down upon the stone floor, spreading your legs wider before he knelt, still within the water, burying his face into your spasming cunt. Your cries of bliss echoed off the rough walls as you felt his tongue licking up your juices, fucking into you with wild abandon. Aemond moaned against your heat, his fingers still gripping your shaking thighs, forcing them to remain apart as you writhed atop the ground. Your fingers buried themselves in his silken hair, though you did not know whether it was to push him away or pull his face deeper into you.

With a lewd wet sound, Aemond released you, licking his lips and watching your wanton expression with a small smirk. “It’s demanding all of my self-control not to take you right here, on the floor of this cavern.”

“I wish you would.” You slid back into the water, kneeling to face him. You pressed a kiss to his mouth, tasting your release still upon his tongue.

He groaned, cupping the nape of your neck with his hand. “You’re not making it any easier.”

“I know.” You slid your fingers along the hard length of his shaft, before stroking him fully in your hand. “Stand up.” He obeyed, the water dripping off his body, revealing his rigid member.

You bit your lip, admiring the sight of him fully bared to you. The rivulets of water running down along the contours of his muscles, shimmering golden in the firelight.

“We aren’t done yet, my prince.” You leaned forward, placing a kiss to the leaking head, looking up at Aemond’s face through your long lashes. “You’ve been so generous to me.” You licked a long stripe along his twitching cock. He hissed, grabbing a fistful of your damp hair in his hand.

“Allow me to return the favor.” The water lapped at your waist from where you knelt in the pool, you smirked up at his entranced expression, before sucking him into your greedy mouth.

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