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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Baby Hungry

Anonymous asked:

hii could you write abotu aemond and the reader being togehter and one night while theyre having sex, they almost get caught and the reader stars freaking out (cause theyre not married) and he calms her down

Hi guys, yes, I am merging these two to flesh out the oneshot a lil bit. I had one more request of Aemond seeing you with Helaena’s kiddos but couldn’t find it.

Word count: 1300

Aemond x f!reader | light smut | minors don’t interact | baby-hungry Aemond hehe

“Jaehaera, come put the roof on the tower.” You coaxed the little toddler back over to where you were building a toy castle on the floor.

Jaehaera and her brother, Jaehaerys, were only three years old, the twins both had the trademark white hair and violet eyes of the Targaryen family. You served as handmaiden to their mother, Helaena, and often found yourself entertaining the small children.

You laughed fondly as Jaehaera toddled back over to you, collapsing into your lap and reaching for the wooden roof you still held. You gave it to her, and she immediately raised it to her open mouth.

“It goes right here, honey.” You guided her attention gently back to the fixture you had made together, placing the roof upon its rightful place, thus finishing your work.

“Dragon time!” Jaehaerys shouted, taking the small dragon sculpture in hand and flying it toward the castle.

“Oh no!” Jaehaera hid her face behind her tiny hands, peeking through fingers as her brother demolished the structure you’d just set up.

Jaehaerys mimed the dragon munching on citizens and breathing fire, and, after a moment’s hesitation, Jaehaera joined in, the two of them giggling madly. You leaned your weight back on your hands, chuckling softly and shaking your head at the typical behavior. “You will both grow to be fine dragon riders one day. Perhaps we will work on your lenience with the common-folk next.”

Soft laughter from the doorway alerted you to Aemond’s presence, how long he had been leaning against the doorframe you couldn’t guess but he was looking fondly at the scene before him. “If you think Targaryens are merciful, you haven’t been paying attention, Y/N.”

“Hi uncle Aemond!” The twins hardly looked up, still too caught up in their playtime to pay him much attention.

“Your father is a peaceful king, and a Targaryen.” You retorted, noticing Aemond’s hands flex slightly at the mention of Viserys.

He bit his retort back, however, watching as you urged the children to begin helping clean up the mess they’d made. You stood, smoothing your skirts, and Jaehaera latched herself to your leg knowing it was time for you to depart. “I want you to stay.” She whined, burying her small face into the fabric of your dress. Jaehaerys, in his turn, reached up on tip toes to tug at your hand. “You can play with the dragon this time if you stay.”

“I’m sorry little ones, it’s time for me to go now. I’ll be back before bedtime.” You extricated yourself from their grasp with the help of the nursemaid, who’d just entered the chamber to relieve you for a while.

You kissed each child on the top of their head, untying the apron you’d been wearing and leaving it folded upon the sofa. Aemond still waited by the door, and you approached him curiously. “Can I help with something, my prince?”

In response he smiled, turning to offer you his arm, which you took. The two of you walked outside and down the empty corridor. “How were they today?” Dropping pretense of formality, Aemond placed a quick kiss to your temple, moving to clasp your hand in his.

“Better, they’re opening up to me more now.” You squeezed your fingers around his. “It took Jaehaera a little longer to trust me, they’re very shy children.”

“They adore you.” Aemond opened the door to his chambers, leading you into the room and shutting it behind you.

He pulled you into an abrupt kiss, his lips molding against your own, surprising you with the sudden intensity. “Seeing you with them…” He trailed off, dragging his long fingers down the sides of your neck, kissing you again.

Aemond backed you up until your legs hit the bed, moving to press himself against you as you collapsed onto the mattress.

“Aemond…” You breathed into his mouth, feeling his tongue tracing your bottom lip.

He pulled away just enough to look into your face, his violet eye burning with lust. His long hair tickled your chest as you gazed at him, caged in by his arms.

“I want you to bear my children, Y/N.”

“Then you need to become by husband, Aemond.”

“I fully intend to.” He nuzzled against you, sucking bruises onto your neck.

You arched into him, carding your fingers through his silken hair. “When?”

Aemond raised himself onto his forearms, hovering above you, his mouth curling into a small smile. “As soon as possible. I’d wed you tomorrow given the chance.”

You felt him shift, his hand lifting your skirts and trailing up the inside of your leg. Almost subconsciously, you opened further to his touch. He fisted the fabric of your dress, bunching it around your waist, cool air causing your exposed skin to prickle.

“I am not a man of half-truths and empty promises, Y/N.” Aemond had moved down your body, ghosting his mouth up to the apex of your legs. You shivered in anticipation.

“I intend to have you, as a lover, as a wife, and as a mother to my children.” Aemond hooked a finger on the band of your underclothes, placing a hot kiss to your center, mouthing at the thin fabric that still covered you.

You moved your hips against him, seeking friction, feeling the heat of arousal begin to seep from you.

“Hmm.” Aemond pulled at the fabric of your garment, you raised your knees as he eased it off your body. He took your legs in both hands, spreading you wider for him, looking down upon you, clearly enraptured. “You’re already so wet for me.” His tongue flicked out to wet his lips before lowering his head back to you, licking a warm stripe up your slit. A jolt of electricity shot to your core, you let out a mewling whimper, a hand tangling in his hair, pulling him closer as he suckled at your clit.

A knock on the door sent panic straight to your heart, the two of you jumping apart.

“Aemond, are you in there?” It was the voice of Queen Alicent, causing your blood to run cold as you looked for a place to hide.

“Yes, mother! Just a moment.” You had to give credit to your lover, his voice was as cool and calm as ever, giving away nothing considering he’d just had his head buried between your legs.

He motioned you to hide in the wardrobe by the bed, and you slipped into the darkness gratefully, clutching your discarded undergarment to your heaving bosom.

You heard Aemond open the door, exchanging a few hushed words with his mother. You couldn’t understand much of what was said but heard the name of Aemond’s brother, Daeron, who was currently living in Oldtown.

The door snapped shut once more, silence fell, making you wonder if Aemond had left his chambers with Alicent.

“You can come out now, little mouse.”

He was standing pensively by the oaken table, hand resting upon the polished wood surface. He looked to you as you hopped out of the wardrobe, his lips twitched as he noticed the underwear still in your hand.

“That was far too close, Aemond. It was your mother as well…” You felt rather faint, lowering yourself to sit upon the mattress.

He crossed the room to stand in front of you, taking your hands, rubbing his thumb along your clammy skin. “She wishes to meet with me, to discuss retrieving my younger brother from Oldtown.” He kissed your forehead briefly, gazing down at you with his lilac eye. “I will also tell her of my intentions to wed you.”

Aemond pulled on his overcoat, preparing to leave. “Don’t stray too far, my lady.” He turned back in the doorway. “I’ve not finished with you.”

You squeezed your thighs together, feeling bare beneath your heavy skirts.

He noticed, his pupil dilating at your reaction to his words. “You are not to touch yourself while I am gone. I will be the only one bringing you pleasure tonight.”

You nodded weakly, already feeling a pool of heat reawaken in your belly. “Don’t be too long.”

“Hmm, I shan’t be. I wouldn’t my betrothed left wanting.” Aemond gave you one last smoldering look before exiting the room, closing the heavy door behind him.

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