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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

A Warm Bathtub Ride

Anonymous asked:

hi!! could we maybe pretty please get a drabble of aemond and female!reader taking a bath together and her taking care of his beautiful hair? just aemond being so in love and letting himself be vulnerable around his lover 🥹 (ive just envisioned him letting out his iconic 'mhm' as he's having his scalp massaged and squealed out loud he's too much for meee) thank you have a nice day!!!

HAHA just a day in the life ya know! ;) Thank you for all the wonderful prompts, my lovely Anons. I hope you like what I have concocted here.

Word Count: 1919

Aemond x f!reader | soft smut | fluff | comforting him after a long day

Rain pattered on the stone walkway as you strode down the outdoor corridor, the sound of clashing swords evidence your husband still trained in the courtyard below. You drew your long woolen cloak tighter about your shivering shoulders, descending the steps already sprinkled with large raindrops. Aemond had been out here sparring with one of the poor beleaguered soldiers, the dark-haired man looking like he was about to fall on his face from exhaustion.

Looking over Aemond’s shoulder at your hurried approach, he left his guard open wide and grunted as the Targaryen prince took full advantage, his sword colliding heavily against the man’s torso.

Aemond turned to see what had drawn his opponent’s attention, his hair slipping on the leather tunic he wore. “Classic mistake, Adian, allowing a beautiful woman to distract you.”

“She is quite a lovely sight indeed.” Adian’s brown eyes roved your form, causing your lip to curl with distaste.

Aemond smacked the flat of his blade against Adian’s cheek, not gently, causing the boy to yelp and stumble back. “Furthermore, she is my wife; I will warn you just this once to avert your attentions elsewhere.”

Adian bowed to Aemond, and to you, not making eye contact as he retreated to the weapon’s table. Aemond discarded his own blunted sword before approaching you, swiftly taking you in his strong arms and placing a possessive kiss to your mouth. You tasted the sweet rainwater on his lips, pulling away to tug at his hand so that he followed you to the shelter of the Keep.

You led him all the way up to your shared bedroom, the spacious area lit from the warm glow of the large fireplace.

“I had the fire stoked, and a hot bath drawn for you. Oh!” You crossed to the nearby table as Aemond began removing his wet clothes. “I also had some hot mead and venison pie brought up from the kitchens.”

The large clawed wooden bathtub sat in the center of the room, steam emitting tantalizingly from its still water.

Aemond was fully unclothed now, his sapphire eye glittering from the light of the fire. He wrapped his arms around you, kissing your head before reaching behind you to grab a meat pie. He had draped his sodden shirt and pants, along with his leather eyepatch, to dry by the fire. He walked over to dip a finger into the water of the bath, humming in appreciation. Your eyes trailed along the taut muscles of his back, admiring his backside while biting your lip.

Aemond took the last bite of the venison pastry, licking the crumbs from his fingers. “You are the sole reason I do not catch cold after these endless days of training, my love.”

He slipped into the bathtub, groaning as the hot water enveloped his cold skin. You carried a goblet of hot drink to him. “It’s absolutely freezing outside; I don’t know why you insist on sparring so long.”

“It helps take my mind off affairs of court, which you know vex me greatly.” Aemond sipped the mead gratefully, raising a hand to squeeze your wrist with his now-warm fingers.

You unclasped your cloak, laying it to dry next to Aemond’s clothes. He watched you from the tub with interest. You returned his gaze, your eyes drinking in how regal he looked reclining against the wood at his back, the ends of his silver hair swirling with the movement of the water, his hand holding the pewter goblet over the side of the bathtub. The firelight played against his skin, accentuating the lines of his muscles, his sharp jawline, the way his curved mouth smirked as he watched you examine him.

“Take off your clothes.”

The violet of his one eye was overtaken by the dilation of his pupil as he looked you over. “Join me.”

Under his lustful scrutiny, you began pulling at the laces of your dress, until it fell in a pool at your feet. Stepping out of the heavy fabric, you undid the buttons of your shift slowly, teasing the man before you. Aemond raised his goblet to his lips again, not once taking his eye off you.

You raised the thin underdress over your head, pulling off your undergarment and stockings as well until you stood bare before him.

“Hmm.” Aemond made an admiring noise in the back of his throat, his eye roving your body.

The cool night air prickled at your skin, causing gooseflesh to erupt along your legs and arms, your nipples pebbling as you made haste to enter the warm water with your husband. The tub was big enough for you to sit across from him, your legs entangling with his own as you sank with a relieved sigh into the hot bath. Little waves lapped at your collarbone as you scooted a little toward Aemond, taking his long hair in your hands and pulling it over his shoulders so you could begin disentangling it with deft fingers.

You felt his hands roam along your waist, up to your breasts where he palmed and squeezed, rolling your pert nipples in between thumb and forefinger. “Gods you feel so good, so warm and soft.” He placed a sweet kiss to your forehead as you continued your work on his thick hair, once satisfied moving to caress his scalp.

Aemond, despite himself, yawned, his eyelids growing heavy from your administrations. Your hands flitted down to his shoulders where you massaged the tense muscles there with gentle pressure.

“Come closer, Y/N.” You felt Aemond’s arms wrap around you, pulling you onto his lap, the water splashing over the lip of the tub from your sudden movements.

Your legs curled around his torso, straddling him you felt his obvious arousal nudging against you. “Hmm.” Aemond brushed his lips against yours, his hand cupping the nape of your neck. “I want to fuck you, right here in this bath.”

“Aemond…” You voice trailed off as you felt him line himself against your entrance, slowly sinking the tip of his cock into your heated core. You let out a gasp of pleasure, arching your head back as you sunk your weight onto him, until he was fully inside. Aemond took full advantage, sucking bruising kisses to your exposed throat, guiding your hips up and down upon his cock.

The waves you were creating spilled over the edge of the tub, the sound of splashing water accompanying your increasing moans.

“You should know by now,” Aemond leaned further into you, nuzzling into your chest, “I always get what I want.”

Your hands caught in his hair as he took your nipple into his mouth, swirling his warm tongue around it, paying the same attention to the other side. You kept rocking against him, feeling your walls tighten as your pleasure mounted.

As Aemond continued to suckle at your breast, you placed sloppy kisses to his forehead, leaning your head against him, your lips parted as you felt your orgasm approaching. “Aemond I…I’m going to-” He bucked up into you suddenly, the contact causing your vision to go white.

Crying out his name, your pussy clenched around him, the intensity of your climax eliciting a groan of ecstasy from your husband as he followed you over the edge, spilling his seed deep within you. Aemond pumped his cock into you a few more times, wanting to savor the heat of your wetness a little longer as the both of you rode out the high of your love making.

He raised his head, kissing your lips gently, carding his fingers through your hair. “I will put a child in you, my wife. The idea of your belly growing round, carrying our little dragon…” He trailed off, unable to find the right words, instead conveying his emotion in the way his lips suddenly moved against yours, his tongue dipping into your mouth to taste you.

You remained tangled together like this until the water had cooled significantly. Using clean water in the buckets beside the tub, you washed each other off, lathering goatmilk soap that smelt of lavender against your pruned skin and disheveled hair.

The logs in the fireplace popped and sparked, as the two of you, now clothed in woolen nightclothes, lay facing each other on the soft mattress. You had pulled a heavy comforter over the top of you both, laying on your back as Aemond propped himself up on an elbow to look into your face. Words were of little use in moments such as these, the tender loving looks speaking more than you could convey aloud.

You rubbed your hand absentmindedly low on your abdomen, the words he’d spoken earlier echoing in your mind. Aemond, noticing your movements, leaned to press a kiss to your forehead. His eye had taken on a distant look, as though his mind was far afield in contemplation.

“In my own desires to become a father, I’ve been thinking about my own of late.” Aemond broke the comfortable silence, his voice low and soft. “I do not wish to be the kind of father he is to me.”

Your hand stilled upon your belly as your eyes flicked up to meet his own. “What kind of father will you be?”

His hand came to rest upon your body, stroking long fingers upon where your womb lay. “Not like Viserys. He has never paid me, or my siblings, any attention save to berate or threaten us. I will not make my child to feel like they are a burden, or unwanted. Because I do…I do want a child, son or daughter it matters not.”

“No words I can say will right the way you’ve been treated by your kin, Aemond.” You raised your other hand to trace along his jawline. “My heart aches for your pain, my love. You deserve so much more than what you’ve been given.”

Aemond turned his face into your light touch, kissing the tips of your fingers. “He has affection for Rhaenyra only, the daughter he named heir instead of his firstborn son. Even though Aegon has no place wearing the crown of his namesake.”

“It should be you.”

Aemond sucked in a sharp breath at your words, his hand gripping yours. “I will not lie; it has been on my mind. Tis I, after all, the only son who performs the duties expected of the firstborn.”

“You are learned in the history of your family, you care, Aemond. That is what sets you apart.”

“And yet I do not exist in the eyes of my own father, I never have. My half-sister receives all his protection, wisdom and praise. Even when she sires illegitimate children and puts them forth as heirs to the Targaryen throne…” Aemond stopped himself from continuing, trying to reign in his heating temper.

You soothed him with a kiss to his neck. “You love your family; you take pride in who you are. It is natural for you to feel this way…but perhaps with our own small family you can find some measure of comfort, my dragon.”

Aemond kissed you then, molding his lips to yours in a loving embrace, taking his time to drink you in, his breath mingling with yours as you sighed into him.

He leaned back, pulling you into his arms, running his fingers through your drying hair as you rested your head upon his chest. The crackling of the flaming logs, the beating of his heart, the rise and fall of his chest, all combined together in their own intimate lullaby. Your eyes grew heavy, feeling his touch still upon your hair as you lost yourself to a dreamless sleep.

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