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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime


I came up with a clever title methinks! Some of you scoundrels (me included) need some more breastfeeding kink!Aemond ...I might have gotten carried away... This is pure R rated FILTH you've been warned.

word count: 1200

Aemond x fem!reader | they already have at least one child | SMUT | 18+ only seriously guys you're too young for this | breastfeeding kink | time for another baby!!

You groaned in pleasure, arching your back as Aemond lapped at the silken folds of your cunt, your fingers tangling in his long silver hair. “Aemond please.” You whined, your hips twisting as they sought the friction of his tongue against your clit.

He teased you, smiling against your heat as he nipped at your labia, indulging you slightly as he dipped the tip of his tongue inside you before licking a slow stripe up to just below where you needed him.

“Aemond!” You cried out as he resisted your tugging at his hair. “You horrible man!”

“I am truly the worst.” Aemond chuckled sinfully. You felt the scrap of his teeth on your sensitive flesh and shivered, your walls clenching around nothing.

“I’m so close…” You squeezed your eyes shut, praying to all the gods that your husband would take mercy on you.

“Hmm.” Aemond hummed, his voice sending electric vibrations to your core as he lapped at the juices flowing freely from your heat. “You taste so good, my love. I don’t want this to end just yet.”

He caught your wrist as you reached down to rub at your swollen clit, pinning you to the mattress. His violet eye, dilated with lust, flicked to meet your wanton gaze as he trailed the very tip of his tongue up and around the little bundle of nerves. You writhed desperately beneath him. “Aemond…”

“Ask me nicely, Y/N.” His voice was husky and low. He blew cool air onto your hot flesh, causing your knees to close tight around his head, your legs dangling over his lean shoulders.

Please, Aemond.” You said again, pleading with your eyes as you chewed your bottom lip.

“Please…what?” He gave you a mock innocent look, tracing the skin around your quim with one long finger.

“Give me release!” Your head rolled back, chest heaving with your pants as he dipped his digit slowly into you. “Pay attention to my clit, if you haven’t forgotten where it is!”

He growled a dark chuckle, descending his mouth to your core once more, sucking greedily at you, his tongue swirling around your bud. His finger worked inside your cunt, curling and beckoning against that soft spot that had you cumming and clenching while Aemond eagerly drank you down.

He allowed you to ride out your orgasm on his face, his plush lips and chin coated in your release. A steam of filmy fluid leaked from your left nipple, pooling on your skin and dripping off your sternum. You blinked down at Aemond’s curious smile, removing your hand from his mussed hair as he crawled over you to lap at the milk that had issued from your breast at your climax.

He palmed the swell of flesh; it took little effort for more of your milk to spray from your taught nipple.

“You’re still so full.” Aemond observed, laving at your peaks with his tongue.

You half-gasped, half-giggled as some of the milk caught him on the side of his face, running down his cheek like white tears. Aemond joined in your laughter, kissing your lips swiftly, his hair tickling your throat and shoulders. “I want to help.” He murmured against your mouth. “Your milk tastes so sweet.”

He sat back, straddling you; you felt his hard arousal probing your skin as Aemond looked down at you. “Are you ready for another baby, my love?”

Your core tightened, your wetness still leaking from you onto the ruined sheets. You nodded breathlessly up at your husband. “Yes. I want to bear you another child.

Aemond groaned softly at your words, biting his lip. “You’re such a good mother, Y/N.” He lined his cock to your slick entrance, sinking into you slowly as he bent to latch against your full breast.

You moaned, feeling him seated fully within you, his throat bobbing as he drank down mouthfuls of your milk. Aemond began to thrust, slowly at first, taking his time while he continued sucking at your nipple. You carded your fingers through his thick hair, scraping against his scalp until he moaned against your full flesh. “You’re so good, Aemond.” His cock twitched within you at your praise, so you continued. “Such a good boy.” You tugged lightly at his hair, rewarded by the loudest moan you’d ever heard him utter.

His thick member rutted into your faster as Aemond withdrew his mouth from you, a thin film of milk coating his curved lips. “I’ll make you swell with child just for this.” He moved to your other breast, kneading it with both hands as he suckled.

Your head fell back against the soft pillows, moans falling from your lips as Aemond increased his pace until he was fucking you deeply into the mattress, your free breast bouncing with each stroke as the bed shook.

Aemond swallowed another gulp of milk before releasing your nipple, lapping up the beads of white liquid spilling down your breast, trailing open mouthed kisses up to your neck. “You’re so warm.” He murmured, nibbling at your earlobe. “So wet.” He palmed your breasts, coaxing yet more of your milk to leak forth. “So delicious.” Aemond sucked a mark onto your neck as he drove deep into you, pausing a moment before repeating the movement. “So eager for my seed.”

You moaned his name loudly, raking your nails along his back, eliciting a sharp gasp of pleasure from the prince. He slid out of you, causing you to whimper at the sudden emptiness you felt. Aemond stood at the edge of the bed, pulling you toward him in a smooth movement. “Raise your legs for me.”

You obeyed, feeling sinfully exposed as your knees brushed against your leaking nipples. Aemond was quick to slide back into your cunt, your walls easily stretching to accommodate him as he fucked you, his fingers marking your soft thighs.

You dipped your hand to your core, rubbing at your clit, sparks of white flashed across your vision as your climax crashed into you. Your mouth was open in a silent scream, your walls clenching tight against Aemond’s cock, stilling his movements as he sank hilt-deep into you. As your orgasm crested, Aemond pushing deeper, the head of his manhood pressing against your cervix as he came. His moans mixed with yours as your cunt milked the seed from him; Aemond spread your legs wider, leaning down to suckle once more at your breast, his softening member remaining within your spasming center.

You cradled his head in your hands, smoothing his tousled hair as he drank your milk down, a stream of it escaping the side of his mouth to dribble off his sharp jaw.

Aemond moved with you back atop the mattress, careful to not remove his cock as he reclined beside you on his forearm. He pulled back enough to measure your expression with a keen gaze. “Is this alright?”

You nodded lazily, encouraging him to return his attention to your milk. The full feeling of his warm seed and cock stuffed within you combined with the tingling trickle of your milk letting down as you breastfed him caused your eyes to grow heavy with contented bliss. Aemond closed his own eye as he drank sleepily, nuzzling closer to your plump flesh. You continued stroking his hair, your heart swelling with the love you felt for this man. You drifted into a light doze, lulled by the feel of him all around you, within you, in every possible way.

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