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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Whispers of 'Are You Sure'

Anonymous asked:

67 please!

Thanks for the submissions, guys! I will get back to the oneshot requests after this busy weekend :)

Aemond x reader | Kiss Prompts

67. When One Stops The Kiss To Whisper “I’m Sorry, Are You Sure You-” And They Answer By Kissing Them More

Your broom scratched across the stone floor as you swept leaves and debris into a neat pile. The windstorm the night before had left the grand balcony in a bit of a messy state, and it fell upon you to make it presentable once more.

You were a servant of the Red Keep, filling your days with menial chores, keeping the fortress pristine for the royal occupants. Just like all the other servants, you did your duties diligently and kept your head down. However, you had a secret. Something that kept a hidden warmth in your heart and encouraged a spring to your step.

A gust of wind picked up the neat pile of leaves you had worked so hard to collect, scattering them across the floor once more. "Gods damn it all to the seventh hell!" You muttered angrily, stamping a foot impatiently.

"Such foul language from such a pretty mouth."

You whirled around to see Aemond leaning against the doorframe, his eye appraising you with a lazy smile on his angular face. Your secret. A very handsome one, at that.

Smiling, you crossed to stand before him, your work momentarily forgotten. "You haven't heard anything yet." You looked coyly up at him, leaning forward conspiratorially. "If you spent any time in the kitchens, you'd hear cursing fit for the sailors of Pentos."

Aemond chuckled, a lovely dark sound. "I hope soon you'll grace my ears with much dirtier words than those."

The implication in his tone left you speechless, Aemond took your hand, ducking his head to place a kiss to your knuckles. His thumb rubbed over the spot his lips had just been as he gazed at you.

You had spent time alone with him before, he had sought you out often after learning you enjoyed studying the books in the library. However, he hadn't before touched you like this. "Your grace, this is hardly appropriate." It was a weak attempt at decorum, but you had to at least pretend at propriety.

"Hmm." Aemond's eye never left your face. "I will be the judge of what is appropriate, Y/N."

He reached for your waist, gripping the fabric of your clothes to pull you closer to him. Your noses brushed, and you felt his warm breath tickle your face. Aemond traced the back of his finger down your cheek before taking hold of your chin. Your lips parted as you stared into his face, your breathing growing heavy at the intimate touch. Aemond smiled faintly at you, the look in his eye spurred you to action. You pushed yourself onto your toes, tilting your head to touch your mouth lightly to his in a chaste kiss, surprising both of you by the bold act.

You melted into him, pressing your chest to his, feeling his heart beating against yours. Your lips fit perfectly against his, Aemond reciprocated almost immediately, snaking a strong arm about your waist, dipping you back slightly to deepen the embrace.

With a gasp you pulled away, placing your fingers to your mouth. Aemond did not relinquish his firm hold. "I'm sorry." You panted. "Are you sure you-" Aemond's mouth descended upon yours, cutting off your question and silencing your doubts. He made a soft noise as your hand buried itself into his hair, twisting the silken strands around your fingers. The two of you remained entwined for many minutes, thrilling in the enticing sensations each new touch awakened. Aemond's hands ghosted across your hips, your back, up to your neck where he dragged his long fingers across your collarbone, making you shiver. You felt him smile against your mouth, before he pulled away at last, licking his lower lip as though to savor the taste of you.

"I will see you later in the library." Aemond smirked at the half-stunned expression on your face. He turned to go before hesitating, his eye crinkling in amusement. "And, Y/N?"

"Yes, my prince?"

"I want you to call me 'Aemond' now. At least when we are alone, which I will ensure be often."

You blushed, looking down at your shoes. "Yes my...Aemond."

"I like the sound of that too." He chuckled, drawing your gaze back to his handsome face. Aemond appraised you, his violet gaze imperious. After a pregnant pause, he gave you a small bow before turning with a swish of leather and silver hair, disappearing back indoors.

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