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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

When I Was 13

Anonymous asked:

Hello. I read your repost and found the story of aemond in the brothel completely intriguing. you could write a story for aemond x reader, after the wedding he goes to bed with his wife, but first he talks about the experience, demonstrates vulnerability, which he never showed.

Hi! I am a hot mess after the events of today! Aemond needs all the love and I am more than happy to write a fic that delivers!

Aemond x reader | illusions to non-consensual intimacy from Aemond's past | healing | fluff | give the man a hug!!

Your wedding day was everything you had ever dreamed of. Most women from the noble houses of Westeros did not have the privilege to marry the man they loved, and how you loved him. You stared up into his face as he repeated the Old Valyrian vows of unity, his long silver-white hair shone as it fell down his back and over his shoulders. His violet eye, gaze always so intent on your features, flickered between your own eyes and his smile widened as you took your turn to recite the vows of marriage.

Aemond was not the monster so many whispered him to be. He had been rather cold to you upon first meeting, true, but once establishing you had not judged his character before getting to know him, Aemond had opened up to you like a well-read book. You had fallen for him twice as fast as he for you, and now here you both stood, at the precipice of matrimony.

Aemond leaned his head down and captured your lips with his in a chaste kiss, you were so caught up in the moment, the sound of cheering dulled in your ears, all you could hear was the rush of blood as your heart thrummed happily. The festivities were a blur of dancing, eating and kissing with the eagerness of two newlyweds desperately in love.

When the hour grew late and the moon rose high in the sky, reflecting with luminesce off the rolling ocean, Aemond grabbed your hand and tugged you to follow him off the dance floor and away from the boisterous room. Several hands slapped him jovially on the shoulder as you ran past, eager to be alone together.

Finally turning the corner of an empty corridor you were led by the hand into Aemond’s spacious chambers, shutting the heavy oak door behind you. He turned to you immediately, pushing your back against the wooden frame, your face in his hands, and kissed you fiercely. You lips molded against his, moving with him as his hands found the nape of you neck. Your own fingers twisted in Aemond’s silky hair, tugging slightly, eliciting a small gasp from your new husband. You pulled again, his mouth opened slightly against yours, and you used the opportunity to run your tongue along his. Your right hand slid down to the tunic fabric at his waist and tugged him further against your body.

Aemond broke your embrace with sudden abruptness, he stepped back slightly, running a hand through his mussed hair and eyeing you with something akin to guilt. “Forgive me, Y/N. I need a moment.”

You moved away from the door and followed him further into the room. “Of course, my love. There is no need to rush.”

You walked to the dresser, running the back of your finger down his cheek affectionately before passing him. Aemond leaned into your touch briefly before turning his back to you. His shoulders were tense, and his left hand was clenching and unclenching, a sign you knew from him to mean he was stressed about something.

Standing by the mahogany dresser, you began pulling the numerous pins from your hair, until it fell loose about you. “Aemond…would you mind helping me with my dress? I crave to be out of this suffocating corset.”

Aemond started, as if he had been lost in thought, before turning to you. His eye ran up and down your form quickly before he stepped forward with the ghost of a smile upon his lips. “Of course, lady wife. Turn around.”

Some of the usual mischief had reentered his voice, giving you hope all was well. You turned to present the back of your dress to him and you felt his long fingers begin to undo the lacings. Aemond made short work of the dress ties, making only a few grunts of annoyance as a piece of fabric caught. You made no effort to catch the dress as it fell in a heavy pile to the floor, leaving you in nothing but your shift. A brief silence, a pregnant pause, before you felt his hands caress your sides with featherlight care. His lips found your exposed shoulder and he placed chaste kissed along it and up your neck. You tilted your head, scrunching your shoulder up, and laughed. “Aemond, please, that tickles!”

You felt his hot breath stir your hair as he laughed with you, his hands still moving up and down your waist. “Say that once more, Y/N.”

You felt a sly smile tug at your lips. “Tickles?”

The light touches at your sides transformed with alacrity into prods and pinches at your ribs, causing you to twitch and try to break free of Aemond’s clutches. Between you struggling against his wicked fingers and laughing, you were soon gasping for air. “Aemond!” You had turned to face him, pushing against his chest and trying to slap his hands away. “Aemond, stop it!” Tears of mirth began to prick at your eyes, his own laughter intermixing with yours. “Aemond, please!”

“Ah, there it is.” He ceased his torturous administrations at once. “The word I like so much coming from your lips.”

He kissed you again.

He backed you up until the back of your knees hit the mattress and you collapsed onto it. Aemond followed, leaning over you, nose brushing yours.

You stared up into his handsome face, fingering the silver hair that pooled on your chest. “I love you.”

Aemond’s eye widened briefly, his pupil dilated leaving only a small ring of purple. To your disappointment, your husband pulled away from you again. He moved to sit next to you on the bed, looking down into your confused face, he ran his fingers through your hair splayed on the mattress. “I must confess something to you, Y/N.”

Your heart stuttered at his words, a sudden weight in your chest. You sat up to meet his eye level, placing a hand on his knee. “You can tell me anything, Aemond. You know this.”

He put his own hand over yours, studying your expressions with his keen gaze. “I have been with a woman before. Though it was not exactly…” He struggled a moment to find the words. “Not exactly my idea. Aegon took me to a brothel, when I was thirteen, he wanted to educate me in…the ways of the flesh. Said I needed to learn how to be a man.” Now that Aemond had begun speaking, the words spilled from him in a flood of barely surprised emotion. He stared at you with an expression bordering on pleading, silently asking you to understand. To forgive him. “I did not want-I did not ask to go.” Aemond became frustrated, he stood and began pacing the room in agitation. “I was already seen as less than a man because of my eye, saying ‘no’ to a woman was simply not an option for me!” His usually velvet voice was raised slightly, sounding strained.

Your chest constricted, heart hurting for him, the man you so admired and cherished. He had stopped pacing and remained remarkably still in front of you, eye fixed upon your face. “I did not want it.” He repeated softly, his fist closing in upon itself briefly before relaxing again.

“Aemond…” You held your arms out to him. A question.

With a heavy sigh, Aemond came into your embrace, burying his hands in your hair as you wrapped your arms around his waist. “I will never stop loving you, Aemond.” You repeated his name like a prayer. “I will never send you from me, so long as you remain honest with me.”

Aemond sunk to his knees in front of you, bringing his face level with yours. You noticed the wetness on his cheek and brushed at it with your thumb. “You are the warmth in my heart, the hope in my darkest days. But most of all you’re my love.”

Aemond’s breathing shuddered at your words, his lower lip trembled slightly. “My heart is yours, Y/N, and ever will be. Until the end of the world.”

His hands moved to grip your upper arms, gently pulling you into him. You ran your hands along Aemond’s back, pouring all the love you felt for him into the embrace.

The two of you remained in that position for a long time, the minutes moving with tender slowness, as you breathed as one. You would cherish Aemond all your days given the chance, and you knew his love for you would last all of this life and into the next.


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