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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Two Nerds in a Room, They Might Kiss

Anonymous asked:

Hello! i imagine aemond follows the trope "bad to everyone but you", so you could write a one-shot where they grow up studying together in childhood, the reader loves history and he is completely whipped by it

One-shot time!! Aemond x reader

No content warnings | lots of fluff | Aemond being a nerd

Most children liked to play outdoors, running wild and scraping up their knees. You, however, were not like most children, preferring the company of books to that of your peers. You took shelter often in the library of the Red Keep, surrounded by dusty old tomes stacked to the ceiling. Shortly after your eleventh name day, one particular afternoon, as you sat nose deep in Chronicles of Ancient Targaryen Philosophy, the usual heavy silence of the room was broken as someone opened the heavy oak door and entered.

You looked up from the page, eyes taking a moment to focus on the young boy now walking over to join you. “Aemond, I haven’t seen you in a while.” You had grown up practically at the young prince’s side, only being a year apart in age, and would even have called him “friend” had he not changed so after the incident with Rhaenyra’s children. The left side of his face, still heavily bandaged, was taking a long time to heal. The maesters had been unable to save the left eye. Aemond had become much more withdrawn into himself and prone to fits of temper ever since, despite what he had said about it being a “fair trade” for Vhagar.

Aemond sat himself to the right of where you were currently studying, grabbing a book at random and opening it with a dull thud. “Leave me, I wish to be alone.” The boy snapped. Mildly hurt but not surprised, you sighed softly and made to exit the room with the silent library keepers. Aemond placed a hand on your arm as you moved past him, “Not you.”

Reseating yourself next to the prince, you reopened your volume and stared at the words, unable to concentrate. Your eyes darted up to where Aemond sat and found him watching you with his one eye, “What are you reading, Y/N?”

You shifted the book towards him so he could look at the text, “It’s a study on the ancient traditions of Valyria, I’ve already finished most other books that cover the topic and am finding this one to be the most comprehensive narrative.”

Aemond didn’t look away from your face, “I’ve taken more to reading the writings of history and philosophy myself…as well as studying the blade. It is difficult, however, what with…” He gestured to his face and sighed, flopping back against the chair.

“Are you alright? We haven’t spoken since-”

“Do I look alright?” Venom dripped from Aemond’s voice as he snapped out the words through gritted teeth. You withdrew slightly and his tone softened, “Tell me what you’ve learned about Old Valyria, distract me Y/N.” It was more a plea than anything you had heard before from your friend and you wanted desperately to help in any small way you could.

So you regaled Aemond all you could remember from the many volumes of history, literature and philosophy you’d read. Many hours were spent with the two of you up in the library together, hours turned to days, days into months, and months into years. Your fondness for Aemond only became stronger as he grew into a handsome young man, cunning as well as a fearsome warrior. He wore an eyepatch to cover the eye he had lost, and you were the only lady who knew what truly lay beneath.

Aemond, for all his mastery of blade and book, was never able to completely control his temper. Except around you.

One drizzly autumn day, as you watched him train with Sir Criston from the shelter of the stone hallway, another young warrior jeered from the sidelines as Aemond barely dodged an attack aimed where you knew his blind spot to be. It was a small thing, at least so it seemed, but Aemond whirled on the man, grabbing the front of his shirt with one hand and raising his sword with the other.

“Aemond, leave him!” Sir Criston tried to pull the prince off to no avail.

You gathered your skirts and hurried down into the courtyard, your boots sinking into the soft mud as you approached the struggling men. “Aemond!” Your hand found his and you gently pried his fingers away from the other man’s tunic. “He’s not worth it.”

Your voice was soft, but it seemed to break Aemond out of a trance. He pushed away from Sir Criston, lowering his sword and turning to you. You squeezed his hand briefly before dropping it, all too aware of the many curious eyes on the two of you. Nodding to Sir Criston, you made your way back to the Keep, not before you thought you heard a muttered “thank you” coming from Aemond’s lips. It was so soft, however, you couldn’t be sure you hadn’t imagined it since your friend hardly ever said those words.

That same day as the sun rode the western sky, turning the trees golden as it sank toward the horizon, Aemond found you in your usual place next to the fireplace of the empty library, your head bent towards a book. You felt a warm familiar hand on your shoulder and looked up with a smile, “I’m glad you found me.”

He huffed out an affectionate chuckle, briefly running the back of his finger down your cheek, “It’s not exactly difficult Y/N, you have very few refuges of habit.”

Aemond pulled a cushioned chair nearer to you and sat, thrumming his fingers on the arm. You closed the History of Dragonriding on your lap, turning in your seat to face him. Your knees almost brushed as he mirrored your movements, “Something is on your mind.” It wasn’t a question, you could read Aemond like any of the books in this library.

“Something is always on my mind, Y/N, but…you are right. I have been preoccupied of late.” The flames from the fire were casting shadows across Aemond’s face, his eye roved across your features, lingering on your mouth.

“You have been my good friend, and a friend to my family, all my life Y/N.” His hand reach across the distance separating you two and rested atop your own, “You possess an intelligence many lack, I never grow bored of our conversations.”

You smiled ruefully, “I’m thrilled, Aemond, truly…but why are you telling me this?”

Aemond leaned forward, long silver hair spilling over his shoulders, “I wish to court you, Y/N. I want you to be mine. You will be mine.”

You stood in alarm, a look of incredulity on your face. Leaning over the prince, you touched the back of your hand to his forehead, “You must have a fever Aemond, it has burned away all sense from your mind!”

You let out a small sound as he grabbed your waist and tugged you forward causing you to collapse into him, straddling his lap.

“This is hardly proper!” Your words stirred the strands of shimmering hair caught on his face.

“I don’t care.” His breath smelled of spiced apples.

“Aemond, someone will see!” You pushed fruitlessly against his chest.

“I don’t care.”

You stopped your feeble attempts to free yourself, your hands splayed across his chest.

“Look at me.”

You obeyed, looking fully into Aemond’s face. He brought his hands up to cradle your head and brushed your noses together affectionately. “There is no other woman in the world I could love, Y/N. You are the temperance to my rage, the half of myself I lost all those years ago.”

You breathed out his name, Aemond’s violet gaze dropped to your lips. You both moved as one, bringing your mouths together in a kiss that now seemed years overdue. The firelight danced across your joined forms, the only witness to a blossoming love that would last more than a lifetime.

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