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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

To Be Loved

Aemond being the little spoon cuddle prompt

Word count: 255


The feeling of your lover’s sleep-laden arms encircling you as you snuggled closer against him, your head upon his beating heart. You could hear Aemond’s breath within his chest, as it rose and fell, it was a sound that brought a sense of deep peace. The tender feeling of being loved, of loving another so deeply you couldn’t imagine a world without him.

You ran a hand from his stomach up to his chest, near where your face lay, stroking the strands of silky hair that you could reach. How you adored this man, you wanted to wrap yourself around him, protect him forever from the slings and arrows of the world.

Aemond stirred as if sensing the intensity of your thoughts, humming low in sleepy contentment as he shifted.

“My love.” His words were slurred as he placed a sloppy kiss to your crown.

You raised your head to smile down at him, his eye still closed as he turned under the covers, pressing his back against your torso. You tangled your legs with his, pulling him closer against you with an arm around his waist.

“I love you, Aemond.” You whispered, placing a featherlight kiss to the soft spot behind his ear.

You kissed him several more times, upon his silver head, his temple, before burying your face in his hair, inhaling the smoky scent of your lover.

You felt his long fingers interlock with yours upon his stomach, his breathing growing heavy once more as he lost himself to dreams, a small smile upon his lips.

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