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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

To Be In Your Arms

A short drabble in which you, the reader, give Aemond much needed soft touches.

Aemond x reader | all the fluff, I love this boy with my whole heart, he deserves the world

The fireplace flickered in its hearth before you as you and Aemond sat together on the cushioned sofa. Well, you sat, Aemond lay next to you with his head in your lap. He had taken off the eyepatch, as he often did in your presence, the ultimate sign of his trust in you. His eye was closed in blissful half-sleep as your fingers massaged his scalp.

Aemond prided himself on his hair, and it was luxurious indeed you thought silently, letting the silken silver strands fall against the skin of your hands as you combed through it gently. He could not see the unguarded expression on your face as you looked down at him. You had fallen irrevocably in love with Aemond shortly after meeting the prince. He had shown a soft, vulnerable side to himself precious few others had the privilege of seeing.

The firelight played upon his face, casting dancing shadows on his pale skin. The sapphire that held the place of where Aemond's left eye had once been refracted the orange light, almost seeming to glow from within. Your own eyes were entranced by the beauty of it, marveling that the others at court found his unmasked appearance to be alarming, even monstrous.

One of your hands slipped from the crown of Aemond's head and began tracing feather-light touches along his sharp jawline and up against his angular cheekbones. His curved mouth quirked into a small smile when your exploring fingers drew a path along his bottom lip. His hand found yours, long fingers caressing the skin on the back of your hand as he pressed a kiss to your palm, another at the sensitive spot at your wrist.

His violet eye had flickered open to appraise your face lazily, you cupped his cheek in your hand the other still buried in his long hair. You leaned down, so your noses touched, breath intermingling, before kissing him sweetly, your lips moving against his. The kiss was brief, chaste, and Aemond's head rose to follow your lips as you straightened, before he let it fall back into your lap.

"You smell of roses, and taste of wine." His voice was thick like freshly harvested honey.

You resumed your ministrations to his face and hair, eliciting a soft sound from the man you so loved. It was a rare thing, moments of unadulterated tenderness between the two of you, and you tucked it away with the others into that special place in your heart.

You brushed the fingers of your right hand along the premature lines at his forehead and brow. "I love you, Aemond."

There was a brief silence as your words, so simple yet full of an endless meaning, hung in the air between you two. Aemond breathed in deeply, as though he inhaled the very confession you had just uttered.

"You are mine, Y/N. Now until the stars burn and fall from their spheres, I will love you."

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