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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

The World Will Know

Hello!! You’re Aemond x Reader fanfics are absolutely wonderful!!! I can’t stop reading them, and I would love to make a request of my own. May I please request an Aemond x Reader where the reader is insecure because their exes never treated them with respect and so they feel unworthy of Aemond? However he shows them what true love is by slow dancing with them in front of everyone during a ball and showing that they belong to him?

Ok friend! I LOVED writing this one, made me feel all the things! Aemond is very about the direct approach when it comes to his lady. He knows what he wants, and he gets it.

Aemond x reader | No content warnings | Aemond being the women respecting babygirl we know him as

You twirled a strand of hair about your finger, watching Aemond and Sir Criston spar in the courtyard. The day was overcast, a light drizzle of rain had begun falling, prompting you to move to the shelter of the outdoor corridor. Aemond’s long silver hair swirled about him as he danced around Cole, his movements snakelike as he weaved to dodge the oncoming strikes.

You had met Aemond almost a year ago, having been sent by your family to be princess Helaena’s handmaid. He had taken a liking to you, your clever tongue and sharp wit, as you had to him. The two of you had become friends which turned into lovers that fateful night he had kissed you in the rain, pulling your drenched body close to his.

It was a secret affair, though you guessed Helaena knew, what with her quiet smiles and knowing nods. You would often meet the prince in a secluded corner of the Red Keep, sometimes even behind thick drapery, to share brief kisses and whispered promises. Never long enough, but you treasured each moment like it were the last.

Aemond, calling a break from training, caught your eye with his own and gave you a small wave as Criston turned his back. You returned it with a slight quirk of your lips, thankful that the other ladies watching him with ardent delight seemed not to notice. You were not used to any paramour of yours seeking out your gaze amidst a crowd, nor catching you in empty hallways to pull you behind a statue away from prying eyes.

Aemond was different than anyone you had previously been romantic with, he was thoughtful before he spoke, kind only to those closest to him. You felt yourself, unwillingly, bracing for when he would inevitably lose interest, his soft words and warm kisses yours no longer.

Something he saw in your face, even from such a distance, caused Aemond’s face to fall, his smile slipping. He placed a hand on Criston’s shoulder, whispering something, returned the weapons to the rack and quickly made his way to you. Frantic giggling and smoothing of skirts came from the women around you as he approached, that walk of his confident and proud as ever.

“My lady Y/N.” Aemond gave you a small bow, extending his hand. “Walk with me a moment.”

You took his proffered hand and, amidst many whispers, let him lead you out of the courtyard and towards your favorite spot in King’s Landing: the royal gardens. The roses were in full bloom and their fragrant scent greeted you on the wind as you and the prince walked hand-in-hand. Aemond’s hand tightened around yours briefly before he sat with you on one of the stone benches, a gurgling fountain serving as centerpiece to a circle of hedges. “Tell me what troubles you, I have taken notice of your recent habits of despondency.” Aemond ran the back of his finger down your cheek, prompting you to look into his violet eye.

“Sometimes I wish you weren’t so observant.” You tried to lighten his concern with a chuckle, but it came out strangled.

“Only for those whom I…” Aemond hesitated only a fraction, but you marked it. “care for.” He finished. A gust of wind blew his silken hair over his shoulders, causing you to lean back as the strands tickled your face.

You chuckled more genuinely, and he joined you briefly before growing serious once more. His curved lips, that you so loved to look at, turned downwards in a frown. “Is it something I’ve done?”

“No, Aemond. It’s…I don’t know how to say it.” You wrung your hands in your lap. “I am not used to being treated with such care as you have shown me. The men I’ve courted before have always turned on me in one way or another.”

“Name them and I shall make sure they regret their treatment of you.” Aemond’s one eye hardened with anger.

“No.” You said again. “I do not wish for that; it is over now. I am simply afraid…afraid you will also…leave.” That last word escaped your mouth in a hushed whisper. The admission left you feeling vulnerable. You lowered your head.

Cool fingers touched your chin, gently raising your gaze to Aemond’s. He sat a moment in silence, eye roving across your features. His mouth moved as though he were deciding on what words to say. Your lips parted, and his eye moved to them, dilating slightly.

Another breeze rustled your satin skirts and at last Aemond spoke, his voice husky. “There is to be a ball tonight.”

“The Harvest Moon celebration.” You nodded, breath catching in your throat.

“I wish for you to accompany me.”

“Your mother already invited me, Aemond.”

“Y/N, you will arrive to the ball on my arm.” Aemond let go of your chin, smiling slightly at your shocked expression.

He stood as you tried to process all the emotions and thoughts swirling in your head. “I will meet you at the entrance to the great hall an hour before the festivities are set to begin.” Aemond, reaching down, took your hand to kiss it. “I must leave you for the present, Y/N. I’ll see you tonight.” With a cheeky smile at your continued shocked silence, he turned and departed.

It was quite a while before you found your feet again, wandering slowly back into the Red Keep and to your rooms. You had become so accustomed to your love affair with Aemond being secret, no notion of him wanting to make it public had entered your thoughts. Instead of letting you down softly by admitting he couldn’t further your relationship, Aemond was lifting you higher into the blind bliss of love and you dreaded the fall back to reality.

You bathed, rubbed oil of lavender on your pressure points, dotted rouge on your cheeks and lips and even used a charcoal stick to underline your eyes. You liked your hair loose, as you knew Aemond did too, so you brushed out the tangles and let it fall about you in soft waves. The gown you chose to wear was cut from dark green velvet, the full skirts brushed the stone floor as you exited your chamber and walked to the great hall.

Aemond stood waiting, clad in his usual dark leather and belts, a long coat about his shoulders and a black eyepatch. You descended the stairs to him, and he looked up, noticing you, his expression lighting up into a smile and something akin to pride.

“You look beautiful, my lady.” He said as you took his arm. Aemond leaned in to place a chaste kiss to your temple, inhaling your scent. “And you smell divine.”

Your eyes snapped up to survey the faces around you, there were several who had noticed the prince’s affection and were whispering behind hands to each other. The sound of music pulled you and Aemond into the grand hall, alight with many fireplaces and flickering torches. He led you to the raised table where the royals sat, and you curtsied to the Queen and the Hand. Alicent raised her eyebrows at her son, smiling briefly at you before her father leant in and whispered something to her.

“Come, don’t let my family disquiet you.” Aemond led you to the far end of the food-laden table where Helaena was sitting.

She stood and hugged you tightly in greeting, looking with delight between you and Aemond. “It’s wonderful to see you Y/N. I had so hoped for…and here you are!”

“Where is Aegon?” Aemond asked her, looking around for his brother.

“Still sleeping off his lunch I expect.” Helaena answered him with a sad shrug, turning back to her seat.

Aemond made a small sound of disapproval, surveying great room and the many guests filing in.

Music swelled over the sound of many voices and a number of people got up from their seats, pulling partners to dance. Aemond took your hand once more. “Dance with me, Y/N.”

You allowed him to tug you several steps forward before balking. “Everyone will see.”

Aemond turned to you and traced your jaw with a finger, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. “Why do you think I brought you here?” He placed a hand on your waist and led you into the beginning steps of a dance. “I want them to see.” Aemond extended his arm, still clasping your hand, and spun you around. Your skirts flared out as you twirled, and he pulled you quickly back into him, causing the fabric to hug around his legs as you continued the waltz. “I want them to know you are mine.”

Surely enough all eyes were on the two of you, a space even clearing around where Aemond led you. Some couples, you noticed, even broke apart from their own dance to gawk in surprise. You giggled, drawing Aemond’s eye to your face. “They’re going to think I’ve bewitched you.”

Aemond’s breath was hot on your mouth as he tucked his head close to yours. “Perhaps you have.”

He hesitated only a moment before bringing his lips to yours, kissing you for the whole room to see. It was a brief kiss, gentle, but heavy with his intent. When he broke away, Aemond’s eye sparkled with mischief at your expression. “Just in case there was any lingering doubt, I want the world to know what you mean to me and what exactly I intend to do with you.”

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