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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

The First 'I Love You'

Anonymous asked:

Hiii can I request Aemond telling his betrothed that he loves her for the first time?

Yes! All the fluff, all the love for this Good BoyTM. You cannot convince me he doesn't have a soft heart under all that trauma and bitterness. God he's gorgeous. ANYWAY enjoy!

Aemond x reader | No content warnings | FLUFF

Rain pattered with a gentle rhythm on the roof of the Red Keep, intermixed with the crackling fireplace before you. You sat on a comfortable sofa, in a secluded corner of the spacious library, your favorite haunt. At this time of night, you were the only soul there gaining you a precious moment of seclusion and peace from all the noises of court.

You did not hail from King’s Landing and found it to be quite oppressive at times, yearning for home became an unfortunately common pastime of yours when your mind was not taken to faraway lands by the many books you’d read in the thick atmosphere of the library. You had been sent to the Red Keep over a year ago, just another girl betrothed to a prince of a noble house. The Targaryen house, to be precise, and soon to be wed to Aemond One Eye, second-born son of King Viserys Targaryen.

You had become close friends with his sister, Helaena, right away after arriving at your new home. She was a delightful girl and had no vice in her heart, much unlike her brother and husband Aegon. You still couldn’t quite figure Aemond out, however. He was obviously more pragmatic than his elder brother, and much more cunning than anyone you had met. The raw intelligence that sparkled behind his one violet eye had drawn you to him as a moth to a flame. You would find yourself, usually an introverted and quiet person, talking quite animatedly with him. Conversation flowed easily between you two, and soon enough you developed no small amount of affection for your betrothed. Thanking the gods silently it was Aemond, and not Aegon, with whom you were to be married.

He knew you better than you perceived and watched you intently when you were unaware, feigning disinterest whenever you looked at him. In your turn, you watched him with equal interest, especially when he trained with Sir Criston Cole in the courtyard. Aemond was tall and lithe, as one of the mountain cats from your home, dodging each attack with fluid movements. He wore a leather eyepatch over where his left eye once had been, a vertical scar running down his face. His hair was long and straight, of typical Targaryen silver, and the way it moved around his shoulders and back often hypnotized you.

You had once asked him what the secret to such beautiful hair was and he had laughed, a lovely sound you thought.

“I have no secret care routine, if that’s what you’re asking me Y/N.” Aemond had looked at you fondly. “I will count on you to help me keep it, what was it you said, ‘shining and lustrous’?”

Your eyes glazed as you got lost in giddy memories of him. For all the talk at court, you could not imagine Aemond as being indifferent or cruel. He was arrogant at times, certainly, and could be cool in demeanor if a mood hit him but with you…he was softer.

Gods be good…you thought to yourself, I love him.

You heaved a shaky sigh and with a snap closed the book that had been sitting uselessly on your legs.

“Must be a dull story to garner such distain.”

You stifled a small shriek, whipping your head towards the intruder. “Aemond! You nearly scared the life out of me, what are you doing here?”

“It’s a library, is it not?” Aemond approached you and sat, holding his own dusty volume. “I couldn’t sleep so I came here to read, much like you I’m assuming.”

You nodded, rubbing your tired eyes with a hand. “I’ve had too much to think about, sleep is rather evasive these days.”

Aemond studied your face intently, the book he had brought remained unopened next to him. “What is it that is vexing my lady so?”

Your hands fell to your skirts, twisting the fabric as you looked back at him. “I think you know, Aemond.”

Ah. So, it’s about our soon-to-be union.”

“To be blunt, yes.”

“You do not wish for it.”

You blinked, taken aback. “I…what?”

“You do not wish to be married to me.” Aemond’s voice was matter of fact, like this was something he had already accepted. “I will not say I’m surprised. No lady looks upon this face and thinks ‘oh yes, the man without an eye. I wish him to be my lord husband’.”

You stared at him, your mouth slightly open. Aemond seemed to register your confusion because he stopped talking abruptly, his angular face tilting slightly.

“You seem to know my thoughts better than I do, my prince.” You replied coolly, emphasizing the title he had asked you not to use in place of his name.

“I apologize if I have given offense, Y/N.” Aemond seemed genuinely taken aback. “You have been distant of late, and I am overused to being looked upon with either pity or disgust.”

“I don’t look upon you with either.” You touched Aemond’s hand lightly with your own, his eye dropped to appraise it, before interlocking his long fingers with yours.

“You…mean a great deal to me, Y/N. I have grown to treasure the moments we have together.” His words trailed off as if he meant to say more but couldn’t bring himself to.

“You can tell me anything, you know.” You encouraged him, a smile in your voice.

Aemond’s eye snapped up to your face, drinking in your features with a tenderness you had not seen before. “When I claimed Vhagar, I thought I had gained everything I wanted. Everything I’d ever want.” His fingers tightened around yours briefly. “Then I met you and I found myself…wanting.” Aemond reached forward with his other hand and caressed your face, tracing your jaw and making you shiver. “I want you, Y/N.”

“I am not a dragon to be claimed, Aemond.” You said softly.

His curved mouth twitched upwards at your words, “Indeed you are not. Though at times when you are angry, I wonder if you could breathe fire.” His thumb moved to press lightly against your bottom lip. “I love…I love you.” The confession seemed to cost Aemond a great deal of effort and you could hear his breath quicken.

You inhaled sharply, letting his words linger in the air between you two. Your heart beat an erratic rhythm against your chest, surely he could hear it.

Aemond stirred with impatience, his grip on your chin tightened. “Do not leave me sitting here in agony, Y/N. Tell me what that beautiful mind of yours is thinking right now.”

You smiled then, soft and bright, emotion welling behind your eyes. You raised a hand to grasp him gently around his wrist. “I love you too, Aemond. I want you to be mine, to become yours. I want to have a life with you, a family, a home.”

Aemond wrapped his arms about you, pulling you into him and placing a warm kiss to your forehead. “You shall have all that and more, my heart. With me, you will want for nothing.”

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