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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Teenager Daughter

Updated: Jan 2, 2023

Anonymous asked:

need me some protective dad aemond, if you please i just know he'd be soo good

Ok finally we have more Dad Aemond incoming!

Prepare thyself for wholesomeness. There will be multiple parts.

word count: 1900

Aemond x wife!reader | teenage daughter | younger son | scaring off suitors | Aegon helps for once

A brisk wind blew the hair from your face as you hurried up the stone steps of the Keep. You glanced over your shoulder at the young man still wailing, even as he departed from the main gate.

"I am going to kill them both." You seethed to yourself, the guards in front of the oaken doors quickly stepping to the side with low bows, eager to not get in the way of your building wrath.

As you strode down the marbled hallways, you could already hear the shouting.

You daughter, hands on her hips, was practically screaming at her father, her white hair in tangles falling about her slender shoulders. "I cannot believe you!! This is the fifth time! Mother!" She saw you enter the room, tearing her blazing lilac gaze away from Aemond to look tearfully at you. "Another of my suitors frightened near to death! At this rate I will die alone and unmarried!"

"Better that than chained to a man who will make your life miserable." Aemond intoned, Aegon nodded from where he was perched atop the table behind your little family.

"What has happened?" Your son, barely past his tenth birthday, entered the room after you, tugging on your skirts. "Has father scared off another of Shaera's suitors?"

"He almost killed him!" Your daughter pointed an accusing finger at Aemond's chest. "Uncle Aegon lured him into the dragon pit, and they threatened to set him aflame."

"Wicked!" Your son grinned with delight.

"Shut up Aerys." Shaera was crying in earnest now.

You walked to her, your arms open wide and she sunk gratefully into your embrace. You glared at the two Targaryen men over her shoulder as you hugged your distraught daughter. "There had better be a good explanation for this."

Aegon took a deep sip of wine as Aemond sighed heavily, wrapping an arm around Aerys' shoulders as the boy sidled next to his father. Aegon was the one to break the heavy silence. "We did not threaten to burn anyone alive, Shaera."

"There were words said that we overheard, that settled uneasily with both of us." Aemond agreed, nodding to his brother, his lilac eye flitting from the back of his daughter's silver head to your face. "We took the boy to the dragon pit and introduced him to Sunfyre and Dreamfyre, and told him what would happen should he make good on his words."

"I will not ask you to expound upon it here." You shook your head even as Aegon opened his mouth to explain, stroking Shaera's hair gently. "Shae." You took her face in your hands, wiping away the tears. "Go to your father and make peace."

You shot Aemond a meaningful look as your daughter turned toward him. His gaze softened as he watched her approach, even though her arms were folded tight across her chest. "I am sorry I yelled at you, Kepa."

Aemond reached out, prying her arms loose and holding both her hands in his own. Aegon watched with mild interest, still sipping on his wine. Aerys moved to you, reaching for your hand, watching as Aemond placed a kiss to Shaera's knuckles. "You are worthy of a man who will not shrink in fear at the sight of a dragon."

"Was he very frightened? He said you threatened to kill him."

"A lie."

"His trousers were also wet." Shae tried to suppress a giggle. Her eyes, exactly matching the color of her father's own eye, sparkled up at him.

Aemond nodded solemnly. "He soiled himself."

They chuckled together, Aerys beside you positively cackled, even Aegon gave an appreciative snort.

"You are the blood of the dragon." Aemond continued, his face serious once more. "Above all, you are my daughter and will receive only the best in all things, including those who are allowed to court you."

"Not one person has been good enough though." Shae said hopelessly.

"There will be someone who you fall in love with, daughter." You said, smiling and walking up to where she stood, placing a hand around her waist. "Do not be in such a rush to grow up." You placed a kiss on her temple, she did not pull away.

Aegon watched this exchange with a curiously sour expression on his face, seeming to take a sudden disliking to his drink. "A lovely sentiment for those who have a choice in their futures." His voice was flat as he got up from the table, striding to the door. "Let me know if you need further assistance with troublesome youths, brother." He spoke without turning back, exiting the room, leaving just the four of you there.

Aemond's eye lingered on where his brother had disappeared, a frown tugging his curved lips.

"Father, can we practice sword fighting now?" Aerys piped up, straining on his tip toes to get his dad's attention.

"Yes of course, my son." Aemond allowed Aerys to take his hand and enthusiastically pull him in the direction of the training yard.

"Tis time for you to clean up and get ready for your harp lessons." You squeezed Shae's shoulder, earning a watery smile from the girl. "Don't be disheartened, my jewel. I will talk to him tonight."

"Thank you, mom." She gave you a hug, smelling of lilac and candlewax, before departing for her rooms.

You straightened your skirts, running your hands along the green velvet fabric. It was the fifth time Aemond had sent one of Shaera's suitors scurrying from King's Landing, tail between their legs. You would have to speak to him in private later, but for now you decided to watch him train your young son. Aerys' favorite activity, and something Shae had also begun. At her insistence, Aemond had started showing her the basics of sword fighting. Something that made you proud yet simultaneously worried.

The dull thunk of wooden swords striking each other met your ears as you entered the grey courtyard. The sky above threatened rain, but no droplets fell as your husband and son practiced.

"Keep your feet shoulder-width apart." Aemond was instructing, glancing up to grace you with a smile as you leaned against the railing. "I've told you too many times, Aerys. Do not lean forward, keep your balance over your belly button."

"I'm trying." Aerys complained, sounding a bit too whiny for your taste.

"Don't whine." Both you and Aemond spoke at the same time, he gave you a roguish grin as you chuckled. Aerys sighed, thwacking his wooden sword against Aemond's in annoyance.

They trained for about half an hour, quite enough time for Aerys to pick up several more tips from his father on footwork and arm movements.

"You are a quick learner." Aemond tousled the boy's curly hair affectionately causing Aerys to wrinkle his nose, giggling as he tried to push his dad's hand off.

"Now, off to dragon riding training trēsy. I will join you before long." Aemond looked up at you again. "I have a feeling your mother wants to speak with me."

You smiled at Aerys as he waved cheerily to you, walking away with bouncing strides in the direction of the dragon pit where his small dragon, Parthnax, waited. Aemond climbed the stone steps to where you waited, removing his leather gloves and stroking a large hand along your arm before interlocking his fingers with your own. "Yes, my lady?" His mischievous smile grew a little as you pulled him to walk with you back into the Keep.

"What happened today with that young man?" You asked. "He seemed a fine match for Shaera."

Aemond sighed, choosing his words carefully as his thumb stroked your knuckle. "Aegon and I overheard him boasting to his young friends of his imminent marriage to our daughter, Y/N. With the vulgar words he used, the boy is lucky he isn't charcoal right now."

"What did he say?"

"I will not repeat it."

Your steps faltered, you glanced sidelong at Aemond's face, his jaw was set, and his eye was staring coldly ahead. It must have been something truly vile for him to be so upset. You squeezed his hand gently. "You did well, then. But for the sake of our daughter, I must ask you to be less condemning to those suitors who have not spoken ill of her."

"I am the image of lenience."

"Aemond. This is the fifth time you've chased a boy away from her after they've known each other barely a week."

He sighed softly, remaining silent as the two of you walked together through the torchlit hallways. As you rounded a corner, you saw Shaera standing in front of a young man with shoulder-length auburn hair, deep in conversation.

You felt Aemond stiffen beside you, his hand breaking away as it instinctively went to the pommel of his sword.

Shaera noticed the two of you, her face falling slightly as her lilac eyes flicked to her father. "Dad, mom..."

"Shae." You greeted, your brow furrowing. "Did your lessons run short? Who is this?"

"This is Oliver." The young man bowed low as you approached.

"An honor to meet you, I only just arrived at King's Landing and got myself quite turned around. Luckily Shaera rescued me, and we've been discussing the upcoming tourney that I will be jousting in."

You noticed the coat of arms adorning Oliver's breastplate, but it was Aemond who spoke up first. "Mormont, is it?"

"Yes, your highness." Oliver Mormont bowed again, lower this time. "Might I take the liberty of expressing what an honor it is to meet you, as well as your lady wife." His light brown eyes smiled at you before he turned his attention back to Aemond.

Shaera beamed at him.

Aemond noticed her obvious admiration, his smile a little forced as he nodded at Oliver. "It is always a pleasure to host our friends from the North."

"I've invited Oliver to dinner tonight!" Shae said brightly, not seeing how Aemond's eye narrowed slightly as he looked at her. No, her attention was only upon the handsome youth standing tall beside her.

"We would be glad for you to join us!" You spoke before Aemond could, locking your arm with your husband's. "Now, Shae, you have harp lessons to get to."

Shae's cheeks flushed as Oliver kissed the back of her hand, bowing in farewell. "Until tonight, my lady."

"Tonight then." She nodded, looking bereaved as she watched him leave.

You could have propped Aemond up against a wall he was so tense, you gave his arm a reassuring squeeze. Shae looked hesitantly from him to you before hurrying away toward her class.

"I am going to put bars on her door and window." Aemond muttered, watching her go.

"You will do no such thing, Aemond."


"Yes, tonight in fact. He seems like a nice young man from a good house as well."

"They all seem like 'nice young men' to begin with."

You turned to face your husband, cradling his angular jaw in your hands. "My dearest love. You are correct in wanting to shelter her from the many horrible men who infest this world." You leaned in, brushing your lips along his mouth, feeling his muscles slowly begin to relax against you. "However, she will have to experience life one way or another. All we can do is our best to guide her."

"I worry for her, Y/N." Aemond kissed you gently, pressing his forehead to yours.

"As do I. But we cannot keep her all to ourselves forever." You traced your fingers across his cheek, your breaths mingling. "She is the blood of the dragon, and we must allow her to spread her wings and fly."

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