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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Riding Vhagar


hello!! could you write with aemond where he introduces the reader to vhaegar and he takes her riding?

*rubs hands together* alright my lovely Anons, I cooked up something that includes all of the above ^.^

Aemond x pregnant!reader | I serve you all the fluffs

You were trembling, and you knew your husband could feel the shaking in your hands as you gripped his leather-clad elbow like a vice.

“Y/N.” Aemond soothed, petting your hair with his free hand. “She won’t eat you; this I promise.”

You were walking together in the predawn light, down the sloping hills outside King’s Landing, where Aemond knew his dragon took up residence, being too big for the Dragon Pit. Your belly was round with his child, and Aemond had taken great care in leading you along the rugged terrain.

Already you could make out the massive form of the drowsing dragon, curled up on the wide beach. You balked, jerking Aemond back with you, running a nervous hand along the curve of your abdomen. Aemond’s gaze was drawn to where you caressed, his face softening to that honeyed expression he only wore in your presence…a sort of reverence. He turned toward you fully, placing his hands around your baby bump, bowing to place a soft kiss there. Long silver hair spilled over his shoulders as he straightened, placing his lips to yours, gently tracing your jaw.

“Vhagar will know you carry my child. I look forward to her reaction upon seeing you.” He took your hand encouragingly once more. “There is nothing to fear, my fire.”

Upon hearing the familiar nickname your husband had given you, a smile tugged at your lips. With renewed bravery, and a dose of curiosity, you allowed Aemond to lead you down the hill and onto the sandy beach.

Vhagar marked your approach, raising her head, yellow eyes surveying you and Aemond with interest.

“Rytsas, Vhagar!” Aemond’s commanding voice boomed to greet his dragon. “Bisa iksos issa ābrazȳrys.”

Still supporting your swollen belly with one hand, you leaned into Aemond. “What did you just say?” Your voice was a hoarse whisper.

“I greeted her and said you are my wife.” You were very close to the dragon now, craning your neck to look into her eye. Her hot breath washed over you, blowing your hair away from your face in a rush.

“You can touch her.”

“I can…what?”

Aemond chuckled, lifting your hand still interlocked with his, and guiding you forward slowly until you felt the iron scales of Vhagar’s snout under your fingers. Despite yourself, you reveled in the feeling of the dragon’s hide, stroking along the rigid skin. It reminded you of tree bark in a way, and you felt Vhagar press gently against you in return. She made a contented grumble deep in her throat, sounding like a hundred earthquakes, yet a quiet noise for the enormous creature.

“She likes you.” Aemond whispered, tucking his chin into the crook of your shoulder from where he stood behind you. He placed a warm kiss to your neck. “Would you like to ride her?”

Your heart stuttered at the thought of mounting such a great beast. “I am quite content with my feet firmly upon the ground, thank you.”

Aemond tugged you to Vhagar’s side, the dragon’s eyes still upon you, and gestured to the rope ladder that led up to a distant saddle you could just make out upon her back.

You turned to your husband incredulously. “You’re going to make your pregnant wife ride the largest dragon in Westeros?”

He tilted his head at you, a smirk curving his lips. “How many times have you asked me to recount the experience of dragon riding? How often do you give me cheek for not taking you with me?” He gestured behind you to where Vhagar watched. “She has met you; she knows you are mine and carry our child within you. She will be gentle with you, as I desire it.”

The fervor with which he spoke, the violet fire in his eye, spurred you to action. “Don’t let me fall, Aemond.” You warned, placing a foot on the first rung of the ladder and hoisting yourself up.

“Never, my lady.”

Sure enough, Aemond was right beneath you the entire ascent to Vhagar’s back. It was tough work, made more awkward by your pregnant condition. Arms shaking, you made it to the saddle and Aemond was quickly at your side, helping you straddle the leather seat. He tied you securely in place, and slid in behind you, tying the ropes about his own person as well. You felt his arms come about you firmly, his breath tickled your ear. “Say ‘sōvegon’. That means ‘fly’ in Valyrian. ‘Dohaeris’ means ‘serve’, though I doubt you will need to use it.”

You leaned into his warm embrace, shivering slightly in the cool breeze. “How do you get a dragon to breathe fire?”

“Perhaps we will save that for a later date.” Aemond laughed lightly, squeezing your thighs.

Vhagar’s head was so far distant from where you sat, you wondered if she’d be able to hear you. Gathering as much air as possible in your lungs, you shouted, “Sōvegon, Vhagar!” A shifting beneath you, like an island coming out of the sea, caused you to squeal and clutch at Aemond’s hands.

“Once more, tell her to fly.” He prompted, voice loud in your ear as Vhagar got to her feet, stretching her mile-long wings.

“Sōvegon!” Your vocal cords already felt sore, but your shout did the trick.

With lumbering steps, and a great flapping of wings, Vhagar gained speed and launched herself into the clear sky. Birds fled the area in haste as the great dragon soared ever higher, the landscape below growing small beneath you, the Red Keep and surrounding cities looking like mere toys.

A thrilled laugh, sounding crazed even to your own ears, left your chest as the wind whipped about you. You felt Aemond’s arms encircle your belly protectively, holding you and your unborn baby tight. He placed his mouth upon your exposed neck, sucking small kisses down to your shoulder.

You had never felt so free, so wild and yet safe, loved in the arms of your Targaryen husband. You spread your arms wide, mimicking the soaring of the dragon you now rode. The wind breaking across your body, numbing your skin. The rising sun reflected its pink light upon the ocean surface, the sparkling water winking up at you, distant waves lapping at golden shores.

You heard Aemond in your ear, voice straining over the rush of wind. “Tell her ‘Gūrogon īlva lenton’. Take us home.”

You repeated the words, shouting to Vhagar. Aemond laughed, “Not ‘leyton’, my love, ‘lenton’.

You corrected the phrase, and the dragon dipped gently to the left, circling back to where you had started, slowly descending back to earth. Your heart swelled as Vhagar’s feet impacted with the ground once more, you could tell the large creature made a concerted effort to be gentle. Aemond’s words proved true, she did have at least some inclination of your delicate state.

Your husband undid the ties binding you to the dragon saddle, descending before you, offering help when you needed it as you climbed the ladder once more. Your knees shook upon impact with the sand, Aemond’s hands on your waist steadying you as your balance returned.

“That was…unlike anything I could possibly imagine!” You beamed up at him. “How do I say ‘thank you’?”

“Kirimvose.” Aemond released you, lingering behind as you approached Vhagar’s face once more.

You reached out to touch her skin, stroking it, wondering if she was able to even feel you there. “Kirimvose, Vhagar.”

She made the same low rumbling sound, this time softer, in response. You turned and made your way back to Aemond, who stood observing you with a soft smile upon his face.

“Can we stay for a little while, watch the sunrise?” You asked, taking his arm and slowly walking together toward where the water lapped at the beach.

“Of course, Y/N. This day is yours, to do with as you please.” His low voice was sweet as he stopped to gaze at you, drinking in your every expression, the golden light of morning lighting his handsome face.

“Aemond…how do you say ‘I love you’ in Valyrian?”

“Avy jorrāelan.”

“Avy jorrāelan, my dragon.”

He gave you a radiant smile, pulling you to him and kissing you, the taste of salt air fresh on his lips. “And I love you, my fire, my hearth, my home.” He punctuated each affectionate phrase with a kiss to your face. You scrunched your nose at him, giggling as he kissed at the ticklish spot under your jaw.

Behind you, Vhagar made another of her contented noises, rumbling the earth beneath your feet. You and Aemond remained tangled in each other’s arms as the sun rose into the sky, heralding a new day, blessing the small family you had begun with the man who would forever own your heart.

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