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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Returning After Battle

These prompts are going to get me in trouble lol. I'm thinking 75 & 131 if you would be so kind ❤️

75. “You’re my everything.”

131. “i’ll spend a thousand lifetimes coming back to you.”

Aemond x wife!reader | drabble | FLUFF

The bellowing horns of the Keep rang out, echoing off the stone walls, heralding the return of prince Aemond Targaryen, victorious from battle.

You brushed your trembling hands over your clothing to smooth the fabric, tucking a stray strand of hair back behind your ear. You hadn't seen your husband in over a year, you wondered if he would be the same...if he would still feel the same affection for you.

The clatter of hooves upon granite cobblestone greeted your ears as you hurried down the crowding corridors, many people jostled you as you pushed past, trying to get a view of the arrivals.

You came to the archway, stone steps leading down to the courtyard where many soldiers gathered. Your skirts swirled about you as you halted, bracing yourself on a cold pillar, your eyes scanning for familiar silver hair.

"Aemond." You whispered, clutching the fabric at your chest as your searching gaze found him.

He was handsome as ever, standing proud at the forefront of his company, clad in studded black armor with golden accents. A dragon helm adorned his head, his long hair spilling out from under the twisting metal.

His violet eye flicked to meet your gaze, as if he sensed the intensity of your stare. He held a gauntleted hand up to ward off a soldier who had stepped forward, trying to engage him in conversation, Aemond's eye never leaving your face. He stepped forward slowly, almost carefully, as though he were unsure if his war ready appearance would frighten you.

"Aemond!" You called louder, drawing the stares of those gathered around you. Not caring, you leapt down the stairs, running into Aemond's embrace as he opened his arms to welcome you, his velvety chuckle tickling your ear as he spun you around, holding you tightly.

"Y/N, balm in my orisons!" Aemond brought his lips to yours, kissing you sweetly for all to witness. "My sweet wife." He removed his helm, letting it fall to the ground before cupping your face in his hands, brushing away the tears that fell down your cheeks. He bent down to kiss away the drops of moisture his fingers had missed.

"You came back." You whispered, your voice audible only to your husband. "You came back to me."

"I'll spend a thousand lifetimes coming back to you." Aemond promised, tugging you away from the courtyard, back the way you'd come from your chambers. The crowd parted like water, many cheers and smiles followed the two of you as you departed, eager to be alone together.

"Let me help you out of this armor." You closed your bedroom door, running your fingers experimentally over the complicated clasps of Aemond's breastplate.

"I would appreciate that."

It took some fumbling and patience, but you were able to get Aemond out of the heavy garments he wore.

"How are you able to even walk in all this?" You wondered, removing his gauntlets last, until he stood before you in his dark green gambeson.

"I'm strong, Y/N."

You quirked an eyebrow at him, giving him an amused smirk. He read the mischievous twinkle in your eyes, huffing a laugh and shaking his head at you in bemusement. "You haven't changed."

"Have you?" You knew the answer as you uttered the question, Aemond's face fell slightly as he studied your features.

"I believe I have." He sighed, shuffling off the padded under armor he wore. "As is expected of any man coming back from war."

He hooked a finger under your chin, tilting your head up as your gaze fell to the floor, his thumb pressing against your lip. "I'm still the man you married, Y/N." His lips pressed to the corner of your mouth. "You're my everything, that will never change."

You smiled softly at his tender words, accepting his kiss with a low sound in your throat, your fingers twisting in the silken hair that fell down his back.

It took time for you to rediscover one another, being apart for so long made aspects of it challenging. Soon though, like muscle memory, the old ways came back to you. The two of you were quickly tangled up in each other, all tongues and teeth and wandering hands eager to refamiliarize the feel of one another's bare skin. By the end of the night, you and Aemond were left blissfully satisfied, curled up together as the fire crackled in its hearth, the warm orange glow casting cozy light around the darkened room.

You continued tracing the contours of Aemond's face, his eye closed to your touch, a small smile playing on his curved lips.

"You are the reason I am here now." He said suddenly, his eye opening to look at you.

"Hmm?" Your fingers halted in their exploration. "How is that?"

"The one thing that kept me going when all else seemed lost...was the thought of being able to hold you again. To hear your voice, taste the nectar of your lips." Aemond nuzzled into your throat, nipping at the exposed flesh as you arched against his mouth. "To be able to pleasure you like this again. That's what kept me going."

You placed a chaste kiss to your husband's cheek, just below where the vertical scar on his face ended. "You had better always come back to me."

"I shall. Always." Aemond promised, pulling you to rest atop his chest, your ear hearing the steady beat of his heart.

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