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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Morning Kisses

Anonymous asked:

62 from the prompt list but with Aemond the one asleep? I think having him be sleepy and cuddly and off his guard would be adorable. He’s usually so controlled and put together so having him be completely relaxed and comfortable….I need it Btw: I love you!!! You’re so good at writing <3

Don't mind me, over here melting. Love you too Nonny! The prompt list is here if anyone is interested in a drabble :) And yes I am still working through the oneshot requests, never fear haha

Aemond x reader

62. Lazy Morning Kisses Before They’ve Even Opened Their Eyes, Still Mumbling Half-Incoherently, Not Wanting To Wake Up

The cold, clear winter sun spilled its yellow light over your bed, shining in your eyes, rousing you from warm slumber. You tucked your chilly feet deeper under the thick covers, pressing them against the body of your lover still sleeping next to you. Aemond stirred, trying to move away from your icicle touch. You rolled over and propped yourself on an elbow, your gaze sweeping his relaxed face. It wasn't often you got to see him like this: peaceful...content.

His eye was still closed, he wore no eyepatch; instead the sapphire sparkled, dazzling your vision a moment. Aemond's hair, splayed about him on the pillow, shone with silver luster in the dawn light. You smiled fondly, reaching forward to trace your fingers along his sharp jaw and to those curved lips you loved so much.

"Hmm." Aemond made a soft, pleased sound in the back of his throat and turned his face slightly into your touch.

"Good morning, my love." You whispered, leaning down to place a kiss on the tip of his nose.

His eye remained closed, as though trying to cling to the last vestiges of slumber. You continued placing featherlight kisses to his face, first his cheek just below his scar, his forehead, brow, neck, until Aemond's smile began to grow. He chuckled lightly, his morning voice husky and low.

He opened his eye halfway to look at you, the violet iris illuminated by a ray of sunlight. With one hand stroking his long hair, you shifted most of your weight onto his chest, placing your soft lips to his in a chaste kiss. Aemond groaned, wrapping a strong arm around your waist, pulling you closer into the embrace. Your mouths moved together lazily, his tongue running along your lower lip.

When you pulled away, Aemond's eye remained closed, a small smile on his lovely face. A face you could gaze at for an eternity, and that still wouldn't be enough time.

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