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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Little Women AU Part 2

Anonymous asked:

I mean…if you’re willing I would die to see your take on an angst (with fluffy ending) childhood friends to lovers fic. Lots of mutual pining, misunderstandings, Aemond being passionate and needy. I just need to have a story of Aemond being devoted to his girl through most of their lives and losing her drives him mad until he cracks and it’s just a passionate outpouring of love. Do you get what I’m saying? Thanks in advance lol

Part 2 of our Little Women fic! “Not when I’ve spent my entire life loving you!”

Aemond x reader | angst | fluff | childhood friends to lovers | slow burn to happy ending

Aemond did not attend the dinner that evening.

You picked dismally at your food, ignoring the furtive glances Tomas was sending you across the table.

“It’s the prince, isn’t it.” Tomas did not speak accusingly, there was no condemnation in his voice, yet you still felt guilt heavy in your chest.

“We’ve been friends since we were children.” You sighed, pushing the bowl of cold soup away. “He was-is in love with my sister…it’s complicated.” You set your elbow on the oak table, rubbing your aching temple.

“It seems so.” Tomas rose, looking briefly down at your distressed posture, a frown tugging his lips down. “If you ever wish to open up and let me know that part of you, I’ll be here.”

“Tomas, no. I-” You looked wearily around only to see the back of him retreating from the firelit dining room. With a groan you sank your head into your hands, pressing your palms to your tired eyes.

Not when I’ve spent my entire life loving you.

You had said those words to his face, admitting aloud what you’d felt for Aemond since the day you met him so long ago. Breathing new life into a hidden dream you’d abandoned, knowing how he always loved your sister the way you’d wished he would love you.

You remembered when he and you had been alone together, many years ago, when you two were still children, innocent to the machinations of the world…

You were headed back to your hometown on the morrow; a deadly disease was spreading around the city and neighboring towns. Your parents had sent for you to return home immediately, until the spreading sickness had passed. Thus, you and Aemond found yourselves cherishing the last of each other’s company for the time being.

The two of you sat together beneath the sweeping branches of a willow, smiling and laughing as you exchanged your usual witty banter. You fell silent a moment, looking over at the prince with earnest eyes. “I’m afraid to go back home, the people there frighten me.”

Aemond had nodded in understanding, his lilac eyes twinkling in the dappled sunlight. “If they are unkind to you, I’ll come and take you away.”

“Where would we go?”


The two of you had shared a laugh at the fantastical notion of escaping King’s Landing together. Your fingers tugged at the long grass upon which you sat. “If I get sick and die, give my sister the green box with doves on it…and you must have my turquoise ring.”

“I’ll see to that.” Aemond’s face had grown serious as he nodded, he almost looked sorrowful as he watched you.

“I don’t want to die.” You leaned over, resting your head on his shoulder. “I’ve never even been kissed. I’ve waited my whole life to be kissed, and what if I miss it?”

“Tell you what.” Aemond said, catching your eye as you rose to look at his face. “I promise to kiss you before you die.”

You smiled gratefully at him, the two of you quickly erupting into a fit of giggles…

You chuckled to yourself, caught in the bright memory of that sunny day, and the promise Aemond had made you in the innocence of childhood.

Reality settled back in, the smile dropping from your face to be replaced by a sad frown. You sighed, finally rising from your seat and smoothing your skirts before heading upstairs to retire for the evening.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

The next day you prepared to practice your craft. Already you had a nude painting session scheduled in the drawing room of the little house you occupied during the apprenticeship. You expected your model would be already situated upon the sofa you had carefully arranged before the fireplace; you hurried to braid and pin up your hair before hurrying downstairs.

“Sorry I’m a bit late!” You bustled into the room you had artfully arranged for the session, your arms laden with supplies. “I expect you found everything alri-” You gasped loudly, the brushes and papers spilling from your grasp to the carpeted floor. “You!”

Me.” Aemond quirked an eyebrow at you from where he sprawled across the couch, his long hair undone about his face and shoulders.

“I…I did not-! How did you-? Where?” You spluttered, feeling the blood rush to your cheeks as you tried valiantly to keep your gaze averted from his very naked body.

“You won’t be struck dead if you look at me, Y/N.” Aemond drawled, carding his fingers through his hair. “I’ve made use of this tactful silk scarf you left here.”

“Thank the gods for that.” You breathed, looking through your fingers at Aemond and seeing he had indeed fashioned a loincloth out of the shimmering violet fabric.

“I’m not a degenerate.” Aemond sniffed, frowning at you. You noticed he wore no eyepatch, the familiar sapphire gemstone sparkling in the socket of his left eye.

“So you say…” You remarked, crouching to gather the paint supplies you’d dropped. “Yet somehow I don’t believe you were the one I’m supposed to paint today.”

“Astute as ever, Y/N.” Aemond shifted lazily, propping himself on an elbow. “No, I caught wind of a weedy looking gentleman elaborating on how he was to be your…nude model and, well, I decided to relieve him of his duties.”

“You didn’t kill him, did you?” It was a question spoken half in jest, but Aemond still laughed heartily at the seriousness in your voice.

“He’s been taken care of.” He rolled his eye at your aghast expression. “Of course I didn’t kill him, Y/N. Now are you going to paint me, or will I grow old and die here upon this sofa?”

“I have half a mind to tip this paint all over your head.” You seethed, your mood not improving as the prince laughed again.

You busied yourself preparing the canvas, diligently focusing on your task and not looking at him. Still, you felt his gaze burning into you as you worked. Finally ready, you met his eye, your heart lurching at the intent expression on his angular face. “Just hold still.” You instructed, trying to pretend at an air of professionalism.

“I won’t move a muscle.” Aemond reclined his arm across the back of the seat.

“You just did.”

You shook your head as you began painting him. Your practiced eyes studying each feature you translated onto the canvas. This was certainly not helping your current state of mind and by the sly smirk on Aemond’s face, he knew exactly what he was doing. You subconsciously bit your bottom lip as you began detailing the features of his body. His sculpted abdominal muscles, the way they shifted beneath his pale skin giving you pause for a few moments too long. The length of his legs, his defined collarbones, the planes of his chest.

You yearned to touch him, to reach out and trace the contours of his muscles, the angles of his jaw and cheeks.

“I need a moment.” You hid your face behind the canvas. Closing your eyes and breathing deeply, trying to regain your slipping composure.

“Take your time.” Came Aemond’s soft reply.

“I’m almost done.” You forced a nonchalant smile onto your face, resuming to paint the finishing touches.

Many long minutes trickled by in heavy silence, Aemond’s eye never leaving your face.

“There.” You sat back, sweat beading on your brow, the room had become stifling as the sun rose high in the sky. “All done.” Paint covered your hands and inched up the skin of your arms. Strands of hair fell across your face as you gave Aemond a rather forced smile. “I will leave you to get dressed.”

You didn’t wait for his reply, making a hasty exit to the cooler air of the hallway. The door swung shut behind you and you braced yourself against the wall, feeling like you’d just ran several miles nonstop.

You collected yourself in time for the door to open once more, a fully clothed Aemond stepping to join you in the hall. “Care to show me your work?”

You grabbed the canvas carefully from where you’d propped it against the wall, reentering the drawing room to place it back on the pedestal. Aemond hovered over your shoulder, you heard his breath catch in his throat.

“Is it that bad?” You looked over your shoulder at him.

His eye was wide, mouth slightly ajar but he was quick to neutralize his expression. “I…it is beautiful.”

You continued watching him look at your depiction of himself. Aemond’s gaze flicked down to meet yours. “I’m not accustomed to seeing myself as…like this.” He gestured to the canvas. “You’ve been generous by making my flaws less obvious.”

“Flaws?” You brow furrowed in genuine confusion. “You don’t have flaws Aemond.”

“Oh, but I do.”

“Not to me.”

He didn’t have a retort to that. His mouth pressed together in a thin line.

“Why did you come here, Aemond?” You asked softly.

Still he did not speak, his attention still on the painting you had made of him.

“Aemond.” You touched his arm lightly.

“It was a moment of reckless hope.” He murmured. “I thought…but it doesn’t matter.”

“You know, you could’ve come to dinner last night instead of showing up naked in my drawing room.” You chortled, your nose scrunching as Aemond tousled your already mussed hair.

“And ruin all the fun? I think not.” He laughed with you, his demeanor finally relaxing.

“Will you join us tonight?” You asked brightly, your smile faded at his morose expression.

“I leave this evening, back to King’s Landing.”


You felt small, the feeling in your chest twisting painfully as Aemond watched you.

“Well then.” You said softly.

“This is goodbye.” He confirmed your fears.

Aemond hesitated a moment before grabbing your hand to place a kiss to your knuckles. “Be well, my friend.” He made for the door, only turning back halfway once he reached it. “My best to your betrothed and may you have a…satisfactory union.”

That seemed to be the limit for his well-wishes, spoken through gritted teeth as they were. You stood looking at him retreat down the hallway, remaining motionless as you heard the front door slam shut. You stood frozen in the humid sitting room for many minutes after he left, only come back to your senses when you heard Tomas arrive, calling out your name from the entryway.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

Rain pelted against your face as you hurried toward the docks, your clothing saturated and heavy with water. You had made you decision and gods be damned if you let your future slip once more out of reach.

You wiped the rain from your eyes, scanning the area for that familiar figure, the grey skies and the fact everyone wore hooded cloaks making discernment difficult.


Only one man you knew wore an eyepatch over his left eye and, more importantly, walked with that much of a swagger.

“Aemond!” You called, jogging to catch his elbow before he could board the ship. “Aemond.” You said his name again as he looked down at your face in confusion and wonder.

He took you into his arms as you hugged him tightly, your tears mixing with the rain that streaked down your cheeks. He held you for as long as you needed to regain composure. You pulled away at last to look up at him.

“I’m not marrying Tomas.” You said, your throat still constricted.

“I heard about that.” Aemond’s voice was soft, understanding.

“And you are under no obligation to do anything or say anything.” You shook your head, looking at the puddled ground. “I just didn’t love him as I should.”

You breathed out sharply through your mouth. “So we don’t need to talk about it. We don’t need to say anything.”

You next words were cut off as Aemond’s hand cupped your face, guiding you to him as he kissed you tenderly. The feeling of his plush lips moving against your own sent butterflies fluttering in your chest.

He broke the kiss, measuring your expression with a hooded eye. “I promised I would kiss you before you die, did I not?”

You gasped a half-laugh, half-sob, pulling him into you, your hands at his waist, kissing him again with all the fervor and devotion you could muster. Aemond held you close, his chest flush with yours, the rain still pattering against your entwined bodies as he kissed you again and again. As many times and for as long as you would let him.

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