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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Jealousy Backfires

Anonymous asked:

Hiiiii I am ABSOLUTELY obsessed with your Aemond fics and they are literally getting me through the day because oooofffff are they so wonderful to look forward to!!! I was watching this show the other day and one of the scenes just got me thinking of how interesting it would be to see Aemond in it. I just wanted to request something if that’s alright with you? Just reader admits to not being jealous or doing crazy things like threatening others for flirting with her because she knows Aemond’s crazy about her but Aemond thinks of it that she doesn’t want him the same amount as he does so decided to make her jealous by dancing and flirting all night with Alys/or someone other lady and instead of getting angry like Aemond wanted she gets incredibly sad and hurt by him. Plan backfires and Aemond realizes he fucked up. Even better if they’re married and he does this dumb shit because we love a groveling obsessed Aemond trying to make up to his wife for all the mistakes he makes Thank youuuuuu and keep loving Aemond as much as you do because it is EVERYTHING

Again, I created a drabble hehehe, we love a quick read!

This definitely serves both angst and fluff so buckle UP and yes I am spoiling you guys…2 fics in one day!

Aemond x reader | angst to fluff | jealous Aemond | posessive Aemond

You smiled up through your eyelashes at the noble lord who’d grabbed your attention, insisting on engaging you in flirtatious banter. All around the two of you, couples danced with lively abandon to the swelling music. He was handsome enough, you thought tiredly, casting your eyes about the crowded room for your lover. Aemond was nowhere to be seen and with an imperceptible sigh you nodded and smiled at the overeager lordling.

“Excuse me, a moment, will you?” You had spotted your prince, his silver hair contrasting in the swirling color of dancing people. Touching the elbow of the rather crestfallen man, you departed, weaving your way over to Aemond.

He looked at you, rather aloof, as you approached. His violet eye displeased upon your face, the other eye covered by his preferred black leather patch.

“Having fun, Lady Y/N?” Aemond’s voice, though low, was cutting. “That Lannister cub seemed entranced by you.”

“Oh please, Aemond.” You pried his rigid fingers open from the fist he’d made, interlacing them with your own. “You know I am wholly yours, heart and body.”

“Hmm.” Came the terse reply.

“Do you want to dance with me?”

He didn’t answer, instead Aemond continued to stare across at the unsuspecting man who you’d been speaking to.

You rolled your eyes, releasing his hand abruptly. “Fine, be sour. I plan on enjoying my evening.”

With a toss of your heavy hair over a shoulder, you stomped away rather ungracefully, almost immediately running into another eager lord.

“May I have this dance?” The young man asked, silver eyes twinkling.

You glanced back at Aemond, his eye practically sparking fire with the heat of his gaze.

“Yes, I’d love to!” You graced the nobleman with a winning smile as he led you onto the dancefloor.

He was an excellent dancer, his hands firm upon your waist, his steps light and quick. Tommin Greyjoy, from the Iron Islands he introduced himself. Tommin quite enjoyed talking about only himself and before long you instinctively began to tune him out, beaming and nodding up at him each time he paused for breath.

You were quick to duck away once the song ended, making up a hurried excuse about needing water and scurried over to the drink table, grabbing a goblet from a passing servant. Glancing around, you saw Aemond almost immediately. He was chatting with a short curvy young woman, with red hair that tumbled in ringlets down her back. Her amble bosom was straining against the pale blue corset she wore, and the way she looked at the Targaryen prince as she spoke made your teeth grind.

Your brow furrowed, eyes narrowing as you watched Aemond lean closer to her, far too close for your liking. To your chagrin, another flower of a girl joined them, her delicate fingers coming to clasp Aemond about his wrist as she laughed at something he’d said. He made no move to remove her hand.

Your heart dropped. It became hard to swallow.

Aemond turned his head, feeling your attention upon him. His eye met yours, but you quickly averted your gaze to the ground. Your lips tugged down into a frown, the infuriating feeling of tears beginning to make your eyes burn.

Setting your goblet carefully back onto the table, you walked to the edge of the room where you stood observing the suddenly lurid scene of revelers. You hugged yourself, maintaining a neutral expression as yet another young man approached you asking for a dance.

“No, I’m afraid I feel rather unwell.” You declined, shaking your head.

“May I retrieve something for you?” He asked politely, looking mildly concerned at your wan face.

“That’s not necessary.”

He left you alone. You sent up a silent prayer of gratitude to the gods.

You spied Aemond once again with those same two women, he was paying them attention but kept glancing over at you in the corner. His expression had morphed from one of vindictive pleasure to barely concealed worry. You watched him excuse himself from the ladies, peeling one of their hands off his arm before striding purposefully toward you.

Aemond came up to you just as another lordling attempted to ask you for a dance. “No.” The prince growled, answering for you. “She is not interested.”

The man looked around for the intruder, opening his mouth to argue but blanched as he saw who it was and made haste to put distance between himself and the Targaryen.

“Thank you.” You said reluctantly, hugging yourself tighter.

“You are crying.” Aemond stated, peering into your face.

“I am not.”

“What is wrong, Y/N.”

“What do you think?” You cut your eyes over to where the women he’d been engaged with had their heads together, whispering. “They seemed rather enamored by you.”

Aemond sighed, tilting your chin up with his finger. “This conversation is seeming rather familiar.”

“It’s not at all the same, Aemond.”

“How is it not?”

You refused to look at him, though his grip on your jaw tightened. “I will always only be interested in you! You have my adoration in its entirety.”

“You think I feel differently.” It was not a question. Aemond tapped your cheek with his index finger, his thumb stroking your quivering lower lip. “Y/N, look at me.”

You raised your eyes to meet his. Aemond’s expression was soft, tender even, as he gave you a small smile.

“I thought you were clever, Y/N.”

Your protestations were silence with a muffled “I ammfph!” as Aemond brought his mouth down hard upon your own. His lips were hot against yours, you instinctively pressed flush against him as Aemond’s hands gripped low at your waist, his leg parting your thighs. You tangled your fingers in his thick hair, pulling him further into you. You felt a low wanting groan rumble in his chest, his breath filling your lungs as your tongues tangled together.

He broke away slightly placing a little peck to the tip of your nose. Your head was spinning, but you noticed many eyes upon the two of you and the whispering of voices buzzing around the grand room.

“Perhaps that will alleviate those doubts from that pretty head of yours.” Aemond ran the back of his finger down your cheek. He leant in to place another, more chaste, kiss to your parted lips.

“What doubts were those again?” You followed his movements with wide eyes as the prince took your hand in his, leading you back onto the dance floor.

He chuckled, leading you into the beginnings of a slow waltz. “Exactly.”

You glanced over his shoulder to the two women he’d been speaking to. Their cheeks were flushed; they watched the movements of your and Aemond’s dance with expressions of shocked anger mixed with envy. You hid your satisfied smirk in the crook of Aemond’s neck, breathing in his smell of smoke and leather.

“Something amuse you, my dear?” Aemond’s breath tickled your cheek. He grazed his lips against the shell of your ear before kissing your temple.

“I think we’ve upset a couple women over there.”

“As if they could hold a candle to you in any way, perzītsos.”

And he kissed you again, in front of the gawking crowd.

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