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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

I Miss Screaming and Fighting and Kissing in the Rain

Anonymous asked:

Could you please write a aemond x reader based off the song the way I loved you by taylor swift with angst in the beginning but a happy ending? Thank you!!!!!!

Ummm yes I love everything about this and might have gotten a little carried away haha

Aemond x reader

He can't see the smile I'm faking And my heart's not breaking 'Cause I'm not feeling anything at all And you were wild and crazy Just so frustrating, intoxicating, complicated Got away by some mistake and now

I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain It's 2 a.m. and I'm cursing your name I'm so in love that I acted insane And that's the way I loved you Breaking down and coming undone It's a roller coaster kind of rush And I never knew I could feel that much And that's the way I loved you

You stood at the balcony of your perfect manor on this perfect summer’s day in your perfect gown of crimson and gold. Your perfect husband-to-be was laughing with your father somewhere below, their muffled voices sounded jovial to your uncaring ears. Everything was perfect, yet you had never felt so miserable.

“My love? Are you coming down for dinner, we are waiting for you.” Warm hands wrapped around you from behind, Darlan’s breath tickling your neck. “Is something the matter dearest?”

“Not at all.” Struggling to pull yourself from the empty precipice of emotion you so often teetered on the edge of, you shook yourself from your reverie and placed a hand on his that rested on your stomach, “I will be down in a moment, let me freshen up.”

“Don’t be long, Y/N.” Darlan kissed the top of your head affectionately and left.

He was so good it made you want to tear your hair out. Of course you couldn’t tell your betrothed the reason for your despondence. Every act of chivalry, each intimate touch drove you further into despair because it was not him touching you. It wasn’t him kissing you softly. Not that Aemond often kissed you softly, no, his lips were demanding, harsh even, and he would pull you so close you couldn’t tell where your body ended and his began.

This line of thinking was not helping, and you groaned, rubbing your forehead trying to erase the image of Aemond’s face haunting the corners of your mind. You had ended things with him, you were the daughter of no great lord and Aemond’s duties pulled him in one direction while your low birth kept you stagnant in a life you did not want.

As you walked reluctantly downstairs to meet your family, voices raised in merriment greeted you. Your father, mother, uncle as well as Darlan and his own parents were already seated and Darlan stood to welcome you. You took your place next to him and dinner began, though you mostly picked at your food and avoided conversation.

“I would like to make a toast!” Your betrothed rose again from his seat and raised his goblet of wine, “To my bride-to-be! The fairest maid in all Westeros, I am the luckiest man alive soon to be wedded to the woman of my dreams!”

Everyone raised their own glass and took a drink with laughs and murmurs of approval. You toasted and drank, reminded bleakly of the night Aemond had regaled you of the toast he had made to his Strong nephews.

He had been very pleased with himself to say the least and you couldn’t help but laugh along with him as Aemond told you of the events of that dinner.

“They fell for it of course, the fools.” He had said as you two lay together in his chambers, on the floor before the fireplace, legs tangled together.

“Perhaps it would be for the best if you didn’t make further jabs at their heritage, Aemond.”

You felt the prince stiffen beside you. “Y/N, believe me, it has been a long time coming for those bastards.”

“I worry for your safety is all, after what happened to Vaemond…” Your voice trailed off as Aemond sat up suddenly, sending the blanket that had been covering you flying.

“I am not some Velaryon upstart, with no cunning and even less courage!” His voice, usually soft as velvet was raised, “I could and should do much worse than a harmless play on their bastard father’s name.”

“This has nothing to do with courage!” Your own voice matched his in volume. “It was ten years ago, Aemond, enough is enough!”

His eye was cutting in the intensity with which he looked at you, hair mussed from all the movement and his tunic half open as he crouched over your body. He brought his face close to yours, so you could smell the spiced wine and aromas of warm food that still clung about him. “So quick to defend them. One would almost think your loyalties lie elsewhere my lady.”

The following arguing match the two of you got into was surely one for the history books, surely half the castle heard you and Aemond shouting at each other. It ended with you unceremoniously exiting his rooms, slamming the door so hard behind you it rattled the iron hinges. Something along the lines of “And stay out!” followed you down the hallway but you were too angry to hear properly.

You had isolated yourself for several days following your row with Aemond, you knew everywhere you wanted to go in the Red Keep he would surely be there. You had fought with him plenty of times before, trading barbed words, but never on that scale. If you were completely honest with yourself, Aemond could be frightening, not that you believed he would ever physically hurt you.

Bringing yourself back to the present, you stood suddenly from your seat at the dining table, all eyes turned to you as silence fell. “I don’t feel well, I am going to take a walk around the gardens.”

“Would you like me to accompany you?” Darlan touched your hand, looking up at you with concern.

“No, thank you.” You inhaled a steadying breath. “You enjoy the meal; I’ll be back soon.”

Donning your cloak, you walked briskly outdoors and into the fresh air. The sun was setting, and the birds sang their last melodies of the day. The hazy mist of twilight hung in the air and a covering of clouds overhead threatened rain. Your feet took you passed the rose gardens and out across the meadow beyond, toward the copse of trees gathered far beyond the manor house and its oppressive walls.

As you strode forward raindrops began to fall, a light drizzle, one drop of water landed on your cheek and trickled down like a tear.

It had been raining that night, the night you decided to risk a trip out of your rooms and to the library. Surely Aemond would be in his rooms asleep at this hour. You had snuck out of your chambers and hurried on light feet down the halls and into the courtyard. You wish you’d brought your cloak as the rain was falling in earnest, causing the ground beneath you to become soft and muddy.

Your shoes, not ones meant to be worn in such conditions, betrayed you ultimately and with an ungainly flail you slipped and fell on your hands and knees in the muck. “Blasted damnation!” You had cursed at the traitorous ground.

“Such filthy words from such a lovely maiden. For shame, Y/N.”

It was Aemond, of course it was Aemond. You wanted to curse a second time but held your tongue.

Strong hands grabbed your arms and helped lift you back on your feet. “You look a mess, where were you going at such a late hour?”

His eye appraised your soiled dress, trailing up to your mud splattered face frowning back at him. “You’ve been avoiding me.”

Keen to avoid that topic, you made to edge around the prince, watching your feet. “Let’s get out of the rain, Aemond, we’re getting soaked.”

His grip on your forearms tightened, “Look at me, Y/N.”

You did not, rather you continued trying to tug free of his grasp. Sighing, Aemond grabbed your chin with two fingers and tilted your head up to face him. He looked…tired, you noticed. A dark circle lay underneath his right eye, and his skin was dull and taut. Even his eyepatch appeared rather frayed.

The rain began falling in earnest as you two stood there looking at each other, so close together you could see the drops clinging to his eyelashes.

“I want an apology, Aemond. You behaved a beast the other night.” Your words made his mouth twitch upwards.

“Y/N you more than proved my match in manners as well as lung capacity.”

You crossed your arms stubbornly. “Say you’re sorry.”

“I will not.” Aemond tilted his head, a slight movement but you caught it. He was having fun with this.

“You’re an asshole.”

“As are you, my lady.”

Your gasp of outrage was cut short as, with a swift fluid movement, Aemond brought his lips to yours. You hit his shoulder in irritation, but your fist quickly loosened, grabbing the back of his neck instead to pull him into you. Aemond’s hand caressed your neck before burying itself in your wet hair, his tongue pressed against your bottom lip demanding entry. Without hesitation you opened to him, deepening the kiss, a soft moan escaping you as the fingers of your free hand traced his jaw.

Despite the drumming rain, Aemond hear you and pulled away, smiling smugly as you unconsciously moved after him with half-closed eyes. “I accept your apology.”

“I didn’t-” You were silenced as he kissed you again, with a fervor that chased away all rational thought of catching cold in this weather.

Your foot caught on an exposed root, bringing your thoughts back to the present with an unpleasant jolt. You placed a hand on the nearby tree to regain balance and try to find a modicum of composure. The memories you had been lost in had accelerated your heart to the point you were now panting for breath. Looking over your shoulder you saw the manor, now a ways off, you had made good ground. If there was a way for you to escape the gilded future that awaited you, you would take it. But this was your only reprieve from the realities of duty, and you continued walking through the trees. The light rain had stopped now and the crisp smell of petrichor greeted your nostrils, you breathed in deeply, enjoying the earthy smell.

You walked out of the small grove of trees and into the last meadow before reaching the sea cliffs. They had been your favorite place to frequent growing up, prior to you moving to King’s Landing, and you had convinced yourself you would find some form of peace there now.

The twilight was moving quickly toward night, and you knew time was short before your father and Darlan would begin to worry. Why was there never enough time?

Up ahead at the spot where land fell away in a sheer drop to the ocean’s surface, you could just make out a figure, small and dark against the deepening sky. You squinted to be sure, yes someone was definitely standing there. Had one of your family made it out here ahead of you? Surely not.

A gust of wind picked up, pushing at your back, as if spurring you to hurry on. Your skirts flared out in front of you as you picked up the pace and half-jogged toward the figure, heart stuttering in your chest. You got close enough for your crunching footsteps to be heard clearly over the wind and crashing waves and the figure at last turned toward you.

With a cry that got lost in the breeze as you broke out into a run. You had dreamt of this moment, even now scarcely believing it to be real. His long silver hair was wild, tossed about by the gusts of wind, his violet eye crinkled as he saw you running for him and a blazing smile greeted you. You threw your arms around Aemond, crashing into him with wild happiness. He picked you up by your waist and spun you around, laughter mixing with yours and the sound of the sea.

You stared in wonder up into the face of the man you realized you couldn’t live without, “How?” You asked breathlessly.

Aemond laughed again, “The world is very small when you have a dragon.”

You pulled his face down to meet yours and kissed him fiercely, all teeth and tongue, pouring every minute you had missed him into this embrace. “Take me away from here, Aemond.”

His hands, which rested on your hips flexed, gripping you tighter. “I plan to do that and more, Y/N. Much, much more.”

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