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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Giggly Kiss

Anonymous asked:

fic with kiss prompt 27 and 58 ?? maybe a fight of dominance over one another low-key in a play fighty way (not necessarily in a smutty way lol just fluffy) where reader KNOWS aemond is always in control bc cmon now…he’s aemond…nobody can overpower him

Hi guys! Yes, I love this idea of playful Aemond. Also this fic is an apology for the heavier subjects I've posted today haha! have some fun!

27. Giggly Kiss

58. Moving Around While Kissing, Stumbling Over Things, Pushing Each Other Back Against The Wall/Onto The Bed

“Aemond, that is so not fair!”

“I don’t remember agreeing to any rules, Y/N!”

You chased after the Targaryen prince as he bolted into the empty library, holding aloft the book you had moments before been engrossed in.

“Now.” He opened the tome, holding it close to his face in the dim light, his eye flicking across the page as he read aloud. “‘Donnick moved to the center of the room, his feet sinking amorously into the plush carpet.’” Aemond pulled a face, looking across at where you stood frozen, your face beet red. “‘He began unlacing the back of Polly’s dress, pulling down the fabric to free her bouncing-’”

You dove across at Aemond, tackling the book out of his grip, ripping several pages in the process. “That’s quite enough of that!” You panted, stumbling back as Aemond tried to take it back.

He advanced on you, a wickedly mischievous smile curving his lips. “You’re reading smut?” He leapt forward, unsuccessfully trying to wrest the tome from your clutching hands. “I didn’t think you capable of such depravity, Y/N.”

In desperation you turned, hurling the book into the crackling fire which greedily swallowed it up. Aemond looked rather disappointed, his hands coming to rest against your waist as his eye flickered from the flames to your heated face. “My, my. You’re turning a fascinating shade of red.”

You tried to slap his hands away, but Aemond’s grip only tightened as he pulled you a step closer. “I wanted to find out what Donnick intended with Polly.”

“I’m sure your imagination wouldn’t strain too much figuring that one out.” You quipped, giggling as his dexterous fingers dug into your sides.

He grinned down at you, chuckling as he dipped his head toward your face, his breath intermingling with your own. Your heart stuttered at his sudden proximity, your lips parting of their own accord.

Aemond’s face became serious, a soft look in his violet eye. He tilted his head, moving in to brush your lips with his own. “Perhaps he should’ve started like this instead.”

You giggled, pushing at his shoulder playfully as you rolled your eyes. Your laughter was caught by a moan as Aemond pressed his mouth firmly against your own, molding his soft lips to you as your breath caught in your throat. His fingers tickled your sides again, causing you to jerk away, trying to escape without breaking the kiss.

His hands moved to your armpits where he prodded enough for you to break away, laughing in earnest now, your chest heaving with effort as you writhed to escape his firm grasp. Aemond’s mouth descended to suck kisses upon your neck and shoulder as he moved with you, the two of your stumbling against tables and chairs. Your hands sent neatly stacked papers cascading to the stone floor as you tried to feel your way backward, gasping at the sensation of Aemond’s teeth grazing your throat.

He captured your lips again, holding you to his chest to prevent you falling over as your legs connected with another chair, sending it toppling back. He chuckled sinfully into your gasping mouth, his tongue suggestively stroking your own. In a swift, strong movement, Aemond released you, pushing you so that you fell flat on your back atop the cushioned sofa he had cleverly guided you towards.

The breath was expelled from your lungs, your mouth remaining open in a shocked “o” as Aemond looked smugly down upon you. “I’m offended you feel the need to resort to terribly written smut when you know I am always eager to please you.”

“It’s nothing like that, Aemond.” You snorted as he smiled wryly. “Just a guilty pleasure of mine.”

“What an odd pastime.” Aemond laughed, kneeling between your dangling legs. Helping pull off your shoes and stockings before placing a kiss to your ankle.

“You’re not one to judge.” You faked indifference as his lips grazed across the bare flesh of your inner knee.

“Hmm, you’re right of course.” He flashed a smoldering look up at you before moving the fabric of your skirts still higher. “Polly wishes Donnick was a lover of my caliber.”

You giggled again, your breath hitching and your hands coming to tangle in Aemond’s long hair as he placed more searing kisses to your sensitive skin. Your lover seemed intent on proving he was far superior to any fictional man you had encountered in your adventurous readings.

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