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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Desperate Kiss

Anonymous asked:

What about prompt 59? 👀

Yes, my lovely Anon! Still working my way through these kissing prompts hehe

Aemond x reader | Kiss Prompt | violence

59. Kissing So Desperately That Their Whole Body Curves Into The Other Person’s

"Aemond!" Your shrill terrified voice cut through the night air, breaking the silence that hung as still as the stars in the black sky.

Your feet stumbled along the rocky path, your breath fogging before your face as you took in ragged breaths. He had insisted on venturing ahead of you, while you rested, and the sound of swords clashing in the far distance alerted you something was wrong.

Your own weapon in hand, you ran as fast as you could on the slick earth, spotting Aemond ahead of you, his silver hair illuminated by the moonlight as he whirled about, fending off four attackers.

He had told you it would be dangerous to accompany him in search of his brother, but you had insisted on joining him on the frantic hunt.

Your heart sunk into your boots as one of the men made contact with the edge of his sword against Aemond's arm. You heard your husband hiss in pain, dispatching another attacker with a clean slash to the throat. You came upon them now, running your sword through the back of the one who'd drawn first blood.

Aemond grabbed your arm, drawing you to him, your backs pressing together as you fought against the remaining two men. Your presence seemed to bolster the prince, and he made short work of them both while you blocked any blows aimed at where his defenses were down.

"I told you to remain behind, Y/N." Aemond scanned the area for any remaining assailants before turning to face you, his face tense, eye glimmering in the lowlight.

"Like hell." You retorted, wiping your sword blade clean before sheathing it in your leather scabbard.

Aemond grabbed you roughly, his own sword thudding on the soft ground as he tossed it aside.

He kissed you then, so desperately that your body curved into his as he bent you backward, his mouth hot upon your own. You felt his teeth tug at your bottom lip and deepened the embrace, tangling your tongue with his. You gripped his waist, pulling against him as he hummed a pleased sound into your mouth, his breath filling your lungs.

With a lewd sound, the two of you broke apart, chests heaving as you panted. Aemond retrieved his discarded sword, cleaning it upon the dewy grass. You saw the dark mark upon his arm, where the sword had cut him.

"Aemond, you're hurt."

He glanced down at it, frowning slightly, and shrugged. "It's nothing."

You sighed, rolling your eyes and approaching to appraise the wound. You tore a strip of fabric off the bottom of your shirt and tied it securely around his arm to try and stop the bleeding. "It doesn't look serious."

"As I said, my love." Aemond kissed you swiftly. "It'll take much more than a scratch to slay me."

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