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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Defending Helaena

bestie your aemond fics make my brain function but only for aemond like my brain will throw out different ideas and they’ll only be for aemond 💀 that being said, i’m picturing a very sweet, kind lady-in-waiting to helaena. insults don’t really get to her, she just says thank you and moves on. she appears dumb, but in reality, she’s actually very intelligent and calculated, she just doesn’t think she needs to waste air on people who have nothing better to do than insult her. she saves that for people who insult helaena or aemond, but she does it in such a way it seems almost like a compliment until the person really thinks on it. i personally think aemond would be the only one to see that though, since he’s so silent and observant. like imagine a lady of the court calls helaena an idiot when she isn’t near to defend herself or hear and this lady-in-waiting is so quick to helaena’s defense. so quick. like she just murmurs to herself “takes one to know one” and aemond just can’t help but chuckle as he overhears. like this lady is SO quick-witted. she probably gives aegon a hard time too especially when he treats helaena like shit. aegon: *openly flirting with a servant in front of EVERYONE* helaena’s lady: *murmuring under her breath* it would be a miracle if you could even get your cock hard enough after the thirteen goblets of wine you’ve had, your highness. aemond: *choking on his wine* helaena’s lady: *placing a hand over her mouth to stifle her giggles and to hide her reddening cheeks bc she’s a little embarrassed aemond heard her*

"Checkmate!" Helaena giggled, sitting back in her cushioned armchair triumphantly.

"You really are terrible at this game." Aegon observed helpfully from over your shoulder. "Quite the critical thinker. It's not as though you've tough competition."

"I don't see you winning any matches." You snapped back. "Or doing much of anything useful, really."

"Lady Y/N makes a good point, brother." Aemond chimed in from where he reclined by the fireplace, book in hand.

"Let's face it." You continued. "Helaena is just too smart for all of us."

The princess beamed at you as Aemond chuckled softly. Aegon rolled his eyes, huffing before slumping into his own chair gracelessly. "Where's the wine?"

"You drank it all." You, Helaena and Aemond spoke at once, glancing at each other in amusement.

Helaena laughed again, rubbing her hands together eagerly. "Another round, Y/N?"

"I might be the one in need of some wine if we are to continue, princess." You looked at her fondly.

"Excellent!" Aegon clapped for the servants. "Bring us more wine!"

"I'll fetch us a different game, Y/N" Helaena rose and hurried out of the room as several servants entered.

Full goblets were distributed to all of you sitting in the drawing room, Aemond took his glass not looking up from his book and Aegon eagerly tipped his own to his lips.

You watched out of the corner of your eye as the elder prince caught the wrist of one pretty serving maid. "Why don't you stay a while? Your lovely face pleases me."

"I'm surprised you can tell a man from a woman in your current state." You quipped, frowning in distaste at the inebriated prince.

Aegon ignored you, tugging the maid closer. "Come, sit on my lap. I have a little problem I could use some help with."

"Please." You sneered. "As if you could get your cock hard after all the goblets of wine you've had."

You heard a splutter as Aemond choked on the sip of wine he'd just taken. Your face warmed as he coughed, still laughing at your boldness. He turned in his seat to face his brother. "Leave her, Aegon."

"I don't answer to you, Aemond."

"Then I suppose I shall report to mother how you continue to harass the serving girls even after the last incident." Aemond's voice was cool and even, but you could hear the undercurrent of rising anger.

"Oh fine. The lot of you are no fun." Aegon released the girl, who looked at you with gratitude before hurrying out of the room just as Helaena returned.

The princess placed a complex looking board game on the table before you, smiling, oblivious to the tense atmosphere.

You felt Aemond's eye upon your face, tactfully avoiding his gaze as Aegon pouted in the corner. Helaena spread out the game, chattering animatedly as she explained the rules to you. Feeling the blush still upon your cheeks you turned your face, your eyes flitting to glance at Aemond. He was observing you, a small smile upon his lips. He gave you the slightest of nods before returning his attention back to the book in his lap.

You looked quickly away, Helaena trailing your line of sight with a knowing look. She leaned forward clasping your hands in her own. "The dragon's fire is not always to be feared." She lowered her voice so only you could hear her next words. "Not when the dragon falls in love."

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