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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Confronting Him About Luke

Thank you for answering me and for accepting my request ❤️ as far as the scenerio goes I'd like to see reader (aemond secret lover who's also the eldest strong) finding out about her brother's passing and confronting aemond about it

Hi my love! Yes, we can get some angst up in here! I hope you like!

Aemond x Strong!Reader | haha they’re also pretty strong | No content warnings | Pre-established romance between the two

Your hair streamed behind you, cloak flapping in the wind as you strode across the beach at Dragonstone. It was late, the moon already hung high in the sky, reflecting its light off the crashing waves. No one knew of your departure, least of all your mother the queen and heir to the Iron Throne. Rhaenyra would never have let you leave for King’s Landing during such a perilous time, but the anger rushing in your ears would not allow you to sit idle. Your young dragon, Nirsiphes, waited for you by the high black rocks. Her inky black scales the perfect camouflage for a nighttime flight. You climbed up to the leather dragon saddle, shouted “Sōvegon” to Nirsiphes, urging the dragon to launch herself into the night sky.

The flight to King’s Landing was a short one on dragon back, you had made it many times before. You did not know exactly what you would do once there, you planned on landing a discreet distance from the city walls and sneaking in through one of the many covert entrances you knew about. But once at your final destination, you shook your head, you would deal with Aemond when that time came.

The beauty of having a small dragon is you can land them relatively near a large city and go unnoticed, the downside of having a small dragon…well…your little brother Lucerys had had a small dragon. “Umbagon, Nirsiphes.” You urged your dragon to stay in the place you had chosen to land, raising your dark hood over your head you hurried toward the Red Keep.

It was the earliest hours of the morning and the stars still shone brightly above you as you winded your way through the empty streets. Your boots made soft sound on the stone floor as you snuck past the guards nodding off at the doors and into the fortress. From there it was short work, your movements quick and decisive, making your way to where you knew Aemond’s chambers to be. His rooms were nearest to the library, as that was one of his favorite haunts, your feet knew the path well.

With gentle care, you tried the handle and found his door unlocked. The fool. You quietly eased the door open on polished hinges, just wide enough for you to slip through and close it again behind you. Moonlight spilled in through the windows and balcony doors, illuminating the room enough for you to see the sleeping form on the four-poster bed.

You approached him, flexing your hands nervously at your sides, coming to a stop directly over Aemond. His eyepatch was off, as you had seen him before countless times, the sapphire glowing from the light of the setting moon. His hair was splayed on the pillow, surrounding his face in a web of silver. You hadn’t seen him look this peaceful before, his angular face slack in sleep. He didn’t deserve to be at peace, not when your brother’s corpse floated somewhere in Shipbreaker Bay.

You reached toward Aemond’s face, whether to slap him or smother him, you knew not which. His eye snapped open, glaring at your face, his hand shot up gripping your wrist. He pulled and brought you tumbling onto the mattress as Aemond maneuvered himself above you, pinning you to the bed. “I wondered when you would show up in my rooms, Y/N.” You struggled against him, but Aemond used both his hands and legs to hold you fast. “However, you don’t strike me as an overly competent assassin.”

“I didn’t come here to kill you.” You said, not sure if it was the truth. You stilled against him, a curtain of silver hair framing his handsome face.

His hands moved quickly, searching your body for weapons. Upon finding none Aemond sat back, still sitting on your legs to prevent you moving. “Then why are you here, if not to exact revenge for Lucerys.”

“Don’t you dare say his name.” You hissed, propping yourself up on your elbows. “You murdered him, Aemond. He was a fourteen year old boy!”

“Keep your voice down or I will gag and bind you like a trussed turkey.” Aemond growled down at you, his face twisted with anger and…something you couldn’t place. “I am well aware how old he was.” He looked away from you briefly. “Will you allow me to speak, or have you decided my guilt already?”

The sudden weariness in Aemond’s took you by surprise. As he got up off you, standing and moving to light a few sconces in the room, you sat up and pulled your feet under yourself. “I wish to know the truth.”

“And if the truth is I killed him?” Aemond crossed the room to a table and poured water into two pewter goblets, glancing over at you.

“Then I will kill you.” You said simply, earning a rueful smile from the prince as he looked you over.

“I appreciate your anger and I regret your grief.” Aemond returned to you and offered you the goblet. “I did not want your brother dead. I tried to stop it.”

You gazed at his face a moment, his expression was grave, earnest. You at last took the drink from his proffered hand. Aemond did not move to sit with you, instead he remained standing beside the bed. A silence fell as both you and Aemond took a pensive sip of water.

“‘Tried to stop it’?” You prompted after a moment.

Aemond’s eye, which had been looking out the window, flicked back to your face. “We lost control of our dragons. Arrax blew fire into Vhagar’s face, and she pursued him. I was…powerless to stop what happened next.” A fleeting wince crossed his face at the admission.

“Have you told anyone else this?” Your knuckles were white as you clutched the goblet.

“No one. Not that they would believe me.” Aemond looked to the ceiling as if searching for a reprieve there.

“What…exactly…were the circumstances leading to you losing control of the largest dragon in Westeros?” You voice dripped venom.

Aemond heard it and downed the last of his drink. “Lucerys arrived at Storm’s End to parlay with Borros Baratheon, trying to get him on the Black’s…your family’s side. I had arrived long before and already offered an engagement to one of his daughters.” Your heart constricted at his words, but you fought off the feeling. “I demanded Luke give me one of his eyes as payment for mine. He fled. I pursued.”

You closed your eyes, willing yourself to not lose control of your temper. “You pursued.” You echoed. “Not thinking of the possible consequences? Forever entrenched in your own desire for revenge?”

With a sudden movement, Aemond’s face was very close to yours, his violet eye wild. “I did not know it was possible to lose control of my dragon, Y/N. I wanted to scare the boy, not kill him.” Aemond withdrew, quick as a snake, turning his back to you and running shaky hands through his tousled hair.

You stood. “And how did that work out for you, Aemond?”

He did not answer, nor did he turn to look at you. Instead walking to one of the window’s gazing listlessly out across King’s Landing, his long fingers tapping the windowsill.

You made your way to the table, pouring yourself more water.

“I would not do that to you.” Aemond’s voice was soft, you almost didn’t catch his words.

“What?” Glancing up you saw he now faced you, his expression had lost all pretense of anger, instead falling into utter sadness.

It pulled at your heart and, almost against your will, you found yourself setting down your drink and crossing the room to take his face in your hands. Your thumb traced his jaw, the vertical scar on his cheek, along the lips you knew so well.

Aemond pulled you closer to him, his hands at your waist. “I am named ‘Kinslayer’, viewed as a degenerate and monster.” He raised a hand, brushing the back of his fingers down your face. “The pieces are falling, Y/N, what happened to your brother set in motion irrevocable damage. Your family is soon to be at war with mine, one I don’t see many surviving.”

His purple eye glistened with suppressed grief. Conflicting emotions flitted across his features as he looked down at you. Guilt, anger, sadness, affection. Several tears dropped from your eyes, running down your cheeks as you gazed at him. Aemond brushed them away with his fingers, leaning down to place a kiss below each of your damp eyes.

“You should leave, dawn is soon to break, you will need to be out of the city before daylight comes.”

His grip on you did not loosen and you snaked your hands around his torso, leaning your head on his chest. You felt his sigh ruffle your hair as Aemond rested his chin on your crown.

“Am I likely to see you again?” You knew the answer as you asked it.

Aemond paused a moment, his heartbeat thrumming in your ear.

“I hope not, Y/N.”

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