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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Comfort For Period Pain

Hi! If you’re taking requests right now, I was wondering if you do a comfort fic with Aemond. I’m on my period currently and just want something soft lol. Also I love the way you write it’s so good. 💗

Aww, yes of course! I wanted to do a little drabble for you ASAP because I know how horrible cramps can be!

Aemond x fem!reader | fluff and comfort

You groaned loudly, shifting on the soft mattress until you lay on your back. The pain in your abdomen was overwhelming, like multiple hot knives slicing into you.

Aemond rolled over onto his side from where he had been slumbering next to you, awakened by your restless movements. “What’s the matter, Y/N?” His voice was still groggy from sleep.

“It’s nothing. Just some pain.” You could hardly get the words out through your clenched teeth.

The mattress dipped beside you as the prince propped himself up on his forearm, leaning over to get a better look at your face. “You look quite ill. Was it something you ate? Should I fetch the maester?”

“Gods no!” Your forceful reply took Aemond by surprise, he looked at you with a furrowed brow, trying to understand.

You sighed heavily, turning and bringing your knees up to your chest, trying unsuccessfully to get more comfortable. “It’s my moon cycle. Usually it’s not this painful.”

Ah.” Aemond breathed, realization dawning across his handsome features.

He studied your taut face a moment longer, his gaze soft, before slipping out of the bed. “I will be a moment.” He looked back at you briefly before exiting the room.

“It’s not contagious.” You muttered, a little affronted at his quick departure.

It wasn’t long, however, before Aemond returned. He carried several glass bottles, corked, full of an unknown substance. “Salve, for the pain.” He said simply, striding to your side of the bed where he sat beside you. “Tell me where the pain is located.”

Smiling slightly, you shifted the bedcovers off and gestured to your lower belly. “It’s all over here, and also my lower back.”

“Is it a dull pain or sharp?”

“Definitely both.”

“Hmm.” Aemond tsked, still studying you with concern. He leaned down to place a kiss to your clammy forehead. “Lift your nightgown for me?”

You obeyed, bunching your long shift up around your waist so Aemond had better access to your bare skin. The cool morning air caressed your legs, causing you to rub them together for warmth. Aemond uncorked the largest of the bottles, dipping his long fingers to gather some of the creamy salve therein. You flinched at the cold ointment on your skin but quickly relaxed as Aemond dexterously began massaging your abdomen. He worked on your muscles with both hands, rubbing the salve so that it soaked into your skin.

You sighed in pleasure as his hands kneaded the flesh of your waist as well, the tingly feeling of the ointment mixed with his careful administrations relieving a bit of your pain.

“Turn over for me.” Aemond urged you gently onto your stomach, resuming his massage upon the tense muscles of your lower back.

“That feels so good.” You groaned into the pillow, as Aemond scooped more salve onto his fingers. “Thank you for helping me.”

“Always, my love.”

He continued massaging your back for quite some time, until the soreness in your body was almost forgotten and you had drifted into a semi-slumber, his warm hands upon your skin soothing you.

A gentle kiss was placed upon your shoulder, rousing you back to full wakefulness. “I am going to fetch some hot tea from the kitchens. Are you hungry?”

You rolled back over, smiling sleepily up at Aemond as he helped pull your nightgown back down. The herbal smell from the salve lingered pleasantly in the room. “Not yet, but I probably will be famished soon.”

“I will bring some food as well then.”

“I love you.”

Aemond smiled, kissing the tip of your nose briefly. “I know.”

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