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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Cassandra Baratheon Oneshot (My 1st fic)

Oneshot Request: [Aemond and Cassandra Baratheon (eldest daughter of Borros, definitely not afraid to shove people out windows to achieve her ambitions) one shot please? Both monsters, but together they’re surprisingly a good couple in a messed up way?]

Mild illusions to smut at the end.

I have altered the timeline from ASOIAF a bit to make the characters older as Cassandra was still a child at this point in the books.

The Four Storms, that’s what the realm called the Baratheon sisters, of whom Cassandra was eldest. Her delicate fingers tapped the stone railing in impatience, bright blue eyes scanning the vista beyond her bedroom balcony. The rulers of Storm’s End were known to have temperaments befitting the seat of their house, Cassandra being no exception with her tempestuous nature. She breathed a harsh sigh through her nose as raindrops began falling, lightly at first before the storm picked up in earnest. Her long black hair was picked up by a strong gust of wind and whipped around her face, strands catching on her eyelashes.

Cassandra brushed her vision clear of the rain and hair, gave one last searching look to the horizon, then turned and retreated indoors. Her chamber glowed warmly, the fireplace dancing its only source of light. She picked up an ivory brush from her vanity and brushed through her hair, taking out the feeling of impatience intermixed with unwelcome worry on the tangles. Cassandra crossed to her bed, climbed beneath the covers and tried to sleep. It was going to be a long night.

A scrabbling at her balcony jolted Cassandra from a fitful sleep, she quickly slid out of bed, donned a lilac gossamer robe, and opened the double doors leading to the outside. Squinting through the pelting raindrops Cassandra at last saw whom she had been waiting all night for.

He pulled himself up and over the railing, dark hood streaming water, and hurriedly walked to her waiting form. Cassandra stifled a squeal as cold wet hands grabbed her unceremoniously around the waist and pull her flush against his chest.

“Aemond you’re soaking!”

Warm lips found hers, all thought of her ruined nightrobe fled Cassandra’s mind as her breath intermingled with his. She backed up further into the warmth of her chambers, pulling him with her, and at last broke the kiss. Panting Cassandra helped Aemond shrug off his cape and boots. Aemond’s violet eye never left her face, the look he was giving her she could not place but it made Cassandra shiver.

“You’re cold.” Was all he said, taking her hand. He led her to where the lounge sat before the fire.

His hands went to Cassandra’s hip and fingered the flimsy fabric there. She reached for Aemond’s face and cupped his cheek tenderly, examining him, trying as always to read what he was thinking. The eyepatch he donned at court was absent, though she had seen him like this before. The darkly glistening sapphire that took place where his left eye had once been always struck her as beautiful, she couldn’t imagine the daft ladies at court who would find it monstrous. She would never find him monstrous.

Something he saw in Cassandra’s expression caused Aemond to take a sharp inhale of air, he turned his face into the palm of her hand and gently kissed her there.

“Is he dead?” Cassandra at last voiced the question she knew already hung heavy in the air.

Aemond’s eye returned to her face, “Yes.”

A pause.

“Good. He was a fool to come here on behalf of Rhaenyra, though my sister should not have provoked you.”

“I am glad she did.” Aemond pulled away from her and began peeling off the rest of his soaking clothing, “Lucerys sealed his fate the moment he slashed out my eye.”

Cassandra hummed and ran a finger up Aemond’s back, smiling at the way he reacted to her touch. “My lord father approves as well, I heard him talking.” She continued as Aemond hung his clothing to dry, “No love is lost between him and the Blacks, and he was galled at the audacity they sent Lucerys to bandy crooked words, especially being already betrothed to that Velaryon girl.”

Aemond approached her again, his long silver hair almost dry now. He took her hand in his, bringing it to his mouth, and kissed her fingers. “And what has happened in my absence? I heard guards speaking, trading gossip, as I made my way up to your rooms. What outrageous tales they spun.”

His eye bored into hers, a wild look on his face. “What did you get up to, Cassandra?”

His other hand snaked around her lower back, pulling her tight against his now warm body.

She smiled ruefully, “It was a dissenter, someone who didn’t agree with my father sending Lucerys Strong away in such a manner…whispers that he encouraged you to pursue the boy fill this place.” Aemond made a small noise in the back of his throat but let her continue. “They accosted me in my reading room, accusing me of betrothing myself to a madman and a kinslayer.”

“How pleased they will be to know at least one of those is now true.” Aemond’s violet eye glittered, an eerie effect of the fireplace echoing across the surface of his sapphire eye.

“They won’t be pleased by much, as I quickly crossed to the traitor and pushed them out the window.”

Aemond stilled, his hand which had been stroking Cassandra’s back froze. “So the guards were not full of idle gossip after all, you murdered a man.”

She smiled up at him, “The things we do for love.”

Aemond breathed out a laugh, bringing his hands up to cradle her face. “You are a wild, fierce thing.” He kissed her and she moaned into his mouth, her hands tangling in his silky hair.

Their legs knocked together as Aemond backed her up until she collapsed backward onto the bed.

“You will be my wife and the whole world will bend the knee to us or burn.” Aemond lowered himself to kneel between Cassandra’s knees, pushing the fabric of her nightgown out of his way.

Her head fell back, long black hair splayed around her, grabbing a fistful of his hair as Aemond began kissing his way up her inner thigh.

It was going to be a long night.

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