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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Can u imagine Aegon slapping someone's ass but then she turns around and bam, Aemond's wife 🤡

hahaha listen I had to write this Anon message into a fic it's too funny...(post writing edit) Aemond got more angry than I thought he would so enjoy him popping off I guess!

Aemond x wife!reader | Protective Aemond | Run, Aegon, run

The night was growing late, and the goblets of wine quickly emptying. Especially Aegon's, you noticed, with a roll of your eyes. You glanced over to where your husband sat at the end of the long oaken table, catching his eye and sharing an aggrieved expression as Aegon called loudly for the serving maid to return.

Aemond's angular face was set in a stern expression as his violet eye flicked back to watching his brother, half rising from his own seat as Aegon stumbled to a stand. "More wine! Bring that serving girl back...the one with the large tits!" His face was flushed, and he could barely stand for how drunk he was.

You sighed, shaking your head as you moved toward where Aemond had his place at the table. Aegon stumbled forward, still in pursuit of his favorite drink as you brushed past him. You felt a blow to your rear, sharp even through the fabric of your skirts as Aegon smacked a hand to your ass, groping you a moment before letting go.

The small dining hall fell silent, even the musicians ceased their playing, all eyes looking in shock at what had just occurred. You had to take a moment to fully register what had just did Aegon by the look on his plastered face as you slowly turned to face him. His bloodshot eyes widened as they took you in, quickly swiveling toward where Aemond was now standing.

"Aemond I-" Aegon hastily began to defend himself but was silenced when, with all the might you could muster, you smacked an open palm across his face in a stinging blow. "Fuck. Fuck!" Aegon stumbled back, clutching his cheek with both hands. "You vicious little bitch!" The drunken prince, eyes darkening, took a heavy step toward you, his hands curling into fists.

In a blur of movement that sent you stumbling to the side, Aemond was between the two of you, his hand grabbing the collar of Aegon's shirt to yank him close. "You forget yourself, brother. That is my wife." Aemond hissed into Aegon's face.

"I don't care if she's Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, she hit me!" Aegon protested, trying to free himself from Aemond's iron grasp.

With an almost animalistic growl, Aemond dragged his brother across the room toward the exit. The other people in the room watched with wide eyes and whispered behind their hands as they went.

"Aemond!" You called, hurrying to catch up with the two men, resisting the urge to rub at your sore rump.

You had a very real fear that your husband was about to murder his elder brother, especially as Aemond slammed him against the stone wall of the empty corridor outside the dining hall.

"Gerroffme!" Aegon writhed, choking a little with the force of Aemond's grip.

"Aemond!" You grabbed your husband's elbow, trying to ease the pressure he was applying to Aegon's throat.

"Apologize." Aemond seethed, his teeth bared, heedless to your tugging at his arm.

"I thought she was a servant!" Aegon gasped. "I would never-you know I wouldn't touch your wife knowingly!"

"Maybe you should stop assaulting women altogether, Aegon." You said severely, suddenly thinking Aemond was applying just the right amount of pressure to his throat.

"You will apologize to my wife and every other woman you have touched against her will." Aemond pressed his brother harder into the wall. "Which is quite a long list."

Aegon was silent, weighing his options, fighting to breathe, his hands still scrabbling at Aemond's forearms. His lilac eyes flitted to your face, he fought to control the sneer that itched up his lips as he looked at you. "I am sorry."

"Aw, you mean it?" You deadpanned, glaring daggers at him.

"Touch her again and-"

"Yes yes, I will regret being born. Can you let me go now, I can't breathe, Aemond."

With a sound halfway between a snarl and a sigh Aemond turned his head to look at you. You nodded. "Let him go."

Aemond abruptly released Aegon, making no moved to help him as he almost crumpled to the ground. "Make your apologies and pray I don't catch you harassing anymore girls." Aemond spoke, his voice deadly calm. "Spend your desires in the brothels you like so much."

"Fuck you." Aegon spat on the ground at Aemond's feet. "When did you become such a champion of women's honor?"

"Since I married Y/N." Aemond took a menacing step toward him, causing Aegon to shuffle backwards instinctively.

You grabbed Aemond's hand, coaxing him back to you. Aegon looked ready to spit again but thought better of it. Instead, he shook his head, derision written all over his face as he turned and stomped back into the dining hall.

"Are you alright?" Aemond brought your interlocked fingers up to his lips. "He didn't hurt you, did he?"

" He just surprised me is all."

"I could kill him sometimes."

"He's your brother, Aemond."

"The bane of my existence."

You laughed. "Like I said: your brother."

He smiled at that, finally relaxing a bit, his hand still firmly around your own. He reached around with his other hand, caressing your aching backside carefully, ducking his silver head to place a kiss to your mouth.

"If he treats all maids in the Red Keep like that..." You shook your head.

"He's done much worse." Aemond nodded, face grave as he studied you. "It is passed time for it to end."

You squeezed his hand, nuzzling into the crook of his neck as Aemond drew you closer into his arms. "If there's anyone who can, hmm, convince him to stop it's you."

"I hope you're right, my ember."

The two of you remained in the empty corridor, entwined, breathing in the comforting scent of one another for quite some time. You didn't return to the dining room, instead making your slow way hand-in-hand back to your chambers where Aemond called for a steaming bath to be poured. The hot water and firelight welcoming you, but nothing was so comfortable as the feeling of Aemond's warm arms around you, always holding you close to his heart.

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