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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

A Soft Morning


Could you write Aemond as he takes care of his newborn daughter. Maybe something from his pov, his thoughts when she looks at him, smiles at him, giggles in his presence and all feelings washing through him. Him observing her, lulling her to sleep, as many moments of the two of them as possible. Maybe even him already talking to her in High Valyrian so she would be familiar with language since the beginning. Let our hearts melt 💖

But of course! I was in the mood to write this tender moment of dad Aemond and his little girl.

Call this a precursor to when she grows up into a teenager and he has to fight off suitors left and right.

Aemond x fem!reader | dad Aemond | a gentle morning

She was sunshine on a cold winter’s day.

His little dragon. Given to him by the woman he was still awed to call “wife”.

Aemond reached down, smiling as his little daughter clasped his index finger with her tiny fist. Her mouth, so much like his, curled into a toothless grin as she gurgled and cooed up at him.

She was beautiful.

A perfect creation.

Aemond carded his fingers through her soft white curls, her lilac eyes shining with adoration as he lifted her carefully into his arms. She tugged at his own silver hair, chubby fingers probing the side of his face where his sapphire sat.

She seemed entranced by the glittering gemstone, her wide eyes staring in wonder, not fear. Aemond’s throat tightened as he watched her study him, his heart feeling fuller than he ever thought possible.

Aemond bounced his little dragon in his arms, peppering kisses all over her scrunched up face until she giggled, her small fingers tugging at his nose and ears as she laughed wildly.

“Issa qēlos.” Aemond murmured, tucking his daughter under his chin as he held her against his chest. “Ao issi issa glaeson.”

He continued speaking High Valyrian into her soft hair. She had stilled, seemingly intent on listening to the low tone of his voice as he spoke the language of their ancestors.

Aemond turned to the arched window. “Jurnegon.” He pointed, guiding his daughter’s curious gaze to the sprawling city of King’s Landing, the sea sparkling blue far beyond. A dragon, Dreamfyre by the blue hue of her scales, soared above the shimmering waves. Far out, Aemond heard a distant roar. “Zaldrīzes.” He whispered into his daughter’s ear. “Dragon.” He smiled, kissing the top of her head as she cooed at the beautiful creature. “Soon you will ride one of your own. Perhaps I will take you with me atop Vhagar someday.”

“Hopefully not before she is at least a year old, Aemond.”

His smile broadened as he turned to the doorway, his wife looking radiant as she shook her head teasingly at him. “I’ll not allow you to take our infant daughter on a dragon joyride.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it, my love.” Aemond chuckled, crossing to kiss her deeply, savoring the taste of her lips as their daughter shifted to look up at them, her little arms reaching out for her mother.

“She’s hungry.” Y/N said, hoisting the child into her arms and cradling her against her bosom.

Aemond moved back to the window, resting his back against the stone wall as he watched his wife feed their baby. She rocked the little one, looking down at her with radiant adoration as she hummed a soft lullaby.

“You are a wonderful mother.” He murmured.

“Just as you are the best father.” She graced him with one of those smiles that made his heart skip a beat.

She did not know the impact those words had, and Aemond gave nothing away in his expression. To be the kind of father Aemond never had was one of the greatest desires of his life.

Tempering the emotion swelling within him, Aemond strode over to where Y/N still nursed their daughter, embracing her from behind as he kissed her head, breathing in the intoxicating scent of her hair. His hands trailed from the curves of her waist to cradle where their daughter lay nestled secure in her arms.

She sighed, leaning back into him, tilting her lovely head up to accept the searching kiss he pressed to her honeyed lips. A warm breeze floated through the open window, caressing Aemond’s skin and sending his long hair fluttering over his shoulders, tickling the column of Y/N’s neck. She giggled into his mouth, pulling away only slightly to brush her nose against his.

Their small daughter, now finished with her morning meal, stared up at them sleepily. Aemond brushed a thumb along the corner of her mouth, wiping away a droplet of moisture. “She’s a messy eater.” He mused.

“She gets it from your side of the family.” Y/N teased, readjusting her bodice.

“Undoubtedly.” Aemond agreed.

Their daughter reached out for him with both arms, straining to escape Y/N’s grasp. “It seems like she has an obsession with your hair.” His wife laughed, rolling her eyes as their daughter twined her tiny fingers once more in Aemond’s mussed locks.

“She inherited that from you.” Aemond shot his wife a mischievous glance, wincing slightly at a particularly sharp tug.

She slapped his shoulder playfully. “Oh hush.”

“As well as her strength!” Aemond feigned injury, looking down at the happy face of his little daughter. “You will have the might of ten men, and the stature of one of the Queens of Old Valyria.”

“Perzys se ānogar.” Y/N said softly, drawing Aemond’s lilac gaze to her reverent face.

“Perzys se ānogar.” He echoed. “Fire and blood.”

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