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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

10 Things I Hate About You

Anonymous asked:

Aemond and the trope "Reluctantly has a crush on his favourite weirdo and hates that he's soft about it but damn they're cute" gives me life "I hate that I'm in love with you, what no I didn't say love, shut up" vibes

'Y/N, try to act like you're enjoying this."

"Bite me, Aemond."

haha this was the perfect ask for my newest enemies to lovers oneshot.

Aemond x fem!reader | enemies to lovers | light smut at end

“In public, we’re in love. In private, we are in a civil war. Remember that, or we’re fucked.”

Aemond stifled a snort of derision at your terse whisper, turning it into a polite cough as he nodded at a group of huddled onlookers. You shot him a sidelong look, quickly looking away to smile at a pair of elderly women who were clapping for you. “This isn’t going to work.”

“Hush, we can air our grievances once we get someplace with less listening ears.” Aemond’s arm around your waist tightened, almost painfully, as he steered you through the crowded hallways. “Besides, I am madly in love with my betrothed.”

“Oh, you’re going to have to work on that.”


The stone corridors Aemond and you now walked through were empty, he led you to a set of great oaken doors that swung open on silent hinges. A darkened arched space and smell of many old books greeted you beyond them. “The library, how romantic.”

“Private is more what I was going for.” Aemond pushed the small of your back and you stumbled into the room, shooting him a withering glare over your shoulder.

“You know, I’m not pleased about this either.” You snapped, smoothing your skirts haughtily.

Aemond quickly closed the doors and scanned the room with his violet eye, making sure you two were alone. A fireplace flickered in the hearth, the only source of light in the spacious library. “You are from a house that openly declared for Rhaenyra.”

“Yet…” You had walked over to the mantlepiece by the hearth, running a finger along it and looking in distaste at the dust you gathered. “I find myself suddenly betrothed to Aemond Targaryen who, if I remember correctly, is not on her side.” You let your gaze wander to where he stood stiffly, eyeing his leather jerkin tied at his trim waist with two buckles and sporting intricate dragon fasteners. His sword was at his hip, a small sapphire gemstone inlaid upon the pommel. “Your mother, or rather her father, stole me and are now forcing us to get married so as to ensure my house’s allegiance.”

“They hardly stole you.” Aemond defended, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. “You were handmaid to my sister.”

“Am I allowed to go home?” You asked, eyes widening in mock surprise.


“Then I am a prisoner here.” You turned your back to him, looking into the flames.

“With our union, we gain a key asset to our side.” Aemond said bluntly, his footsteps muffled on the stone floor as he approached you slowly. “The support of your house is instrumental in winning the coming war.”

“Will you stoop so low?” You whirled on him, anger pulsing in your veins, jabbing a finger at his chest. “First your family declares Aegon king against Viserys’ wishes, now you take political hostages!”

Aemond caught your wrist, holding it firmly and jerking you closer. “King Viserys’ last wish was for Aegon to be named his heir.”

“You cannot believe that.” You looked aghast at him. “Surely you’re cleverer than that, Aemond.”

“It matters little what I believe.” The prince released you, shaking his silver head. “I serve my family. A member of which you are soon to become.” A rueful smile pulled at his curved lips. “Whether you like it or not.”

“I don’t.”

“Hmm.” Aemond rolled his eye, running a hand through his long hair. “Perhaps in time you will learn to.” He turned from you, walking crisply to the door. “Don’t stray too far, Y/N. At my behest, you are to be treated with the dignity of a guest. Yet you are not free to leave the Keep.”

“A prisoner.” You muttered again, watching Aemond leave the library, closing the door behind himself.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

“Don’t you think you’re holding me a bit too tight?”

“Well, do you want this to be convincing or not?”

“I do, but a little looser than this would still be convincing.”

Aemond acquiesced. Loosening his grip on your waist as you both slowly swayed on the dance floor. The two of you were having a terrible time. You were barely managing to keep a convincing smile on your face, feeling much more like you were about to begin crying.

“Try to look less like you’re about to vomit, Y/N.”

“Maybe the soup was off.” You smiled sweetly up at him. “Why does it matter whether I appear happy or not? Surely the commonfolk don’t care…maybe they’d like it more if I were wailing and thrashing.”

“There are houses allied with your own who would not be so pleased.” Aemond murmured, bringing his mouth to your ear under the pretense of wishing to hold you closer. “If they saw you were…so unwilling they’d declare against us, and we would be forced to take drastic measures.”

Your stomach clenched. “I’d rather not know what that means.”


A ringing of metal on a crystal goblet halted the lilting music, you dropped your hands immediately from Aemond’s shoulders, but he tactfully kept hold of your waist.

“A toast!” It was one of the nobles, his face flush from many cups of wine. “To the two lovebirds! May your wedding day be festive!” Cheers rose up around the room. “And may your wedding night be productive!”

You ducked your head into Aemond’s shoulder, hiding the grimace you couldn’t keep off your face. Clapping and laughter echoed all around you followed by the scrape of goblets against the wooden tables as people toasted your happy union.

“Kiss!” Shouted one drunken reveler. “Give your love a kiss!” Cried another in agreement.

“Oh no.” You murmured into the leather of Aemond’s tunic.

As the crowd took up the chant of “kiss”, clapping their hands in encouragement, you felt Aemond’s finger slip under your chin. He pulled your face up to look at him, his lilac eye sparkling with something akin to mischievous mirth. The sound in the hall grew louder as the two of you hesitated, inches apart. You bit your lower lip, drawing Aemond’s gaze to the movement.

He looked back into your eyes. “May I kiss you, my lady?”

You couldn’t speak, settling for a curt nod. Aemond smirked, bringing his lips to yours with a smooth duck of his head.

A pulse of electricity shot to your core as Aemond’s warm mouth moved against your own. A small, pleased sound escaped your throat, despite your attempts to regain full capacity of your faculties. You had not expected your body to react like this, and it was with surprise you found yourself tangling your fingers in Aemond’s silken hair as he bent you backwards. The crowd laughed, pleased at the show you’d given them, as Aemond pulled away. You avoided his eye as it roved your features, very sure your red cheeks shone like beacons.

You spoke very little the rest of the evening, the feeling of Aemond’s lips on yours thoroughly distracting you; to the point you almost poured gravy into your cup instead of wine. Thankfully, Aemond saved you from that embarrassment, looking at you with mild concern as he poured your wine. You looked away from him quickly, hating yourself for the burning in your cheeks and erratic beating of your heart.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

“The boat awaits, my lady.”

“Thank you.” You gathered your skirts, moving to collect the few bags you’d managed to pack for your escape from King’s Landing.

Your waiting maid curtsied, a small frown upon her face. You looked at her, briefly wondering the reason for her mood before a rapping knock at the door sent your adrenaline spiking.

Your maid hurried to the door, opening it a crack, before curtsying low as Aemond pushed his way into your room. He was fully dressed despite the late hour, his coat and gloves of deepest green, contrasting with his silvery hair. His violet eye snapped to focus on you with dangerous intent. “Leave us.”

The maid curtsied again, looking terrified at the ground.

“See my mother in the morning for your coin.” Aemond dismissed her, not breaking his gaze from your face.

You watched the traitorous girl scurry from the room, the door clicking shut behind her.

“My brother may be incompetent and unaware…” Aemond took measured steps toward you. “I am not.”

Tears welled behind your eyes, anger and frustration mixing in your chest. You moved to stride passed the prince, but he caught your arms, spinning you to face him. You fought against him, useless as it was, the tears falling freely down your cheeks as he held you firm, unflinching as your fists met his chest.


“Let me go, Aemond!”


“I cannot be kept here like some prize animal!”

Aemond moved with you until your back hit the wall. Your fists on his chest flattened as you pressed your palms against his coat, your eyes puffy as sobs racked your body. Aemond made a soft noise in the back of his throat, his hand cupping the nape of your neck as you leaned your forehead against his chest, beneath his chin. His other hand rubbed the small of your back soothingly.

“There is little I can say to make this easier, Y/N.” Aemond took your shoulders, encouraging you to look at him. “I am truly sorry for your distress. I do not wish for you to suffer.”

“What do you wish for, Aemond?” You sniffled, feeling his fingers lightly brush your tear-stained cheeks.

“A great many things.” Aemond’s gaze, so cold with anger a moment ago, had softened as you looked up at him with watery eyes. “War not being among them. Nor wedding a woman who despises me.”

“I don’t despise you, Aemond.” He stilled at your words looking at you with a guarded expression as you continued. “You’re a pawn in this as much as I am.”

“I don’t know how to take that.” A wry smile curved his lips as Aemond continued watching you.

“Will I ever be able to see my family again?”

“After the war is over, and the threat to Aegon’s rule is removed.” Aemond smoothed your hair, tucking a strand of it behind your ear. “It won’t be long, Y/N.”

“How do you know?”

Aemond sighed, unable to answer, his eye searching your own. Silence stretched between the two of you, heavy with unspoken words.

“Don’t try leaving again. I might not be the one to catch you next time.”

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆



“You’re staring.”

“I’m observing.”

You rolled your eyes, quickly schooling your fond smile into a more neutral expression. “What do you see?”

Aemond didn’t answer, a small smirk curling his lips as he continued to observe you over his book.

What?” You snapped your own book shut, rising to your feet, your brow arched.

Aemond methodically marked his place, shutting his volume of philosophy and setting it aside before standing to meet you. “An infuriating woman, is what I see.” His reached out to knead the fabric of your skirts with his fingers, his gaze lilac intent on your face.

“I’m flattered.”

“You are something, Y/N, that much is certain.”

“You’re a royal pain in my-” Your words were cut off in a gasp as Aemond swiftly pulled you to him, capturing your mouth with his own, drinking down the gasping moan that escaped your throat.

You felt his hot breath fill your lungs, your hands wandering the planes of his back, curling in his hair, tugging the silver locks to make him hum in pleasure like that again. You felt his knee part your thighs, his touch tracing lines of fire along the exposed skin of your throat and chest. You lost yourself in the feel and taste and smell of the prince as he deepened the kiss, sweeping his tongue into your mouth. You arched into his hand, pressing into where he palmed your breast through the velvety bodice you wore.

Aemond.” You breathed, your lips brushing his as he made to pull away from you. “Don’t you dare leave me here like this.” Your hands tugged at his trim waist, urging his body to press back against you.

“You want this?” He asked, his eye hooded as he looked down into your flushed face, his own cheeks faintly pink.

“I want this.” You sucked in a breath as he nipped at your throat. “I need-”

Your words cut off in another heady moan as you felt him mark your skin, sucking trailing kisses down to the swell of your breast straining above your corsage.

“Hmm?” He murmured against your flesh. “What do you need, my love?”

You felt his hands bunching the fabric of your skirts, the heat of his fingers finding the inside of your thighs.

Aemond-” You gasped, his exploratory hands dipping beneath your smallclothes.

“Ah.” He chuckled low, kissing the corner of your panting mouth. “I see.” He looked at your wanton expression with a dilated eye. “In that case, let me give him to you.”

You ground yourself against his hand, your lust taking full control as you kissed Aemond roughly, pulling his hair so that his head tipped back, exposing his throat to your own bruising kisses.

“If it is within my power, I will give you all that you desire.” Aemond promised, his voice husky with want. He lifted you into his arms, you wrapped your legs around his torso as he backed you against the wall, his lips descending hard upon your own once more.

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