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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

Y/N: Are we fighting or flirting?Aemond: I have you pinned against the wall and with a blade at you

I won't be able to sleep until I write this, and a cat just settled on my legs so...looks like I'm stuck here for a while.

Aemond x reader | enemies to lovers (?) trope

"You really thought I wouldn't notice you." Aemond materialized out of the shadows, blocking your path in the long stone hallway. "That you could slip away without consequence."

"I'm flattered you recognized me." You laid a careful hand upon the hilt of your sword, spacing your feet shoulder-width apart.

"You're hard to miss, Y/N."

"I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult." You mirrored his movements as he drew his sword, sinking into a defensive stance.

"I can't just let you go."

"You could..." You watched as Aemond advanced slowly toward you, twirling his blade expertly. "I won't tell anyone."

The Targaryen prince smirked at you. "And let you spread my family's secrets to our enemies? I think not."

You blocked his blow as Aemond swung at your side. "You are alone, all the King's Guard are back in the great hall, getting drunk. You have no reinforcements."

"I need none." Aemond parried your next attack deftly, his silver hair catching the torchlight distractingly as it danced over his shoulders.

You gritted your teeth, trying to concentrate. This wasn't the first time you and Aemond had crossed blades, nor would it be the last. You had been sent, as he had accused, to gather intelligence that could be used against the Greens. However, little did Aemond know, you had no desire to fulfill your duty, instead choosing to try and depart King's Landing early. Of course, he had seen you.

"I don't know what secrets you're referring to, my prince." You continued exchanging quick strikes, neither of you making contact. "Your family isn't all that interesting."

"And yet..." Aemond tried disarming you with a fancy move you hadn't experienced before, almost succeeding. "This is not the first time I've caught you out here." The hilts of your swords interlocked as Aemond maneuvered you close, pushing you back against the wall roughly. "I'm beginning to think you miss me."

"Keep dreaming." You scoffed, unable to take your eyes off his curved lips, which were very close to your own.

Your attention was refocused unpleasantly as you felt the sharp prick of a knife against your exposed neck. Aemond had drawn his dagger, pressing it dangerously to your where your pulse beat.

His violet eye roved lazily across your features, his other hand keeping your locked blades together. "You seem rather distracted, Y/N. Normally you're more of a challenge for me."

"Are we fighting or flirting, Aemond?"

"I have you pinned against the wall, with a blade at your throat." Aemond pressed you harder into said wall to emphasize his words.

"Your point?" You smirked up at him, your breath intermingling with his own.

The prince's prominent brow furrowed, a look of bemusement replacing his previous frown.

"So...." You said casually, leaning your face a little closer, ignoring the pricking of his blade. "Is this the part where you kill me?"


"Because I'd much rather you kissed me."

Aemond's lips parted in shock, though he fought valiantly to neutralize his expression. "You are a spy."

"Goodness, you sound a little breathless. Is everything alright?"

Your lips were very close to his now. He did not move away as you grazed your mouth against his, placing the lightest of kisses to the corner of his mouth, your hands tugging him closer by his waist.

With a groan and a roll of his eye, Aemond pressed his lips firmly to yours, pushing your head back against the stone wall as he explored your wanting mouth. The feel of him was like fire, his taste intoxicating. His hot tongue danced with your own before he withdrew to nibble and tug at your lower lip. You moaned lewdly, pressing your thigh suggestively against him. "Is that another dagger? Or are you just happy to see me?" You smirked up at him, his eye dilated with desire. The feeling of metal prickling the side of your neck eased, as he slowly lowered his knife.

With a swift, fluid movement, you ducked under his arm, freeing your sword from his in the process. You didn't have the chance to strike, even if you had wanted to, for Aemond was the swiftest opponent you had ever fought. He rounded upon you, sword and dagger at the ready, though he did not attack. His long hair was still mussed from where your fingers had tangled mere moments before.

"Let me go." You carefully sheathed your sword back in its scabbard, raising both your hands. "I didn't gather any information, this I swear."

"Why should I trust any word you utter?" Aemond's weapons lowered almost subconsciously as he continued to watch you, wariness and wonder warring across his face.

"You shouldn't." Was your simple reply. "I would think my actions spoke louder anyway."

You turned on your heel, giving the prince one last look, and he watched motionless as you disappeared into the night.

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