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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime

My Whole Life Loving You


Hi… I honestly don't know how I ended up obsessed with that character but here I am, I ended up reading a thousand stories and yours were definitely one of my favorites so, the other time I was watching Little Women and I got to the "you're being mean" scene and I wanted to request something similar ;-; Aemond and Reader are close friends, as Reader is also insecure about her appearance (she has a burn scar on parts of her jaw and neck from an accident) and they both share a taste for history and always read together, Reader naturally falls for him, but he then is bethoted with the Baratheon girl (or starts his relationship with Alys Rivers) and Reader decides to accept the marriage proposal of a lord of a lesser house who was courting her (and seems to have genuine feelings for her), Aemond finds out about this and something similar to the scene happens

Sorry if is too long, i like the angst so much, thanks for ur time :D

Hi friend! I freaking LOVE this idea, had to whip something up for it.

Hope you like it! This scene and the story of Little Women is one of my favorites.

Aemond x fem!reader | angst | unrequited love isn't

“Stop worrying at it.” Aemond placed his hand atop yours, replacing it to rest atop the table you both were studying at.

“I need to hide it.” You broke away from his grasp and continued trying to pull the collar of your dress higher to hide the scar that branched across your neck and jaw.

“You do not.” Your friend huffed, giving up on comforting you and returning his gaze to the book before him.

“You hide yours!”

“That’s different.”

You had been friends with the prince ever since the two of you were children, playing together in the Red Keep. He had grown close with you and yet closer with your elder sister, his admiration for her palpable. You were several years younger than Aemond, and he viewed you more as a little sister than anything which could blossom into something more…despite your ardent affection for the young man.

You couldn’t say exactly when you first had fallen in love with him, perhaps you had always loved him. It only grew with time, as under the pretense of only friendship you sought him out to study together in the library or engaged him in deep conversation when he wasn’t spending time with your sister.

“You’re staring.” Aemond’s one eye was upon your face, a cheeky smile twitching his lips.

“I am not.” You returned your focus to your charcoal drawing in front of you.

He leaned over to get a better look at your work. “My nose isn’t that large, surely.”

“Don’t look! I’m not done with it yet!” You hastily swept the parchment back into the folder where you kept your unfinished artwork.

“Hmm, I should hope not.” Aemond chuckled, ruffling your hair before rising from his chair. “I must go, your sister insisted on me showing her the new addition to the Dragon Pit.”

Your heart stuttered, an all-too-familiar ache shooting through your chest. You forced a bright smile. “Have fun!”

“You leave for the Northlands tomorrow. Are you sure you do not wish to come join us on our riveting tour?”

“And ruin the romance? Please, Aemond, I’m not that cruel.”

He tsked at you, giving a small smile before departing the dark library, his silver hair swishing across his lean back as he walked away.

You were left alone with the dust and smell of old parchment, the crackling of the fireplace keeping you company.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

Drama unfolded that eve, Aemond proposed marriage to your older sister, and she refused his hand, much to his evident devastation.

She came to you later that night, hugging you and crying upon your shoulder. “We have been friends all our lives; I could never feel anything but friendship for him.” She looked up at you with reddened eyes. “I don’t believe I will ever marry, Y/N. I am happy as I am, but I don’t want to lose his friendship!”

“How did Aemond take it?” You asked, regretting the question when it sent your sister into another fit of sobs.

You shushed her, pulling her into a warm embrace as she vented. Feeling a tug on your own heart as you thought about how in the morning you would be leaving King’s Landing to pursue a future of your own.

You did not see Aemond again that night nor the next morning as you prepared to depart the city. Rumor had it he was shut away in his chambers, nursing a rare hangover, not to be disturbed. You asked his mother, the queen regent, to wish him well for you.

“I will let him know, my dear.” Alicent said, hugging you tightly. “It may take him a while to recover, but I believe Aemond will bounce back from your sister’s rejection. Be sure to send ravens, I am eager to learn how your art apprenticeship progresses!”

“I promise!” You loved the queen, as you loved your own mother.

You wished you had told her that before you left the Keep.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

“What do you think of this?” You placed the finishing stroke upon your canvas and looked up into the face of Tomas, your betrothed.

You had been an apprentice of art for a couple years now and had met a man with whom you had fallen in love. At least that is what you told yourself each night before bed, trying to convince your unwilling heart.

“I think it looks like a masterpiece!” He exclaimed, kissing the scar on your neck briefly, looking at the painting of green and yellow hue. “Another one, you never produce anything less.”

“Thank you my-” Your voice broke, shock constricting your throat as your eyes fell upon a familiar figure standing in the archway of the gardens. “Aemond.”

“Lady Y/N.” Aemond strode forward, paying no heed to Tomas standing still over your shoulder. “Business of the Crown brings me to White Harbor; I had hoped to run into you here.”

“Prince Aemond, meet my betrothed, Sir Tomas.”

Sir Tomas bowed to the Targaryen prince. “Y/N has told me much about you and your friendship. It is an honor to meet you at last, your grace.”

“Hmm.” Aemond nodded to the man, the violet of his eye complimented by the deep purple and greens of his regal clothes. “May I walk you through the gardens, Y/N? We have much to catch up on. Bring some of your sketchings perhaps?”

“Yes, my love. I must depart for the docks, I shall see you at supper tonight.” Tomas kissed you swiftly, turning back to the tense prince. “I do hope you will grace us with your presence tonight?”

Aemond nodded again, watching as your betrothed took his leave, his eye following Tomas until he was out of sight.

“Oh come on, Aemond. He’s a really wonderful man.” You sighed, rolling your eyes, before taking Aemond’s rigid hand and leading him deeper into the gardens.

The two of you walked and chatted, the years of not seeing one another melting away. Soon you were laughing, enjoying the familiar curve of his lips and witty remarks he made. You sat with him on the lawn, under a blossoming tree, showing him the many pieces you were currently working on. With a charcoal stick in hand, you quickly drew a few sketches of Aemond, as he spoke to you about events at King’s Landing.

He looked with interest at what you had created, humming in approval. “These are very good, you’ve improved significantly.” He touched a separate piece of parchment, an older drawing you had made of him. “When did you make this one?”

“The day after I arrived here…when I first met Tomas.” You tried swallow down the sadness creeping up your throat as you looked into Aemond’s eye.

Aemond studied you, his lilac gaze roving every contour and curve of your face. He was silent for a long time, his long fingers pulling aimlessly at the green grass.

“Don’t marry him.” His velvet voice was low, but the words he spoke rang clear as church bells.


“Don’t marry him.” Aemond repeated, his brow furrowing as he looked at you.

“Why?” You were baffled, looking down as Aemond wrapped his fingers around your charcoal-stained hand.

“‘Why’? You know why.”

You stood suddenly, sending the drawings scattering from your skirts. “No. No, no.” You backed away from Aemond who come to his feet as well.

“Yes.” He advanced on you, his eye intent upon your face.

“No, Aemond. You’re being cruel, stop it.” You pushed him away as he came close, tears blurring your vision.

“How am I being cruel, Y/N?” He was truly confused, trying to read the expression in your eyes as he bent closer.

“I have been second to my sister my whole life, in everything.” The words tumbled from your lips before you could stop them. “And I will not be the person you settle for just because you cannot have her.” The hurt was evident in your voice as you placed a trembling hand to your forehead. “I won’t do it.”

Aemond was silent, watching you with something akin to regret playing across his features. A frown tugged his mouth downwards, his hands loose at his sides.

You looked away from him, trying to blink back the tears threatening to fall. “I won’t, not when I’ve spent my entire life loving you.” You jabbed a finger at his chest, throwing your charcoal and drawing board upon the ground before you stormed away.

Aemond did not pursue you as you fled the scene, tears streaming in earnest down your cheeks. You had admitted it aloud, to his face and to yourself. The first time you had acknowledged how deeply you loved him, and it had always been for naught.

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