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Writer's pictureAemondsWarCrime



Hi can I request hc about Aemond having a fight with fem wife Lannister reader like she’s jealous of him when he seems like flirting with other girl but the reader misunderstands the situation . Thank you :)

Ok this is a shorter one BUT I love writing for Lannisters so much I might continue this at a later date.

Married couple drama | Aemond gets a little rough

Aemond x Lannister!Reader

You twisted a lock of your golden hair around your fingers, glaring daggers with green eyes at your husband. Aemond was engaged in an all-too-friendly conversation with a wide-eyed girl, she was speaking animatedly to him, gesticulating with ring-clad hands.

Your own fingers tapped impatiently upon your goblet, willing Aemond to look across the room at you. It was only when your husband inclined his silver-haired head even further towards this woman that you took action. Swirling the wine in its glass, you took measured steps toward the pair, your scarlet skirts brushing against stone floor.

“Husband, might I steal you away for a moment?”

Aemond looked at you, his lilac eye appraising your steely expression. “Of course, Y/N.” He looked back at the girl. “Apologies, Rosmina, I will be just a moment.”

You took Aemond’s leather-clad elbow non-too gently and to his credit he allowed you to steer them outside of the dining room into a secluded section of hallway.

“You will be more than ‘just a moment’ if you know what’s good for you.” You hissed your words through gritted teeth, not wanting to be overheard. Over Aemond’s shoulder you could still see Rosmina moving on to the next handsome man available for conversation.

Aemond jerked his arm out of your grasp and grabbed your chin roughly between two fingers. “You will not assume to tell me what I do with my time, Y/N. You will remember your place as my lady wife.”

You slapped his hand off your face, heat flushing to your cheeks. “And you, Aemond, will remember your place as my lord husband. I will not have you flirting with some nameless girl from the edge of nowhere.”

Aemond tilted his head slightly, his eye moving quickly between your own. “So that’s what you think I was doing. Tell me, my lady, is it the fact she has no great name or the perceived slight to your own pride that bothers you more? Perhaps if I sought out Lady Tyrell or that very lovely Lady Redwyne you would approve.”

You raised a hand to strike him, but Aemond quickly caught your wrist in a vice-like grip. He pulled you closer to him, so that your noses brushed together. “If I were truly to flirt with another woman, my lioness, I don’t think I would be long for this world.” He kissed you, tilting his head and bringing his lips to yours. Still angry you pushed against him and bit at his lower lip harshly. Aemond broke away, grabbing your jaw with the hand not on your back. “I would expect no less from you, my wife. You are a jealous woman.” His pupil was dilated, only a small ring of the violet iris visible. “But I urge you to remember, I am a jealous man…and a dragon has sharper claws than those of a lion.”

He released you and you stumbled back slightly, touching a hand to your bruised mouth. Aemond reached forward, curling a long lock of your yellow hair around his index finger before caressing your waist, gently fingering the fabric there. He looked at you once more, an unreadable expression on his face, before turning back to the festivities of dinner and reentering the torch-lit room.

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